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Oncologisch onderzoek.nl

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TitelCommentaren Datum Auteur
Gerandomiseerde studie van levertransplantatie plus chemotherapie versus alleen chemotherapie voor niet-resectabele CLM (0)2024-09-23 12:00
Overall survival met pyrotinib plus capecitabine voor HER2-positief mammacarcinoom met hersenmetastasen (0)2024-09-22 15:00
Multicenter fase 3-studie van jood-131-apamistamab gevolgd door alloHCT versus gebruikelijke zorg voor R/R AML in oudere patiënten (0)2024-09-22 13:30
Multicenter fase 1b-2 studie van glutaminaseremming plus azacytidine voor gevorderde myelodysplastische syndromen (0)2024-09-22 12:00
Bevolkings-gebaseerde cohortstudie van epidemiologie van prostaatcarcinoom in het Verenigd Koninkrijk van 2000 tot 2022 (0)2024-09-21 15:00
Multicenter fase 1b-studie van linperlisib voor recidiverend en/of refractair perifeer T-cel lymfoom (0)2024-09-21 13:30
Draagbaar instrument-gebaseerde interventie voor bevordering van fysieke activiteit na chirurgie voor longcarcinoom (0)2024-09-21 12:00
Rogaratinib plus atezolizumab voor urotheelcarcinoom met FGFR RNA-overexpressie in niet voor cisplatine in aanmerking komende patiënten (0)2024-09-20 15:00
Multicenter fase 3-studie van stereotactische versus hypogefractioneerde radiotherapie voor niet-resectabel stadium I NSCLC (0)2024-09-20 13:30
Fase 1-studie van CAR T-cellen gericht op CD19 en GCC in patiënten met metastatisch colorectaalcarcinoom (0)2024-09-20 12:00
Observationele studie van ctDNA-gebaseerde residuele ziekte en overleving in resectabel colorectaalcarcinoom (0)2024-09-19 15:00
Gerandomiseerde studie van psychologische interventie voor mantelzorgers van patiënten met primaire maligne hersentumoren (0)2024-09-19 13:30
Cohortstudie van associatie tussen overgewicht en risico van tweede primaire maligniteiten onder overlevers van eerste maligniteiten (0)2024-09-19 12:00
Gepoolde analyse van twee studies van zolbetuximab voor maag of slokdarm-maagovergang adenocarcinoom (0)2024-09-18 15:00
Multicenter fase 3-studie van cabozantinib versus placebo voor eerder-behandelde gevorderde neuro-endocriene tumoren (0)2024-09-18 13:30


'gunstig hoog-risico'  “one thousand HER2 patients” project  (chemo)endocrine therapy  [11C] docetaxel  [18F]paclitaxel  %FT  1-day multidisciplinary clinic  1-year versus shorter duration of adjuvant trastuzumab  10-year outcomes  10-year recurrence  15-hydroxyprostaglandinedehydrogenase  15-PGDH  16-gene POLAR molecular signature  16K PRIL  16q23  1703-studie  177-Lu-dotatate  177Lu-PSMA-617 plus maintenance pembrolizumab  18F-FDG opname  18F-FDG PET CT  18F-fluciclovine-PET CT  18F-PSMA-1007 PET CT versus multiparametric MRI  1975-2016  1980-2017  1988-2017  1990 to 2017  1990-2017  1997-2016  1999-2020  1p 19q co-deleted oligodendroglioma  1p 19q codeleted oligodendroglioma  1p 19q non-co-deleted anaplastic glioma  2 induction courses of bacillus Calmette-Guèrin  20-year follow-up  20-year mortality  2000-2014  2003-2007 versus 2013-2017  2006-2016  2006-2019  2008-2018  2010-2016  2010-2019  2010-2020  2018 FIGO stage IIIC SCC of the cervix  2020 UK post-polypectomy surveillance guidelines  2021 cancer mortality prediction in EU and UK  2022 cancer mortality predictions in EU and UK  21-gen recurrence score assay  21-gene assay  21-gene assay and breast cancer mortality  21-gene assay recurrence score  21-gene expression assay  21-gene recurrence score  21-gene recurrence score and BCSS  21-gene RS  21-gene RS and response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy  21-year follow-up  25-hydroxyvitamin D  25-OH-D  25-OH-D level at time of diagnosis  27-hydroxycholesterol  28-year risk of lung cancer  3 versus 1 year adjuvant imatinib  3 versus 6 cycles CEV chemotherapy  3 versus 6 months adjuvant chemotherapy  3 vs. 6 months oxaliplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy  3-dose COVID-19 mRNA vaccination  321GO  3D brachytherapy  3D-conformal radiotherapy for breast cancer  3DCRT  4 Gy versus 24 Gy radiotherapy  45 and Up Study  4EVER trial  4L lymph node dissection  5-ARIs  5-fraction prone APB  5-fraction whole-breast radiotherapy  5-FU  5-gene peripheral blood signature  5-year final analysis  5-year follow-up  5α-reductase inhibitors  6-MP plus methotrexate  6.5-year outcomes  70-gene ST  70-GS  8-OHdG  8-year follow-up results of CheckMate 214  90-day outcomes  90101 CREATE-studie  90YIT  91-maands update van CALGB 100104-studie  A M ESCC  A M NSCLC  A M STS  A R EC  A R endometrial cancer  A U HER2-negative breast cancer  A.R.R.O.W-studie  A021501 trial  A041202 study  AA versus NHW patients  AAC  AACR  AACR 2015  AACR Academy  AACR Project GENIE  AALL1731 trial  AAML0531 trial  AAML1031 phase III trial  AAML1421 study  AAP  AAP for high-risk metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer  AAP with or without cabazitaxel  AAP with or without SBRT  AB  AB12005 study  abatacept for prevention of acute GVHD  ABBV-383  aBC  aBC in young women  ABC-06 trial  ABCB1 genetic variants  ABCD trial  ABCD-study  ABCSG 8A trial  ABCSG-18  ABCSG-18 study  ABCSG-52 ATHENE trial  abdominal and gluteofemoral size  abdominal radiation for childhood cancer; subsequent risk of diabetes  abdominopelvic RT for childhood cancer  abemaciclib  abemaciclib for MBC  abemaciclib plus ET  abemaciclib plus fulvestrant for MBC  Abi Race studie  abirateron  abiraterone  abiraterone acetate  abiraterone acetate and prednisolone with or without enzalutamide  abiraterone for prostate cancer  abiraterone or enzalutamide  abiraterone plus olaparib  abivertinib  ablatieve behandeling  ablative radiation therapy  ablative therapy after TACE for HCC  abnormale peritoneale cytologie  ABOUND.2L+ study  ABP plus gemcitabine  aBS  abscopal effect  ABSI  ABSOLUTE  absolute dense area  absolute lymphocyte count  absolute lymphocyte count at diagnosis  absolute OPC risk  absoluut neutrofielgetal  ABT-199  ABTC  ABVD  ABVD versus BEACOPP-escalated  AC after NAC and resection  acalabrutinib  acalabrutinib monotherapy  acalabrutinib versus ibrutinib  ACC  accelerated cellular senescence after chemotherapy  accelerated FDA approval cancer drugs  accelerated partial breast irradiation  accelerated partial breast irradiation versus whole breast irradiation  ACCENT database analysis  access to anticancer medicines for children and adolescents in Europe  ACCorD trial  accRCC  accRCC after immunotherapy  ACCRU study SC-1603  accrual  accumulation of chronic disease  ACE  ACE inhibitors versus ARBs  ACE study  ACE-LY-004 studie  acellular dermal matrix in immediate implant-based breast reconstruction  ACES  acetaminophen  achalasia  ACHIEVE study  acid-suppressive medication  acimtamig  ACIS study  ACLD  acne  ACOSOG Z0011  ACOSOG Z11102 trial  ACP statement  acquired resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors  acquired resistance to osimertinib  acraal melanoom  ACRIN 6686-studie  acromegaly  aCSCC  aCSCC in kidney transplant recipients  AcSé Pembrolizumab trial  AcSé phase 2 study  AcSé study  ACT  ACT for solid tumors  ACT-2 trial  Act.In.Sarc study  aCTCL  actieve surveillance  ACTIM  actinic keratosis  actinisch carcinoom  actinium-225-lintuzumab  actinium-225-PSMA  actionability  activated osteoarthritis after immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment  active cancer  active melanoma brain metastases  ACTIVE study  active surveillance  active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer  active surveillance for prostate cancer  actively treated cancer patients  activering immuunsysteem  ACTs  actual and surrogate Oncotype DX RS distribution  acupuncture  acupuncture for aromatase inhibitor-related joint pain  acupuncture for hot flashes  acute cancer-associated venous thromboembolism  acute care use after initiation of systemic cancer therapy  acute graft-versus-host disease  acute GVHD  acute kidney injury  acute leukemia  acute leukemie  acute lymfoblastische leukemie  acute lymphoblastic leukemia  acute myeloid leukemia  acute myeloïde leukemie  acute promyelocytische leukemie  acute promyeolcytische leukemie  acute toxic effects of the skin  acute toxicity  AD  AD-risico  adagrasib  adagrasib with or without cetuximab  ADAM-studie  ADAM8  ADAMTS-mutaties  ADAPT-IT study  ADAPT-studie  adaptive immune resistance  adaptive randomization  ADAs  ADAURA study  ADAURA trial  adavosertib  ADC as response marker  ADC versus SCC  ADCs  adding 6 months of ADT to PORT  adding durvalumab and olaparib to chemotherapy  adding gemcitabine to adjuvant chemotherapy  adding immunotherapy to first-line chemotherapy  adding MRI and biomarkers  adding OFS to tamoxifen  adding pertuzumab to first-line trastuzumab-docetaxel  adding pertuzumab to trastuzumab and chemotherapy  adding systemic to local therapy for stage I pT1aN0M0 breast cancer  addition of adjuvant capecitabine to standard chemotherapy  addition of ADT or PLNRT to PBRT  addition of androgen deprivation therapy or brachytherapy boost  addition of arsenic trioxide to frontline treatment  addition of bortezomib to first-line dexamethasone-rituximab-cyclophosphamide  addition of bortezomib to melphalan and dexamethasone  addition of BV to chemotherapy  addition of carboplatin to neoadjuvant chemotherapy  addition of celecoxib to adjuvant FOLFOX for stage III colon cancer  addition of chemotherapy to local therapy  addition of chemotherapy to neoadjuvant radiotherapy  addition of concurrent hypo-fractionated RT to failing anti-PD-1 therapy  addition of COX inhibition to immune checkpoint blockade  addition of daratumumab to lenalidomide plus dexamethasone  addition of ibrutinib to first-line bendamustine-rituximab  addition of ICIs to first-line chemotherapy  addition of lenalidomide to R-CHOP  addition of metastasis-directed therapy to systemic therapy  addition of navitoclax to ruxolitinib  addition of ramucirumab to docetaxel  addition of ruxolitinib to neoadjuvant therapy  addition of systemic therapy to definitive radiotherapy  additional cytogenetic abnormalities  additional immune modulators  additional medical expenditures  ADEBAR  adebrelimab  ademanalyse  ademtest  adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and esophagogastric junction  adenocarcinoma of the small intestine  adenocarcinoom  adenoma detection rate  ADH  adherence  adherence among cancer survivors  adherence to healthy lifestyle  adherene to adjuvant endocrine therapy  adherentie  adherentie AET  adherentie orale chemotherapie  ADI-PEG20  adipose tissue distribution  adipositas  adiposity and risk of YOBC subtypes  adiposity and survival  ADIUVO trial  adjunctive ultrasonography  adjuvant 3D-CRT versus image-guided IMRT for cervical cancer  adjuvant abemaciclib plus endocrine therapy  adjuvant abemaciclib plus endocrine treatment  adjuvant AIs  adjuvant alectinib versus chemotherapy  adjuvant anastrazole for 10 or 5 years  adjuvant and concurrent TMZ  adjuvant anthracyclines  adjuvant anti-PD-1 therapy  adjuvant aromatase inhibitor  adjuvant aspirin  adjuvant aspirin for cancer  adjuvant atezolizumab after adjuvant chemotherapy  adjuvant atezolizumab plus bevacizumab  adjuvant bevacizumab  adjuvant capecitabine  adjuvant capecitabine following concurrent chemoradiotherapy  adjuvant carboplatin plus taxanes versus EC followed by taxanes  adjuvant care  adjuvant chemotherapy  adjuvant chemotherapy after cytoreductive surgery  adjuvant chemotherapy after pCR to neoadjuvant CRT  adjuvant chemotherapy after preoperative FOLFIRINOX  adjuvant chemotherapy after RNU  adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer  adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer in older women  adjuvant chemotherapy for prevention of colorectal liver metastasis  adjuvant chemotherapy regimens  adjuvant chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy  adjuvant CRT  adjuvant Cs-131 brachytherapy  adjuvant CT after neoadjuvant ET  adjuvant dabrafenib plus trametinib  adjuvant dabrafenib plus trametinib for stage III melanoma  adjuvant dabrafenib plus trametinib versus placebo for BRAF V600-mutated stage III melanoma  adjuvant dabrafenib-trametinib versus anti-PD-1  adjuvant denosumab  adjuvant docetaxel-based chemotherapy for early breast cancer  adjuvant EGFR-TKIs  adjuvant endocrine therapy  adjuvant endocrine therapy in premenopausal breast cancer  adjuvant enzalutamide  adjuvant EP versus EC-P  adjuvant erlotinib for early-stage NSCLC  adjuvant erlotinib versus vinorelbine-cisplatin  adjuvant ET ± CT  adjuvant ET with or without abemaciclib  adjuvant etoposide plus cisplatin  adjuvant everolimus  adjuvant exemestane with OFS in premenopausal breast cancer  adjuvant fluoropyrimidine-oxaliplatin for early-onset CRC  adjuvant FOLFIRINOX versus gemcitabine  adjuvant FOLFOX FLOX  adjuvant GC or CCRT  adjuvant gefitinib versus chemotherapy  adjuvant GemCap versus gemcitabine  adjuvant gemcitabine sensitivity of resectable PDAC  adjuvant goserelin and tamoxifen  adjuvant icotinib  adjuvant icotinib versus chemotherapy  adjuvant imatinib  adjuvant ipilimumab  adjuvant ipilimumab versus IFNα-2b  adjuvant metronomic capecitabine  adjuvant mitotane  adjuvant multimodality therapy  adjuvant nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine  adjuvant neratinib  adjuvant nivolumab  adjuvant nivolumab after salvage resection  adjuvant nivolumab plus ipilimumab versus placebo  adjuvant nivolumab versus ipilimumab  adjuvant nivolumab versus placebo  adjuvant nivolumab vs ipilimumab  adjuvant olaparib  adjuvant olaparib for BRCA1 2-mutated breast cancer  adjuvant osimertinib  adjuvant paclitaxel and carboplatin versus CEF-T  adjuvant palbociclib  adjuvant pembrolizumab  adjuvant pemetrexed plus cisplatin versus vinorelbine plus cisplatin  adjuvant PemP versus NP  adjuvant pertuzumab  adjuvant phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibitors  adjuvant platinum-based chemotherapy  adjuvant radiation  adjuvant radiation therapy  adjuvant radiotherapy  adjuvant RT  adjuvant RT for breast cancer  adjuvant RT for EEC  adjuvant S-1  adjuvant S-1 plus endocrine therapy  adjuvant S-1 with or without docetaxel  adjuvant SCRT versus CCRT or RT alone  adjuvant sintilimab  adjuvant sorafenib  adjuvant TACE after hepatectomy  adjuvant tamoxifen adherence  adjuvant tamoxifen for HR-positive early breast cancer  adjuvant tamoxifen or AI for breast cancer  adjuvant therapies  adjuvant therapy  adjuvant TLPLDC vaccine  adjuvant TMZ with or without IFNα  adjuvant transarterial FOLFOX infusion  adjuvant trastuzumab  adjuvant trastuzumab duration  adjuvant trastuzumab for HER2-positive breast cancer  adjuvant trastuzumab with or without chemotherapy  adjuvant treatment  adjuvant treatment for breast cancer  adjuvant treatment for stage III melanoma  adjuvant treatments  adjuvant versus early salvage radiotherapy  adjuvant versus early salvage radiotherapy after prostatectomy for prostate cancer  adjuvant versus salvage radiotherapy  adjuvant weekly docetaxel plus radiotherapy  adjuvant XT-XEC versus T-FEC  ADJUVANT-studie  adjuvante chemotherapie  adjuvante CRT  adjuvante HER2-remming  adjuvante hormoontherapie  adjuvante systemische therapie  adjvant trastuzumab with or without chemotherapy  adjvuant chemotherapy versus chemoradiotherapy  ADMEC-O trial  ADMIRAL study  ADMIRAL trial  ADNEX  ado-trastuzumab emtansine  adolescent and young adult  adolescent and young adult cancer survivors  adolescent and young adult HL  adolescent overweigh or obesity  adolescents and young adults  adoptive T-cell therapy  ADORE trial  ADR  ADR and postcolonoscopy CRC risk  ADR improvement  ADRD  adrebrelimab  adrenal metastases  adrenocortical carcinoma  adrenocortical carcinoma cohort  ADRIATIC trial  ADRRAD study  ADRs  ADT  ADT for nmPCa  ADT for prostate cancer  ADT for prostate cancer in Canada  ADT plus pelvic RT plus radium-223  ADT risk of depression  ADT with or without docetaxel  adult alternative donor HCT  adult AML  adult cancers  adult childhood cancer survivors  adult chilhood cancer survivors  adult craniopharyngioma  adult glioma  adult glioma risk  adult glioma with LM  adult height  adult osteosarcoma patients  adult survivors of childhood ALL  adult survivors of childhood cancer  adult survivors of childhood cancer diagnosed between 1970 and 1999  adult survivors of neuroblastoma  adult T-cell leukemia lymphoma  adult type granulosa cell tumors of the ovary  adult weight gain  adults and children with cancer  advance uterine leiomyosarcoma  advanced acral melanoma  advanced adrenocortical carcinoma  advanced ALK-positive NSCLC  advanced ALK-positive or ROS1-positive NSCLC  advanced anal cancer  advanced anal squamous cell carcinoma  advanced anthracycline-naive sarcoma  advanced B-cell malignancies  advanced B-RAF- or K-RAS N-RAS-mutated solid tumors  advanced BCC  advanced biliary tract cancer  advanced biliary tract cancers  advanced BRAF V600-mutant melanoma  advanced BRAF-mutant melanoma  advanced BRAF-mutated melanoma  advanced BRAF-V600 mutated melanoma  advanced breast cancer  advanced BTC  advanced cancer  advanced cancer patients  advanced cancer-related chronic nausea and vomiting  advanced cancers  advanced carcinoid or pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor  advanced ccRCC  advanced cervical cancer  advanced cHL  advanced chondrosarcoma  advanced chordoma  advanced CLDN18.2 positive gastric cancer  advanced clear cell RCC  advanced colorectal liver metastases  advanced colorectal neoplasms at least ten years after negative coloscopy  advanced CRPC  advanced cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma  advanced dMMR solid tumors  advanced EGA  advanced EGFR T790M mutated non-small cell lung cancer  advanced EGFR-mutant NSCLC  advanced EGFR-mutated or ALK-rearranged NSCLC  advanced EGFR-positive non-squamous NSCLC  advanced endometrial cancer  advanced endometrial carcinoma  advanced ENKTL  advanced epithelial ovarian cancer  advanced epithelioid sarcoma with loss of INI1 SMARCB1  advanced ESCC  advanced esophageal cancer  advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma  advanced esophagogastric cancer  advanced extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma  advanced FL  advanced G GEJ adenocarcinoma  advanced G GEJ cancer  advanced gastric cancer  advanced gastric or colorectal cancer  advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma  advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction and other solid tumors  advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer  advanced gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma  advanced gastroesophageal cancer  advanced gastrointestinal cancer  advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors  advanced germ cell tumors  advanced GIST  advanced GIST with heterogenous KIT PDGFRA mutations  advanced GIST with KIT or PDGFRA mutation  advanced HCC  advanced hepatocellu;ar carcinoma  advanced hepatocellular carcinoma  advanced hepatocellular carcinoma after progression on anti-PD-(L)1  advanced hepatocellular carcinoma in Asian patients  advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with MET overexpression  advanced HER2-negative breast cancer  advanced HER2-negative breast cancer in germline BRCA-mutated patients  advanced HER2-positive breast cancer  advanced HL with large nodal mass  advanced HN CSCC  advanced HNSCC  advanced Hodgkin lymphoma  advanced HR-positive breast cancer  advanced HR+ HER2- BC or TNBC  advanced IDH1-mutant cholangiocarcinoma  advanced indolent lymphoma  advanced leiomyosarcoma  advanced leiomyosarcoma liposarcoma  advanced liposarcoma or leiomyosarcoma  advanced liver cancer  advanced lung adenocarcinoma  advanced lung cancer  advanced malignancy  advanced malignant mesothelioma  advanced MDS in elderly patients  advanced melanoma  advanced melanoma in patients not represented in phase 3 trials  advanced Merkel cell carcinoma  advanced metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma  advanced metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma  advanced microsatellite instability-high cancers  advanced microsatellite stable colorectal cancer  advanced MPM  advanced mucosal melanoma  advanced nccRCC  advanced non-clear cell RCC  advanced non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma  advanced non-clear-cell RCC  advanced non-small cell lung cancer  advanced non-small cell lung cancer in older adults  advanced non-small cell lung cancer with EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations  advanced non-small cell lung cancer with PD-L1<50% in elderly patients  advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer  advanced non-squamous NSCLC  advanced noncolorectal gastrointestinal cancer  advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer  advanced nonsquamous NSCLC  advanced nonsquamous NSCLC in elderly patients  advanced NSCLC  advanced NSCLC harboring EGFR exon 20 insertion mutations or common EGFR mutations  advanced NSCLC harboring KRAS G12C mutation  advanced NSCLC in special populations  advanced NSCLC or CRC  advanced NSCLC with EGFR ex19del or L858R alterations  advanced NSCLC with high blood-based TMB  advanced NSCLC with T790M mutated EGFR  advanced or metaastatic colorectal cancer  advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer  advanced or metastatic CRC  advanced or metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma  advanced or metastatic RCC  advanced or metastatic thymic carcinoma  advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma  advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer  advanced or recurrent endometrioid endometrial cancer  advanced or refractory desmoid tumors  advanced ovarian cancer  advanced ovarian cancer in patients with BRCA-mutation  advanced ovarian carcinoma  advanced ovarian tubal-peritoneal cancer  advanced ovarium neoplasms  advanced pancreas cancer  advanced pancreatic cancer  advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor  advanced papillary renal cell carcinoma  advanced PDAC  advanced penile cancer  advanced phyllodes tumor of the breast  advanced prostate cancer  advanced pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma  advanced rare cancers  advanced rare genitourinary malignancies  advanced RCC  advanced recurrent ovarian cancer  advanced recurrent type B3 thymoma or thymic carcinoma  advanced refractory biliary tract cancer  advanced refractory CRC  advanced refractory esophageal squamous cell carcinoma  advanced renal cell carcinoma  advanced renal-cell carcinoma  advanced RET-mutant medullary thryoid cancer  advanced ROS1 fusion-positive non-small cell lung cancer  advanced salivary gland cancer  advanced salivary gland carcinoma  advanced sarcoma  advanced soft tissue and bone sarcomas  advanced soft-tissue sarcoma  advanced solid cancer  advanced solid cancer in trial-ineligible patients  advanced solid cancers  advanced solid HER2-positive tumors  advanced solid KRAS G12C-mutated tumors  advanced solid malignancies  advanced solid tumors  advanced solid tumors or tenosynovial giant cell tumor  advanced solid tumors with KRAS-G12C mutation  advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the anus  advanced squamous non-small cell lung cancer  advanced squamous non-small-cell lung cancer  advanced squamous NSCLC  advanced stage as end point  advanced stage iNHL  advanced stage mantle cell lymphoma  advanced stage serous borderline ovarian tumor  advanced STS  advanced systemic mastocytosis  advanced thymic carcinoma  advanced thymoma  advanced thyroid cancer  advanced TNBC  advanced triple-negative breast cancer  advanced tumors  advanced UC  advanced urological cancers with pre-existing autoimmune disorders  advanced urothelial cancer  advanced urothelial carcinoma  advanced urothelial carcinoma with FGFR1 3 expression  advanced USC with HER2 overexpression  advanced wild-type BRAF melanoma  advanced-stage cancer  advanced-stage Hodgkin lymphoma  advanced-stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma  advanced-stage melanoma  advanced-stage orophryngeal squamous cell carcinoma  Adventist cohort compared with a US Census popiulation  adverse events  adverse events of oral azicitidine  adverse mental health outcomes  adverse pediatric outcomes  ADVL1412 study  AEG  AEGEAN trial  AENEAS trial  AERAS trial  aerobe inspanning  aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity combinations  aerobic and resistance exercise  aerobic exercise during chemotherapy  aerobic physical activity and depression among cancer patients  AET adherence  Af  afami-cel  afatinib  afatinib versus methotrexaat  AFFIRM  AFFIRM-studie  aflibercept  AFP  AFT-01  AFUGEM GERCOR  aG GEJ adenocarcinoma  AG221-AML-005 trial  AGC  AGC with or without liver metastases  age  age at diagnosis  age at diagnosis of colorectal cancer  age at first breast cancer diagnosis  age at initiation of breast cancer screening  age at menarche  age at onset of lung adenocarcinoma  age at ovarian cancer onset  age dependence of modern clinical risk groups  age disparities  age-related disease risks in youger versus older B-NHL survivors  age-specific BMI  agent orange  Agent Orange exposure  AGES-Reykjavik study  aggressive lymphoma  aggressive prostate cancer  aggressive versus non-aggressive prostate cancer  AGILE study  AGITG MAX study  AGO-OVAR 16-studie  AGOC  agressieve fibromatose  agressive squamous cell carcinoma  AGRICAN-studie  aGVHD  AH use  aHCC  aHCC in Japan  aHCC refractory to hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy  AHELP study  AHEP0731 study  AHL2011 study  aHNSCC  AHOD1221 study  AHOD1331 trial  AI  AI with or without palbociclib  AI-induced arthralgia  AI-therapie  AIC  AIM trial  AIN3  AIO INTEGA trial  AIO-FLOT3 studie  air pollution and breast cancer incidence  airport-related ultrafine particles  AIs  AIs for HR-positive breast cancer  AIT for EBC in postmenopausal patients  AJCC 8th edition stage III melanoma  AJCC CSM-8  AJCC eighth edition staging  AK treatments  AK105-302  AL amyloidosis  AL-amyloïdose  ALBI  albumin-bilirubin grade  ALCANZA-studie  ALCL  aLCNEC  alcohol  alcohol and tobacco consumption  alcohol consumption  alcohol consumption and cancer risk in Australia  alcohol intake  alcoholconsumptie  alcoholgebruik  ALCYONE trial OS analysis  ALCYONE-studie  aldoxorubicine  alectinib  alectinib for crizotinib-resistant ALK-positive NSCLC  alectinib versus crizotinib  ALEX study  ALEX study PRO analysis  ALEX-studie  ALFA-0701 trial  ALFA0701 trial  ALGONQUIN trial  ALiCCS studie  ALiCCS study  ALiCCS-studie  ALICE study  ALINA trial  alisertib  alisertib plus induction chemotherapy  alisertib with or without fulvestrant  ALK inhibitors  ALK inhibitors for NSCLC with ALK-rearrangement  ALK positive advanced NSCLC  ALK rearranged or ROS1 rearranged NSCLC  ALK-positive advanced NSCLC  ALK-positive ALCL  ALK-positive ALCL in pediatric patients  ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer  ALK-positive NSCLC  ALK-rearranged nonlung solid tumors  ALK-rearranged NSCLC  ALK-remmer  ALK(+) and ROS1(+) NSCLC  ALK1  alkaline phosphatase  ALKi  alkylating chemotherapy  alkylating CRT versus RT  alkylerende chemotherapie  ALL  ALL in children  ALL in children and AYAs  all-cause and cancer-specific death  all-cause and cancer-specific mortality  all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality  all-cause mortality  ALLCAR study  Alliance A011502  Alliance A071401 trial  Alliance A091401-studie  Alliance N0572-studie  ALLIVE-studie  allo-BMT  allo-HSCT  allo-HST  allogene hematopoïetische stamceltransplantatie  allogene stamceltransplantatie  allogeneic BCMA-targeting CAR T cells  allogeneic blood or marrow transplantation  allogeneic BMT in childhood  allogeneic hematopietic cell transplantation  allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant  allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation  allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation outcomes  allogeneic HSCT  allogeneic stem cell transplantation  allogeneic stem cell transplantation for AML or ALL  allogeneic stem cell transplantion  allogeneic transplantation  allogeneic transplantation for myelodysplastic syndrome  allogenic transplant for NHL  alloHCT  alloHCT after PD-1 blockade  alloHCT for AML not in remission  alloHCT for myelofibrosis  alloHCT recipients  alloHCT versus standard consolidation chemotherapy  alloHCT with CB versus MMUD with PTCy  alloHCT without first achieving complete remission  alloHSCT  alloHSCT for myelofibrosis  alloHSCT for pediatric ALL  alloHSCT in women  alloHSCT recipients  alloSCT  allostatic load  almonertinib  aLMS  ALND  alopecie  ALP and LDH prognostic potential  ALPACA trial  alpelisib  alpelisib plus fulvestrant  alpelisib plus nab-paclitaxel  alpelisib plus olaparib  alpelisib-associated hyperglycemia  alpha-fetoprotein  alpha-lipoic acid  ALPINE trial  ALTA-1L  ALTA-1L second interim analysis  ALTA-studie  ALTER 01031 study  ALTER 0303 study  ALTER-H-003 trial  ALTER-S006 trial  alternative cisplatin schedule  ALTERNATIVE study updated results  ALTERNATIVE-studie  ALTTO study sub-analysis  ALUR-studie  alveolar soft-part sarcoma  alvleesklierkanker  ALYCANTE trial  AM  Amara West  AMAROS trial  AMATERASU trial subgroup analysis  AMBASSADOR trial  ambient air pollution  ambulatory function and mortality among cancer survivors  aMCC  amcenestrant  AMD  AMEERA-3 randomized phase 2 trial  American Association for Cancer Research  American Cancer Society nutriton and physical activity guidelines  American Cancer Society richtljnen  AMG 337  AMH  amivantamab  amivantamab plus lazertinib  AML  AML and ALL in AYAs  AML in adult patients  AML in elderly nonfit patients  AML in elderly patients  AML in first relapse  AML in older adults  AML in patients aged 70 years and older  AML in remission  AML MDS  AML MDS in older patients  AML or high-risk MDS  AML or MDS  AML survival  AML with FLT3-ITD mutation  AML with genomic evidence of residual disease  AML with internal tandem duplication of Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3  AML-relapse after allo-HCT  AML-risico  AML17-studie  AML19 trial  AMLSG 09-09 study  aMM  AMPECT study  AMPK variant  AMPK-route  AMPLCaRE study  AMPLE-2 study  amrubicine  anal cancer  analgesic use  analgesics  analgetica  analyse AZURE-studie  analyse binnen PICCOLO-studie  analyse CheckMate 205-studie  analyse COG AAML 1031  analyse CROSS-studie  analyse fase 3-studie CALGB 40503  analyse fase 3-studie GeparQuinto  analyse MA.27-studie  analyse NORDIC-VII studie  analyse STAMPEDE-studie  Analyse van CheckMate 066 en CheckMate 067  analyse van fase 3-studie CAO ARO AIO-04  analyse van STAMPEDE-studie  anamorelin  anaplastic astrocytoma or glioblastoma  anaplastic large-cell lymphoma  anaplastic thyroid carcinoma  anaplastisch grootcellig lymfoom  anaplastisch schildkliercarcinoom  anastrazole with or without fulvestrant  anastrozol  anastrozole  anatomic locations of KCs  anatomic stage  and HIV infection  and rituximab  and time already survived  and triennial mammography screening  androgeendeprivatie  androgeenreceptor  androgeensuppressie  androgen concentrations in prepubertal girls  androgen deprivation for FIR versus UIR prostate cancer  androgen deprivation therapy  androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer  androgen receptor expression  androgen receptor signaling inhibitor  androgen-ablative therapy for advanced prostate cancer  aNENs  anesthesia  anesthesiologist volume  anetumab ravtansine  aneuploïdie  ANG1005  angiogenese  Angiome  angiosarcoma  angiosarcomen  angiosarcoom  angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors  angiotensin II receptor blockers  ANGPT2  ANGPT2 and NOS3 polymorphisms  ANHL12P1 trial  animal and plant protein intake  anlotinib  anlotinib combined with PD-1 PD-L1 inhibitors  anlotinib maintenance therapy  anlotinib plus PD-1 inhibitor  anlotinib plus temozolomide  anlotinib plus TQB2450  anlotinib versus placebo as third- or further-line treatment  anlotinib versus sunitinib  ANNIE study  ANNOUNCE trial  anoikis-resistentie  anorexia nervosa  anorexie  anosmin-1  ANS  aNSCLC  aNSCLC harboring c-Metex14 alterations  aNSCLC in three countries  aNSCLC with CNS metastases  aNSCLC with EGFR exon 20 insertions  aNSCLC with EGFR exon 20ins  aNSCLC with KRAS G12C mutation  aNSCLC with PD-L1 ≥ 1%  aNSCLC with PD-L1 at least 50%  aNSCLC with PD-L1 TPS ≥ 1%  aNSLCL  ansqNSCLC  antacida  anterior temporal lobotomy  anthracycline chemotherapie  anthracyclines  anthracyclines for breast cancer  anthracyclines for breast cancer or lymphoma  anthracyclines for childhood cancer  anthracylcines  anthracyline-containing and taxane-containing chemotherapy  anti GPRC5D CAR T cell therapy  anti-angiogene middelen  anti-angiogenese  anti-angiogenic therapy  anti-B-cell maturation antigen BiTE molecule AMG 420  anti-BCMA GPRC5D bispecific CAR T cell therapy  anti-CD19 and anti-BCMA CAR T-cells  anti-CD19 CAR T-cell therapy  anti-CD19 CAR T-cells  anti-CD22 CAR T-cells  anti-CD30 CAR-T cell therapy  anti-CD7 CAR T cells with anti-CD7 PEBL  anti-CLL based CAR-T therapy  anti-CTLA-4 plus anti-PD-1 blockade  anti-diarrheal strategies  anti-EGFR  anti-EGFR rechallenge therapy  anti-EGFR therapy for metastatic colorectal cancer  anti-HER2 therapy  anti-HER2 therapy for MBC  anti-Hu  anti-humaan T-lymfocyt immunoglobuline  anti-inflammatory mouthwashes  anti-PD-(L)1 for advanced NSCLC  anti-PD-(L)1 monotherapy resistant metastatic melanoma  anti-PD-(L)1 therapy  anti-PD-(L)1 treatment for NSCLC  anti-PD-(L)1 with or without chemotherapy  anti-PD-1  anti-PD-1 antibodies plus RT  anti-PD-1 consolidation  anti-PD-1 immunotherapy for MSS solid tumors  anti-PD-1 L1  anti-PD-1 monotherapy  anti-PD-1 PD-L1 based regimes in advanced solid tumors  anti-PD-1 plus CRT  anti-PD-1 related pneumonitis  anti-PD-1 resistant advanced melanoma  anti-PD-1 therapy  anti-PD-1 therapy for advanced melanoma  anti-PD-1 therapy for solid tumors  anti-PD-1 therapy with or without chemotherapy  anti-PD-1 vs anti-PD-L1 for cancer  anti-PD1 with or without anti-CTLA4  anti-programmed cell death 1 therapy  Anti-T-lymfocten globuline  anti-thymocyte globulin  anti-TNF for steroid refractory toxicity  anti-VEGF therapie  anti-VGEF therapie  antiangiogenese  antibiotic use and risk of colorectal cancer  antibiotics  antibiotics before immune checkpoint inhibitors  antibiotics use and subsequent risk of colorectal cancer  antibodies  antibody drug conjugate MRG003  antibody drug conjugates  antibody-drug-conjugates  anticancer immune checkpoint inhibitors  anticoagulants and breast cancer survival  anticoagulatie  antidepressant use and mortality  antihypertensive drugs  antiogeneseresistentie  antioxidant supplements  antioxidanten  antioxidants  antithymocyte globulin  antithymocytenglobuline  antitumor-werkzaamheid van bisfosfonaten  antiviral treatment  anus squameus celcarcinoom  anuscarcinoom  anuskanker  anxiety and depression symptoms  AO AOA  aOC  aOC or aTNBC  AOM  AON  AOTs  APACT trial  apalutamide  apalutamide for nmCRPC  apalutamide versus placebo for nmCRPC  aPASC  apatinib  apatinib after failure of chemotherapy  apatinib plus oral etoposide  apatinib plus pemetrexed-platinum chemotherapy  APBI versus WBI  aPBSCT for HL  aPC  aPDAC  aPDAC progressing on rucaparib  APHINITY study post-hoc analysis  APHINITY trial 6-year follow-up  APHINITY-studie  API-AI  APICAL-RST trial  apixaban  apixaban versus aspirin  APL  APL in older patients  aPM  apocrine breast cancer  APOLLO study  APOLLO trial  apoptose  appendiceal adenocarcinoma  appendiceal cancer  appendiceal neuroendocrine tumors  appendixcarcinoom  appropriate use criteria for radiation therapy  APPROVE trial  aPRCC  aprepitant  aPSC  APT trial  APT trial 10-year analysis  AQUILA trial  AR expression in breast cancer  AR-expression  AR-positive advanced breast cancer  AR-positive triple-negative breast cancer  AR-remming  AR-V7  ARAMIS study  ARANOTE trial  ARASENS trial  ARCAD  ARCAD database individual patients analysis  ARCAD-NADEGE cohort study  ARCADIA trial  ARCAGE-studie  aRCC  aRCC progressing after IO therapy  aRCC with brain metastases  ARCHER 1050  ARCHER 1050-studie  ARCHES study  ARCTIC study  ARD in breast or head and neck cancer patients  ARET0321 trial  ARI0002h  ARIC-studie  ARIEL3-studie  ARIEL4 study  ARIES trial  ARIs  ARIs for prostate cancer  Aristotle study  ARMANI trial  ARMD  armodafinil for CRF  aRMS  aromatase inhibitor-resistant HR+ HER2- ABC  aromatase inhibitors  aromatase inhibitors versus tamoxifen  aromatase inibitor-induced adverse effects  aromataseremmer  aromataseremmers  ARON-1 study  ARPIs  array comparative genomic hybridization  ARROW study  ARROW trial  ARRY-380  arseentrioxide  arsenic trioxide plus ATRA  arsenicum  ARST1321 study  ART  ART versus ALND after positive SN biopsy  ART-gerichte behandeling  arterial chemotherapy versus sorafenib  arterial thromboembolism preceding cancer diagnosis  artificial intelligence  artificial intelligence algorithms  ARTIS study  ARTIST 2 study  ARTIST 2 trial  ARTO trial  artralgie  ARTSCAN III study  ARv567es  AS for PCa  AS04-adjuvanted HPV-16 18 vaccine  ASAP trial  ASCC  ASCEMBL study  ASCEND study  ASCEND-2  ASCEND-3 final results  ASCEND-5  ASCEND-5 studie  ASCENT final results  ASCENT study  ASCENT trial  ASCERTAIN trial  asciminib  asciminib versus bosutinib  ascites  ASCO  ASCO 2016  ASCT  ASCT versus maintenance chemotherapy consolidation  ASH 2015  Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry  Asian versus non-Asian patients  ASILs  asparaginase-associated pancreatitis  ASPECCT  AspECT study  ASPEN study  ASPIRE-studie  aspirin  aspirin NSAID use  aspirin use  aspirin use and CRC incidence according to lifestyle risk  aspirin use and CRC risk in older adults  aspirin use and ovarian cancer risk  aspirine  aspirine NSAIDs  aspirineprofylaxe  ASPREE study  ASPREE trial  ASPS  asqNSCLC  assessment of lung cancer risk  assessment of screening mammograms  Assisted reproduction  assisted reproductive technologies after breast cancer  assisted reproductive technology  associatie diabetes en kanker  association between age and survival trends after adoption of immunotherapy  association between alcohol consumption and BTC risk  association between Alzheimer disease and cancer  association between meningioma and breast cancer  association between PFS and QOL  association between prediabetes and breast cancer  association between previous infection and cancer risk  association between weight change and breast cancer prognosis  association of adjuvant chemotherapy with overall survival  association of age with efficacy of immunotherapy  association of age with TRAEs and survival  association of BMI with efficacy of ICIs  association of BMI with outcomes  association of BMI with safety profile of nivolumab with or without ipilimumab  association of breast cancer risk with type 2 diabetes and metformin use  association of coffee intake and survival  association of ctDNA and CTCs after NAC with disease recurrence  association of cutaneous toxic effects with outcomes  association of depression and anxiety with mortality  association of diabetes with risk of SAEs during chemotherapy  association of DM with first-line pembrolizumab efficacy  association of endothelial dysfunction and thromboembolism  association of ethnicity and prostate cancer after raised PSA test result  association of extent of tumor resection and survival  association of familial burden of cancer with outcomes of immunotherapy  association of fatigue and outcomes in advanced cancer  association of fiber intake and breast cancer incidence  association of gut microbiome and response to anti-PD-1 therapy  association of hearing impairment with neurocognition  association of height and survival of resectable lung cancer  association of HPV status with survival  association of intensity and duration of alcohol use and risk of head and neck cancer  association of intrinsic subtype with PFS  association of marital status with cancer-specific survival  association of measurable residual disease with DFS and OS  association of MHT with breast cancer subtypes  association of molecular characteristics with OS benefit  association of multifocality with prognosis  association of nativity with survival  association of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with survival  association of neuronal autoantibodies and cognitive impairment  association of obesity with outcomes of breast cancer subtypes  association of obesity with survival outcomes in patients with cancer  association of obesity with toxicity  association of pCR with outcomes in breast cancer  association of PD-L1 expression status with efficacy of PD-1 PD-L1 inhibitors  association of performance status with survival  association of periodontal disease and edentulism with cancer mortality  association of physical activity with cognitive function  association of physical activity with survival  Association of postmenopausal overweight obesitas and subtype-specific breast cancer risk  association of PR status with RS and survival  association of prediagnosis smoking cessation and overall survival  association of preoperative chemosensitivity with survival  association of procedure volume and in-house mortality  association of race and socioeconomic factors with OS  association of recent oncologic treatment with mortality  association of residual DCIS after NAC with breast cancer recurrence  association of response and event-free survival with overall survival  association of RRSO with breast cancer risk  association of sarcopenia with short-term outcomes  association of sedentary behaviors with survival  association of time-to-treatment initiation and survival  association of tumor site with prognosis  association of use of PET-CT with mortality  association with breakthrough infections and complications in cancer patients  association with cancer outcomes  association with cancer risk  association with hepatic malignancy  association with long-term survival  association with lung cancer risk  association with management  association with multiple diseases  association with other cancers  association with other types of tumors  association with rate of treatment for recurrence  association with relapse  association with site-specific cancers  association with survival  association with type of treatment  associations between circulating eosinophils and cancer risk  associations of irAEs with clinical outcomes  associations with mortality  associations with outcomes  associations with prostate cancer risk  associations with season of birth  AST  astma  ASTRO 2015  ASTRO 2016  ASTRRA trial  ASTRUM-005 trial  aSTS  asunercept  ASXL1 mutations  asymptomatic brain metastases  asymptomatic early-stage CLL  asymptomatic mCRPC  asymptomatic WM  ASyMS  AT RT  ATBC Study  ATC  ATC of TILs  ATE  ATEMPT trial  ATEMPT trial 5-year results  atezo-bev  atezo-bev for HCC  Atezo-Brain trial  atezolimuab plus bevacizumab  atezolizumab  atezolizumab for aHCC  atezolizumab for NSCLC  atezolizumab for urothelial carcinoma  atezolizumab plus bevacizumab  atezolizumab plus chemotherapy  atezolizumab plus chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab  atezolizumab plus nab-paclitaxel  atezolizumab plus targeted therapy  atezolizumab versus chemotherapy  atezolizumab versus durvalumab  atezolizumab versus nivolumab versus docetaxel  atezolizumab with or without bevacizumab  atezolizumab with or without CMB305  atezolizumab with or without human recombinant IL-7  atezolizumab-bevacizumab for HCC  atezolizumab-vemurafenib-cobimetinib  AtezoTRIBE trial  ATG  ATHENA study  ATHENA-MONO trial  ATL  ATLANTIC-studie  ATLANTIS trial  ATLAS trial  ATM  ATM gene PVs  ATM mutations in cancer  aTNBC  ATOM study  ATOM trial  ATOMIC-Meso trial  atopic dermatitis  atopic eczema and cancer risk  atopie  ATR-blockers  atrial fibrillation  atriumfibrilleren  ATRTs  AtTEnd trial  ATTRACTION-2 studie  ATTRACTION-3 study  ATTRACTION-4 trial  attrition between lines of therapy  atypical breast lesions  atypical bronchopulmonary carcinoids  atypical chronic myeloid leukemia  atypical squamous cell of undetermined signifance  atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance  atypisch meningioom  atypische ductale hyperplasie  atypische hyperplasie  Atypische teratoïde rhabdoïde tumor  atypische teratoïde rhabdoïde tumoren  aUC  AUGMENT study  AUGMENT-101  aumolertinib  AURA  AURA studies  AURA-studie  AURA-substudie  AURA2  AURA3  AURA3 overall survival analysis  AURA3 study  AURA3-studie  AURELIA  AURELIA-studie  AURELIA-substudie  AURIGA study  Aurora A  aurora kinase A inhibition  Australian Melanoma Family Study  auto-immuunziekten  autofagie  autoHCT  autoHSCT  autoimmune disease  autologe stamceltransplantatie  autologous dendritic cell therapy  autologous stem cell transplantation  automated opt-out versus opt-in outreach strategy  autoSCT after complete response to first-line treatment  AVAglio  avapritinib  AVAST-M study  AVAST-M trial  AVAST-M trial analysis  avastin  AVATAR trial  avelumab  avelumab maintenance  avelumab plus axitinib  avelumab plus cabozantinib  avelumab versus chemotherapy  avelumab versus chemotherapy maintenance  avelumab-palbociclib-axitinib  AveNEC trial  average risk B-ALL in children  AVERT study  AVERT trial  AVO  avoidable cancer deaths by diagnosis prior to metastasis  avoiding peg-filgrastim  avoiding unnessecary surgery  AvR-CHOP study  axatilimab  axi-cel  axi-cel in the non-trial setting  axicabtagene ciloleucel  axillaire lymfeklierdissectie  axillaire radiotherapie  axillaire status  axillaire ultrasound  axillary dissection  axillary lymph node dissection  axillary response  axillary soft tissue pathology  axillary surgery and nodal irradiation  axitinib  axitinib plus avelumab  axitinib plus pembrolizumab  axitinib versus observation  AYA cancer  AYA cancer survivors  AYA-maligniteiten  AYAs  AYAs at end of life  AYAs versus older adults  AYAs with cancer  AZ9291  AZA-MDS-003 study  azacitidine  AZD4547  B-43 trial  B-ALL in CAYAs  B-ALL in patients aged 1-24 years  B-ALL in pediatric and young adult patients  B-cel activering  B-cel lymfoom  B-cel maligniteiten  B-cel precursor-ALL  B-cell ALL  B-cell ALL in children and young adults  B-cell ALL resistant to CD19 immunotherapy  B-cell hematological malignancies  B-cell infiltration  B-cell lymphoma  B-cell lymphomas after CD19-directed CAR T-cell therapy  B-cell malignancies  B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma  B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia  B-cellymfoom  B-F1RST trial  B-precursos ALL  B-progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukemia  baarmoederhalskanker  BACCI study  BALLET-studie  BAP1 pathogenic variant carriers  bariatric surgery  bariatric surgery after age 60  bariatric surgery and cancer risk in obese adults  bariatric surgery in French obese patients  bariatrische chirurgie  Barrett esophagus  Barrett slokdarm  Barrett-slokdarm  Barrett's esophagus  Barrett's slokdarm  Barrett’s oesophagus  BArT study  basaalcelcarcinoom  basal-like mammacarcinoom  base-edited CAR7 T cells  Baselga  baseline anxiety or depression  baseline CTC count  baseline factors associated with response  baseline metabolic tumor volume as predictive and prognostic biomarker  baseline QOL  baseline tumor burden and overall survival  baseline US and FDG-PET CT  basline plasma tumor mutational burden  bassi  BAT  BAY1436032  BAYOU trial  bazedoxifene plus palbociclib  bb2121  BBB  BBD  BBD-BC  BC  BC characteristics and outcomes related to race ethnicity in Canada  BC risk  BC stage at diagnosis  BC survivors  BC with three or more SLNs  BC-LMD  BCa  BCBM  BCC  BCCs  BCCSS  BCG  BCG vaccination in childhood  BCG-unresponsive non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer  BCIN+  BCIS  Bcl-2  BCL2 expression  BCLC B2 HCC  BCMA-directed CAR-T  BCMA-targeted CAR-T cell therapy for MM  BCNU  BCP-ALL  BCR  BCR after RT or RP  BCRA-mutated advanced breast cancer  BCRC trial 022  BCRL after ALND  BCS  BCS among women with intellectual disability  BCS for N2 N3 disease  BCS versus mastectomy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy  BCS versus mastectomy for DCIS  BCS with or without RT  BCS with or without RT for large DCIS lesions  BCT  BCT versus mastectomie  BCT versus mastectomy  BCT vs MAST  Be-Well Study  BEACON CRC study  BEACON-studie subgroep-analyse  BEAT Cancer interventie  BEATcc trial  BEB trial  BEBYP-studie  Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome  BECOME randomized trial  beeld-geleide brachytherapie  beeldvorming  beenmergevaluatie  BEFLICO study  beha  belamaf  belangenconflicten  belantamab mafodotin  belantamab mafodotin for advanced multiple myeloma  belantamab mafodotin plus pomalidomide and dexamethasone  BELIEVE trial  belinostat  BELIS study  BELLE-2 studie  BELLINI trial  BELOB  belotecan versus topotecan  belumosudil  belzutifan  belzutifan plus cabozantinib  bemarituzumab  bempegaldesleukin plus nivolumab  bendamustine  bendamustine lymphodepletion before lisocabtagene maraleucel  bendamustine plus dexamethasone  benefit of healthy lifestyle  benefits and harms of annual  benign biopsy rate  benign ovarian tumor  benign ovarian tumors  benign solid tumors  benigne borstziekte  benmelstobart  benzeen  benzodiazepine  BEP  berberine versus placebo for the prevention of recurrence of colorectal adenoma  BERIL-1  BERT trial  bestraling  BET inhibitor RO6870810  beta-arrestin-1  beta-blocker use  beta-blocker use at time of prostatectomy  beta-blockers  BETA-Text  bètablokkers  between-hospital variation  BEV  bevaciumzab  bevacizumab  bevacizumab and platinum-based combinations  bevacizumab biosimilar  bevacizumab plus chemotherapy  bevacizumab plus CRT  bevacizumab preconditionering voor chemotherapie  bevacizumab versus cetuximab  bevacizumab with or without reirradiation  bevacizumab-etoposide-cisplatin before whole-brain radiotherapy  bevacizumab-resistant high-grade glioma  BEVERLY trial  BEVZ92  BFAST cohort C  BFAST trial  BFM 2009 ALL trial  BFORE trial 5 year follow-up  BFORE-studie  BFR14 trial  BGJ398  bhatia  BI-ALCL  BIA ALCL  biallelic pathogenic CHEK2 variants  BIDOC-studie  biennial  BIG 1-01  BIG 1-98  BIG 1-98 trial analysis  BIG 3-07 TROG 07.01 study  BIG-RENAPE study  bijnierschorscarcinoom  bijniertumoren  bijwerkingen  bilateral and contralateral risk-reducing mastectomy  bilateral breast cancer  bilateral oophorectomy  bilateral oophorectomy and all-cause mortality  bilaterale risicoreducerende mastectomie  BILCAP study  BILCAP study long term outcomes  BILCAP-studie  biliary tract cancer  binatumomab  BIND-014  Bing-Neel syndrome  binimetinib  binimetinib for NRAS-mutated cancers  bintrafusp alfa  biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer  biochemically detected nonadherence to adjuvant tamoxifen  biochemically recurrent prostate cancer  biochemisch recidief  BioItaLEE trial  biologic subtype  biological aging  biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs  biologische beschikbaarheid  biomarker  biomarker for response to MET inhibitors  biomarker testing disparities  biomarker voor respons op bevacizumab  biomarker vs MRI-enhanced strategies for prostate cancer screening  biomarker-driven therapies  biomarkeranalyse ASPECCT-studie  biomarkers  biomarkers for detection  biomarkers for nivolumab efficacy  biomarkers for surveillance  biomarkers of activity  biomarkers of breast cancer risk  biomarkers of response to adjuvant chemotherapy  biomarkers of response to ICIs  biomarkers of treatment benefit  biomarkers predicting survival  BioPER trial  biopsie schildwachtklier  biopsy preceding resection  bipolar androgen therapy  BIRC3 mutations  BIRCH-studie  birinapant  birth defects  birth order  birth weight  BIS versus circumference assesements  bisfosfonaat  bisfosfonaten  bispecific CAR-T cell targeting both CD19 and CD22  bispecific CS1-BCMA CAR-T cells  bisphosphonate use and breast cancer risk among women with DCIS  bisphosphonates and risk of cancers  bivalent HPV vaccination  biweekly docetaxel plus ADT  biweekly versus triweekly cabazitaxel  BL-B01D1  blaascarcinoom  blaaskanker  black race  Black versus non-Black patients  black versus nonblack men  Black versus White breast cancer patients  black versus white patients  black versus white women  Black Women's Health Study  Black Women’s Health Study  bladder cancer  bladder cancer in postmenopausal women  bladder cancer progression  bladder cancer risk  bladder cancer VI-RADS score  bladder-preserving trimodality treatment  bladder-sparing TMT  BladderPath trial  blast-phase CML  blastic plasmacytoïd dendritic cell neoplasm  BLC2001 study  bleeding after ACS  bleeding risk  BLEND study  bleomycin-related pulmonary toxicity  bleomycine  blinatumomab  blinatumomab and POMP maintenance  blinatumomab nonresponse  blinded double reading  bloedgluocse  bloeding  bloedkanker  bloedlipiden  bloedtest colorectaalcarcinoom  blood arsenic levels  blood cholesterol  Blood ICT  blood markers of oxidative stress  blood or marrow transplant  Blood or Marrow Transplant Survivor Study-2  blood pressure  blood tests  blood triglycerides  blood tumor mutational burden  blood-based genomic mutation signature  blood-based test for the detection of multiple cancer types  blood-based tests for multicancer early detection  bloodstream infections  bloodstream infections after curative-intent radiotherapy  BLOOM study  BLOSSOM trial  BLU-667  BLV DNA  BM  BM from BC and NSCLC  BM versus PB  BMAs  BMAs for bone loss in prostate cancer patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy  BMBC  bmCRPC without significant PSA response under enzalutamide  BMD  BMI  BMI and molecular subtypes of premenopausal breast cancer  BMI and outcomes of systemic therapy for metastatic melanoma  BMI and prognosis  BMI and T2D as determinants of response  BMI during maintenance therapy  BMI in early and middle adulthood  BMI surgical treatment  BMM  BMs  BMs from EGFR-mutant NSCLC  BMS-096299  BMS-986156  BMT  BMT CTN 1501 study  BMT survivor study  BMTSS  BNT162b2 vaccination in patients undergoing treatment for cancer  BO  body composition  body composition and cardiovascular events  body composition features  body composition phenotypes  body fat  body fat distribution  body fat mass  body fat percentage  body mass index  body mass index and risk of second cancer  body shape trajectory  Boekel  BOLERO-1  BOLERO-2  bone loss in younger breast cancer patients  bone marrow biopsy  bone marrow donor registration  bone marrow plasma cell level  bone marrow versus blood stem cell graft  bone metabolism  bone metastases  bone metastasis in stage IV NSCLC  bone metastatic melanoma  bone modifying agents  bone sarcoma survivors  bone-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer  bone-only metastasis  bone-targeted agents  BONSAI trial  BOOSTER trial  borderline ovarian tumor  borderline ovariumtumor  borderline resectable or locally advanced unresectable pancreatic cancer  borderline resectable pancreatic cancer  borderline resectable PDAC  Borealis-1 studie  Borealis-2 studie  borstbiopsie  borstchirurgie  borstdichtheid  borstimplantaat  borstkanker  borstkanker bij mannen  borstkankerpreventie  borstkankerscreening  borstkankerscreening oudere vrouwen  borstkankersterfte  borstparende chirurgie  borstreconstructie  borstreconstructie na mastectomie  borstsparende chirurgie  borsttomosynthese  borstvoeding  bortezomib  bortezomib induction for NDMM  bortezomib plus chemotherapy  bortezomib plus rituximab maintenance  BOS chordomas  BOSS cohort  BOSTON study  bosutinib  bosutinib for previously treated chronic myeloid leukemia  bosutinib versus imatinib  BOT  bot-SPNs  boteffect  botensilimab plus balstilimab  botmetastasen  botmetastasen van mammacarcinoom  botmetastasering  botmicrometastasen  botox  botpijn  botsarcoom  bovenste-luchtwegkanker  BP-RMS  BPd versus PVd  BPDCN  bPFS  BPH  BPM  BPs  BR  BR-ESCC  BR.36 trial  BRAC1 2-mutation  brachytherapie  brachytherapy for glioblastoma  BRAF  BRAF 594 en 596 mutaties  BRAF 600 wild type melanoom  BRAF HER2 MET RET-alterations  BRAF mutated advanced solid tumors  BRAF mutation  BRAF non-V600-mutant mCRC  BRAF plus MEK inhibition  BRAF plus MEK inhibitors  BRAF V600 mutated metastatic melanoma  BRAF V600-mutated mNSCLC  BRAF V600-mutated NSCLC  BRAF V600-mutated pediatric LGG  BRAF V600-mutated stage III melanoma  BRAF V600E  BRAF V600E mCRC  BRAF V600E mutated CRC  BRAF V600E-mutant mNSCLC  BRAF V600E-mutated biliary tract cancer  BRAF V600E-mutated CRC  BRAF variants  BRAF wild-type advanced melanoma  BRAF-genfusies  BRAF-mutant CRC  BRAF-mutant mCRC  BRAF-mutant melanoma  BRAF-mutant mNSCLC  BRAF-mutated aCRC  BRAF-mutated malignancies  BRAF-mutated melanoma  BRAF-mutated metastatic melanoma  BRAF-remmer  BRAF-remmers  BRAF-remming  BRAF-V600 mutation-positive melanoma  BRAF-V600 or BRAF-nonV600 mutated NSCLC  BRAF-V600E  BRAF-V600E mutant mCRC  BRAF-V600E mutated tumors  BRAF-V600E mutation  BRAF-wt advanced melanoma  BRAFV600-mutant melanoma  BRAFV600-mutant stage III melanoma  brain cancer  brain imaging  brain metastases  brain metastases from melanoma  brain metastases in older patients  brain metastases nivolumab plus ipilimumab  brain metastases of gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma  brain metastases or leptomeningeal disease  brain metastasis  brain metastasis and survival outcomes  brain metastasis outcomes  brain radiotherapy plus pyrotinib and capecitabine  brain tumors  brain volume  brain white matter microstructure  brain-metastatic lung cancer  brain-only mBC  brainstem metastases  BRCA  BRCA mutation carriers  BRCA mutation carriers with breast cancer  BRCA mutational status  BRCA PVs  BRCA-defective tumors  BRCA-mutatie  BRCA-related cancer  BRCA1  BRCA1 2 germline mutation in women  BRCA1 2 germline mutations  BRCA1 2 mtuation. risk of contralateral disease  BRCA1 2 mutation  BRCA1 2 mutation carriers  BRCA1 2 mutations  BRCA1 2 mutations and endometrial cancer  BRCA1 2 pathogenic variants  BRCA1 2 pathogenic variants carriers  BRCA1 2 pathogenic variants in women aged 50-75 years  BRCA1 2 PV  BRCA1 2 PV carriers  BRCA1 2 PVs  BRCA1 2 variants  BRCA1 2-associated pT1 breast cancer  BRCA1 2-mutatie  BRCA1 2-mutaties  BRCA1 2-mutations  BRCA1 2-negative Chinese breast cancer patients  BRCA1 and BRCA2 germline pathogenic variants  BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations  BRCA1 mutation  BRCA1- or BRCA2-mutated breast cancer  BRCA1-mutatie  BRCA1-versus BRCA2-altered mCRPC  BRCA2  BRCA2-associated breast cancer  BRCA2-mutaties  BRCAAway trial  BRCP  BREACH study  breakthrough COVID-19 infections in cancer patients  breakthrough infections after COVID-19 vaccination in patients with cancer  breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections in vaccinated patients with cancer  breast and lung cancer mortality in women  breast and prostate cancer  breast angiosarcoma  breast cancer  breast cancer –related lymphedema  breast cancer after radiotherapy for HL  breast cancer and other cancers  breast cancer bone metastasis  breast cancer brain metastases  breast cancer brain metastasis  breast cancer central nervous system metastases  breast cancer chemotherapy  breast cancer chemotherapy dose reduction  breast cancer CMs  breast cancer conservation surgery  breast cancer diagnosis  breast cancer family history  Breast Cancer Family Registry  breast cancer in BRCA PV carriers  breast cancer in childhood cancer survivors  breast cancer in high-risk women  breast cancer in HL survivors  breast cancer in men  breast cancer in older women  breast cancer in sub-Saharan Africa  breast cancer in women  breast cancer in young women  breast cancer incidence after a false-positive mammography result  breast cancer incidence before age 40  Breast Cancer Index  breast cancer leptomeningeal disease  breast cancer lymph node metastases  breast cancer metastases  breast cancer metastatic recurrence  breast cancer molecular subtypes  breast cancer mortality  breast cancer mortality by comorbidty and age  breast cancer mortality rates in U.S. women  breast cancer outcomes  breast cancer ovarium cancer predisposition genes  breast cancer patients  breast cancer patients aged 35 years or younger  breast cancer patients over age 50  breast cancer preventive effects of anastrozole  breast cancer PRS  breast cancer radiation therapy  breast cancer radiotherapy planning CT scans  breast cancer rate after oophorectomy in the general population  breast cancer recurrence  breast cancer risk  breast cancer risk after age 60  breast cancer risk after bariatric surgery  breast cancer risk before age 40 years  breast cancer risk estimation model  breast cancer risk in women ≥50 years  breast cancer screening  breast cancer screening among women with dense breasts  breast cancer screening in average-risk women  breast cancer screening interval  breast cancer screening participation  breast cancer second recurrences afte mastectomy  breast cancer subtype  breast cancer subtype incidence  breast cancer subtypes  breast cancer surgery  breast cancer survival  breast cancer survivors  breast cancer survivorship  breast cancer treated in neoadjuvant setting  breast cancer treatment  breast cancer treatment quality  breast cancer treatments  breast cancer with sentinel-node metastases  breast cancer-related fatigue  breast cancer-related lymphedema  breast cancer-specific mortality  breast cancer-specific survival  breast compression  breast conservation  breast conservation vs mastectomy and reconstruction  breast consevation versus mastectomy  breast desmoid tumor management in France  breast ductal carcinoma in situ  breast feeding experiences  breast intraepithelial neoplasia recurrence  breast milk paclitaxel excretion  breast MRI versus digital tomosynthesis  breast non-invasive disease  breast or ovarian cancer  breast radiotherapy  breast surgery after NAC  breast symptoms  breast tumors  breast-conserving surgery  breast-conserving surgery versus mastectomy for EBC  breast-conserving therapy  breast-conserving therapy in women over 70  breastfeeding  BreastScreen Norway  BRENDA-score  brentuximab vedotin  brentuximab vedotin and risk-adapted node radiation  brentuximab verdotin  brexu-cel as standard therapy  brigatinib  brigatinib after failure of BV  BrighTNess study  BRIM-3 studie  BRIM7 study  BRIM8-studie  BRIs  British Childhood Cancer Survivor Study  BrMs  Broad-based genomic sequencing  BROCADE3 trial  BROCADE3 trial exploratory analysis  bronchopulmonary carcinoids  BRPC  BRRM  BRUIN study  BRUIN trial  bruton's tyrosine kinase  BTC  BTC in patients aged ≥ 70 years  BTC with ERBB2 3 alterations  BTCRC-GU14-003 study  BTCRC-LUN15-029 trial  BTCRT LUN 16-081  BTCs  BTK  BTK inhibition  BTK inhibitor therapy  bTMB as biomarker for atezolizumab activity  bulky stage I-II cHL  burden of pancreatic cancer in Europe between 1990 and 2019  Burkitt lymphoma  Burkitt's lymfoom  burnout in cancer care physicians  busulfan plus fludarabine  busulfan plus melphalan conditioning  busulfan-fludarabine versus busulfan-cyclophosphamide  BV  BV plus AVD  BV plus nivolumab  BV+pembrolizumab  BVd versus DVd  BVD-523  BYLieve study cohort A  BYLieve trial  BZD  C reactive protein flare  C SCANS studie  C-144-01 study  C-486  C-ALCL  C-Brain study  C-CAR066  C-ETACs as hallmarks of cancer  C-ion RT  c-Met protein-expressing NSCLC  c-Met protein-overexpressing EGFR-wildtype NSCLC  C-reactive protein  C-reactive protein trajectories  C-TASK FORCE studie  CA 209-678 trial  CA-125  CA-125 KELIM  CA125  CA180-226 studie  CA19-9  CA209-003 studie  CA209-003 trial  CA209-9JC trial  CA301 study  CABARET-studie  CABASTY trial  cabazitaxel  cabazitaxel plus carboplatin  cabazitaxel versus abiraterone or enzalutamide  CABINET trial  CABIR study  CABONE study  CABOSUN  cabozantanib  cabozantinb  cabozantinib  cabozantinib plus ADT  cabozantinib plus atezolizumab  cabozantinib plus atezolizumab versus sorafenib  cabozantinib plus nivolumab  cabozantinib plus nivolumab and ipilimumab  cabozantinib plus nivolumab with or without ipilimumab  cabozantinib versus everolimus  cabozantinib with or without atezolizumab  cabozantinib-nivolumab sequence  cachexia  CAD  CADC  CADM1 MAL-methylering  cadmium and lead in erythrocytes  cadonilimab  cafeïne  caffeïne  CAG-repeat  CAIRO3  CAIRO4 trial  CAIRO5 post hoc analysis  calcifications and cystic morphology on preoperative imaging  calcitonin receptor-like  calcium  calcium and magnesium intake  calcium supplementation  calciuminname  calculated tumor area  CALGB 30160 RTOG 0538  CALGB 40601 follow-up  CALGB 40903 study  CALGB 50604  CALGB 50801  CALGB 70702  CALGB 80405 exploratory analysis  CALGB 80803  CALGB 89803-studie  CALGB Alliance 140503  CALGB SWOG 80405  CALGB SWOG 80405 study  CALGB SWOG 80702  CALGB SWOG 80702 analysis  CALGB SWOG 80702 post hoc analysis  CALGB SWOG 80702 study  CALLA trial  CALM trial  CALOR-studie  caloric restriction  CALYPSO trial  CAM  CameL study  CameL trial  CameL trial 5-year outcomes  Camel-sq trial  camizestrant  CamRelief trial  camrelizumab  camrelizumab plus apatinib  camrelizumab plus apatinib and fuzuloparib  camrelizumab plus apatinib for advanced cervical cancer  camrelizumab plus chemotherapy  camrelizumab plus famitinib  camrelizumab plus famitinib after PD-1 blockade  camrelizumab plus gemcitabine plus oxaliplatin  camrelizumab plus GEMOX  camrelizumab plus GVD chemotherapy  camrelizumab plus pemetrexed and carboplatin  camrelizumab plus rivoceranib  camrelizumab plus rivoceranib versus sorafenib  camrelizumab with or without decitabine  camrelizumab-apatinib-temozolomide  CanAssist Breast test  cancer  Cancer and Aging Research Group score  cancer and cardiovascular disease intensity an mortality  cancer and cardiovascular risk with tofacitinib in rheumatoid arthritis  cancer and risk of COVID-19 diagnosis and severity  cancer burden in patients with sleep apnea  cancer burden in the oldest-old in The Netherlands 1990 to 2019  cancer cachexia  cancer case trends  cancer cases attributable to modifiable lifestyle risk factors in Switzerland  cancer chemotherapy during pregnancy  cancer clinical trial participants  cancer clinical trials  cancer deaths due to delays in diagnosis in England  cancer detection rate  cancer diagnoses after recent weight loss  cancer diagnoses and survival rise as 65-year-olds become Medicare-eligible  cancer diagnosis  cancer diagnosis during adolescence  cancer diagnosis in primary care  cancer driver genes  cancer drugs approved based on response rate  cancer drugs receiving FDA accelerated approval  cancer emergency presentation  cancer history  cancer immunotherapy  cancer immunotherapy trials  cancer in older adults  cancer in solid organ transplantation recipients  cancer in the prison population in England  cancer incidence  cancer incidence among children and young adults by single year of age  cancer incidence and mortality  cancer incidence and spectrum in children  cancer incidence and survival in older adults  cancer incidence in World Trade Center rescue and recovery workers  Cancer Moonshot goal  cancer mortality  cancer mortality in Europe  cancer of unknown primary  Cancer of unknown rimary  cancer outcomes  cancer patients  cancer patients aged 70 years or older  cancer patients and matched norm population perceived care and well-being  cancer patients treated with anticoagulation  cancer patients undergoing systemic treatment  cancer predisposition screening tool  cancer prevalence  cancer prevalence in medieval Cambridge (UK)  cancer prevention  cancer prevention recommendations  Cancer READMIT Score  cancer recurrence  cancer risk  cancer risk after hematuria diagnosis  cancer risk in children  cancer risk in children and adolescents  cancer risk in individuals with major birth defects  cancer risk in patients with bipolar disorder and unaffected siblings  cancer risk in South Korean GERD patients  cancer risk in women  cancer risks  cancer risks among men  cancer screening  cancer screening in people with mental illness  cancer screening tests  cancer spectrum  cancer surgery in older adults  cancer surgical procedures  cancer survival in Germany  cancer survivors  cancer susceptibility genes  cancer therapy approval timings in the US and Europe  cancer trials  cancer types and risk of delirium  cancer-associated isolated DVT  cancer-associated venous thromboembolism  cancer-related cognitive impairment  cancer-related fatigue  cancer-specific mortality  cancer-testis antigens  cancers attributable to infections  cancers of unknown primary origin  cancers with MUC16-variants  CANDOR study  CANDOR study updated outcomes  canine lung cancer detection  cannabidiol for relief of symptoms in advanced cancer  cannabigerol  cannabinoids for symptom management  cannabis  cannabis use  cannabis use and lung cancer susceptibilty  CanSaRCC study  CanSNET-studie  CANTO prospective cohort study  CANTO skin  CANTO trial  CANVAS trial  CAO ARO AIO-04 study  CAO ARO AIO-04 trial post hoc analysis  CAO ARO AIO-12 trial long-term results  CAP 01 study  CAP 02 trial  CAP 03 trial  CAP trial  CAP-BRAIN study  CAP-studie  CAPability-01 trial  CAPAP-Lung trial  capecitabine  capecitabine maintenance after first-line induction chemotherapy  capecitabine maintenance therapy  capecitabine versus observation  capecitabine-associated hand-foot syndrome  CAPFISH-3 randomized trial  CAPITAL study  CAPItello-291  CAPItello-291 trial  capivaserib for AKT1 E17K-mutated tumors  capivasertib  capivasertib for tumors with AKT mutations  capmatinib  capmatinib plus nivolumab  CAPP-Seq  CAPP2 study  CAPRI trial  CAPRI-GOIM  CAPRICE  CAPSTONE-1 trial  CaPSURE trial  CAPTAIN-1st study  CAPTIVATE study MRD-cohort  CAR T cell therapy  CAR T cells and T-cell therapies for cancer  CAR T cells and TCE  CAR T-cell therapy  CAR T-cell therapy for relapsed refractory large B-cell lymphoma  CAR T-cellen voor solide tumoren  CAR T-cells for B-cell lymphoma  CAR T-celtherapie  CAR-HEMATOTOX model  CAR-T  CAR-T celtherapie  CAR-T for lymphomas  CAR-T for pediatric ALL  CAR-T therapy  CAR-T-cell therapy in patients with advanced B-cell cancers and HBV-infection  CAR-transduced natural killer cells  CAR19 22 T-cell therapy  Caravaggio study  carbazitaxel  carbon ion RT  carbon nanoparticle suspension lymphografy guided distal gastrectomy  carboplatin  carboplatin dose capping  carboplatin plus nab-paclitaxel  carboplatin plus pemetrexed  carboplatin with or without atezolizumab  carboplatin with radiotherapy  carboplatin-etoposide with or without atezolizumab  carboplatin-paclitaxel with or without trastuzumab  carboplatine  carcinoïd tumoren  CARD study  cardiac dysfunction  cardiac events  cardiac impact of cytokine release syndrome  cardiac outcomes  cardiac safety  cardiac substructure radiation dose and risk of late cardiac disease  cardiale disfunctie  cardiale toxiciteit  cardiale veiligheid  cardiometabolic risk factors  cardiometabolic risk factors and survival after cancer  cardiomyopathy in CCSs  cardioprotective strategies  cardiopulmonary complications  cardiorespiratorische fitheid  cardiorespiratory fitness  cardiotoxiciteit  cardiotoxiciteit anthracylines  cardiotoxiciteit chemotherapie  cardiotoxicity  cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin  cardiotoxicity with encorafenib and binimetinib  cardiovasculair risico  cardiovasculaire toxiciteit  cardiovascular adverse events  cardiovascular disease  cardiovascular disease risk  cardiovascular diseasse  cardiovascular events  cardiovascular events and chronic kidney disease  cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength  cardiovascular mortality  cardiovascular outocmes  cardiovascular risk  cardiovascular risk factors  cardiovascular surveillance  cardiovascular toxicity  CARE study  CareMin650  CARES-310  carfilzomib  carfilzomib for myeloma  carfilzomib-bendamustine-dexamethasone  carfilzomib-lenalidomide-dexamethasone followed by lenalidomide maintenance  carfilzomib-lenalidomide-dexamethasone-daratumumab  CARG tool  CARMENA study  CARMENA-studie  carmustine  Carolina Breast Cancer Study  carotenoïden  carpaal-tunnelsyndroom  CARRIERS consortium  CART-19  CART-SIE study  CARTBCMA-HCB-01 trial  CARTIFAN-1 study  CARTITUDE-1 study  CARTITUDE-1 trial  CARTITUDE-4  CARTITUDE-4 trial  CARTS study  CARTTAS study  cascade genetic testing  case-control analysis within IBIS-II  case-mix adjusted comparison of Dutch hospital perfomances  CASPIAN study  CASPIAN study follow-up  CASPS study  CASR  CASSINI study  CASSIOPEIA part 2  CASSIOPEIA study  CASTOR and POLLUX age subgroup analysis  CASTOR subgroup analysis  castratieresistent prostaatcarcinoom  castration-resistant AR-expressing salivary gland cancer  castration-resistant prostate cancer  CATCH  CATCH program  catch-up HPV-vaccination  CATNON study  CATNON trial post-hoc analysis  CATNON-studie  catumaxomab  caudate lobe solitary HCC  cause of death  cause-specific mortality  cause-specific mortality after initial chemotherapy  causes of death  causes of death after breast cancer diagnosis  causes of death among Finnish women with breast cancer  CAVE trial  CBC  CBC prediction  CBC risk  CBC-risico  CBCSG010 study  CBD for scan-related anxiety  CBT-I  CBTRUS  CBTS  cc mRCC  CC-220-MM-001 trial  CC-223  CC-486  CC-92480-MM-001 Study  ccA and ccB molecular subtypes  CCEC  CCNE1 expression  CCR7  ccRCC  ccRCC brain metastases  CCRT  CCRT with or without nimotuzumab  CCSS  CCSS cohort  CCTG BR.34 trial  CCTG HE1 study  CD103+ immune cells  CD123 surface expression  CD19 CAR-T cell therapy  CD19 CAR-T cell therapy in children and young adults  CD19 CAR-T for large B-cell lymphoma  CD19-directed CAR T cell therapy  CD19-directed CAR T-cell therapy  CD19-positive lymphoid tumors  CD20-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma  CD22-directed CAR T-cell therapy  CD30-positive R R PTCL  CD4  CD4 CD8 ratio  CD4+ percentage  CD45-targeted antibody-radionuclide conjugate  CD47 blockade plus rituximab  CD8+ T cell infiltration  CDG  CDH1 mutation carriers  CDK12-mutated prostate cancer  CDK4 6 inhibition  CDK4 6 inhibitor plus AI  CDK4 6 inhibitor plus fulvestrant  CDK4 6 inhibitors  CDK4 6-inhibitors for breast cancer  CDK4 6-remming  CDK4 6i  CDKN2A alterations in solid tumors  CDKN2A homozygous deletion  CDKN2C  CDS  CDX-110  CDX2  CE  CEA  CEA-specifieke T-cel respons  cediranib  cediranib plus olaparib  cediranib with or without lenalidomide  CEGT  celecoxib  CELESTIAL trial  celiac plexus radiosurgery  cell nest size  cell-free circulating tumor DNA variant allele frequency  cell-free DNA multicancer early detection test  cell-free Epstein-Barr virus DNA  cell-free urine  cellulaire immuuntherapie  cellular immune activation  CelTIL score  CelTIL-score  celvrij circulerend tumor DNA  cemiplab versus investigator’s choice chemotherapy  cemiplimab  cemiplimab after HHIs  cemiplimab plus chemotherapy  cemiplimab Q4W  central adiposity  central adiposity and risk of subsequent breast cancer by menopause status  central obesity and CRC risk  centrale adipositas  centralized CRC screening in FQHCs  centrally located HCC  ceralasertib (AZD6738)  ceralasertib plus durvalumab  cerebellopontine angle tumors  cerebrospinal fluid microRNA signatures  cerebrospinal fluid tumor DNA genotyping  cerebrospinale vloeistof  ceritinib  cervical cancer  cervical cancer and precancer risk  cervical cancer incidence  cervical cancer patients with or without mental disorder  cervical cancer screening  cervical cancer survivors  cervical chordomas  cervical conization  cervical dysplasia after HPV vaccination  cervical HPV-testing  cervical neoplasia  cervical screening  cervicale glandulaire neoplasie  cervicale intra-epitheliale neoplasie graad 3  cervicale intraepitheliale neoplasie  cervicale-slokdarmkanker  cervixcarcinoom  cervixcarcinoomscreening  cervixconisatie  cervixkanker  cervixkankerscreening  cervixlaesies  cesarean delivery  cesium-131 brachytherapy  CESM  CeTeG NOA-09 study  CETSA  cetuximab  cetuximab maintenance  cetuximab plus nivolumab  cetuximab-IRDye800  cetuximab-related infusion reactions  cetuximab-resistant recurrent metastatic HNSCC  cetuximab-resistentie  CEVOREM trial  CF-WBI  cfDNA  cfDNA blood-based test for CRC screening  cfDNA genotyping  cfDNA in CSF  cfDNA methylation signatures  CFS  CGC  CGT  cGVHD  cGVHD in pediatric patients  ch  CH and subsequent lung cancer risk  CH and t-MN  CH in long-term pediatric cancer survivors  CHAARTED trial eight-year survival  CHAARTED-analyse  CHAARTED-studie  CHANCE2201 study  change in mammographic density  change in PD-L1 expression  change in serum uric acid level  change in trust in US government health agencies  change of breast cancer subtype during neoadjuvant chemotherapy  changes from 1993-2015  changes in alcohol consumption  changes in cancer diagnoses and stage distribution  changes in length and complexity of oncology guidelines since 1996  changes in survival since 1995  changes in taste and smell of food  changes in urological cancer surgical volume and length of stay  changes in weight and waist circumference during menopause  changes of body mass index or waist circumference  changes of diet after cancer diagnosis  characteristics and outcomes  characteristics and prognosis  characteristics and prognosis of luminal and basal subtypes  characteristics in young versus old patients  characteristics of high-volume lung segmentectomy hospitals  Charlson-score  CHART trial  CHB  ChcekMate 066 five-year results  CHD  CheckMate & HW trial  CheckMate 012  CheckMate 016-studie  CheckMate 017 and 057 trials  CheckMate 017 en 057  CheckMate 017 en CheckMate 057  CheckMate 017-studie  CheckMate 025  CheckMate 026-studie  CheckMate 032 study  CheckMate 037  CheckMate 040  CheckMate 040 cohort 6  CheckMate 040 five year follow-up  CheckMate 040 study  CheckMate 064  CheckMate 066  CheckMate 066 study  CheckMate 067  CheckMate 067 five-year survival  CheckMate 067 trial  CheckMate 069  CheckMate 069 066 en 067  CheckMate 078  CheckMate 141  CheckMate 141-studie  CheckMate 142  CheckMate 142 first-line therapy cohort  CheckMate 143 study  CheckMate 153  CheckMate 204  CheckMate 204 study  CheckMate 205 study  CheckMate 214  CheckMate 214 long-term follow-up  CheckMate 214 study  CheckMate 214 trial  CheckMate 214 trial 42-months results  CheckMate 227  CheckMate 227 part 1 three-year update  CheckMate 227 study  CheckMate 227-studie  CheckMate 238 and EORTC 18071  CheckMate 238 five-year follow-up  CheckMate 238 four-year results  CheckMate 238-studie  CheckMate 274  CheckMate 275  CheckMate 358  CheckMate 358 trial  CheckMate 370-studie  CheckMate 384 study  CheckMate 401  CheckMate 436 study  CheckMate 459 trial  CheckMate 511 trial  CheckMate 568  CheckMate 577 study  CheckMate 648  CheckMate 648 study  CheckMate 649  CheckMate 649 3-year follow-up  CheckMate 649 HRQOL analysis  CheckMate 743 trial  CheckMate 744  CheckMate 76K trial  CheckMate 77T  CheckMate 7FL  CheckMate 816 study  CheckMate 816 trial  CheckMate 817  CheckMate 901  CheckMate 908  CheckMate 914 trial part A  CheckMate 920 study  CheckMate 9ER long-term follow-up analysis  CheckMate 9ER study  CheckMate 9ER trial  CheckMate 9KD  CheckMate 9LA study  CheckMate studies  CheckMate-032 study  CheckMate-067  CheckMate-142  CheckPAC trial  checkpoint blockade  checkpoint blockade immunotherapy  checkpoint inhibitor therapy  checkpoint inhibitor-resistant metastatic melanoma  checkpoint inhibitors for various types of melanoma  checkpoint kinases  CHEERS  CHEK2 1100delC  CHEK2 germline pathogenic variants  CHEK2-mutaties  CHEK2*1100delC  chemerin plasma concentration  chemobrain  chemoimmunotherapy  chemoimmunotherapy in patients with a poor performance status  chemopreventie mammacarcinoom  chemopreventie van mammacarcinoom  chemoprevention of CRC  chemoprevention of recurrence  chemoprevention with low-dose aspirin  chemoradiation plus durvalumab  chemoradiotherapie  chemoradiotherapy  chemoradiotherapy versus radiotherapy  chemoradiotherapy with proton versus photon therapy  chemorefractory BTC  chemorefractory metastatic colorectal cancer  chemorefractory or relapsed gestational trophoblastic neoplasia  chemoresection  Chemoresistentie  chemosensitizatie  chemotherapie  chemotherapie tijdens zwangerschap  chemotherapie-geïnduceerd ovariumfalen  chemotherapie-geïnduceerd POF  chemotherapie-geïnduceerde febriele neutropenie  chemotherapie-geïnduceerde misselijkheid en braken  chemotherapy  chemotherapy adherence  chemotherapy after colorectal cancer liver metastasectomy  chemotherapy after progression on EGFR-TKIs  chemotherapy alone versus combined modality therapy  chemotherapy and ICU admission in last phase of life  chemotherapy and radiotherapy long-term adverse impact on dental health  chemotherapy benefit  chemotherapy demands  chemotherapy for breast and prostate cancer  chemotherapy for breast cancer  chemotherapy for childhood cancer  chemotherapy for CRC  chemotherapy for early-stage breast cancer in older women  chemotherapy for EBC  chemotherapy for nonmetastatic breast cancer  chemotherapy for pediatric AML  chemotherapy free treatment  chemotherapy plus atezolizumab for NSCLC  chemotherapy plus immunotherapy  chemotherapy plus pembrolizumab versus chemotherapy  chemotherapy plus ponatinib  chemotherapy regimens  chemotherapy response  chemotherapy response score  chemotherapy timing in pregnancy  chemotherapy use  chemotherapy versus observation  chemotherapy with bevacizumab or temsirolimus  chemotherapy with or without cetuximab  chemotherapy with or without pembrolizumab  chemotherapy with versus without bevacizumab  chemotherapy with versus without total hysterectomy  chemotherapy-associated cognitive fatigue and evening physical fatigue  chemotherapy-free treatment  chemotherapy-induced alopecia  chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea  chemotherapy-induced anemia  chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity  chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting  chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in adult NSCLC-patients  chemotherapy-induced ovarian dysfunction in breast cancer patients  chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy  chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia  chemotherapy-induced toxicities  chemotherapy-ineligible HL patients  chemotherapy-naïve non-squamous NSCLC  chemotherapy-related amenorrhea  chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment  chemotherapy-related hematological toxicity  chemotherapy-related toxicities  chemotherapy-related vomiting in children and adolescents  chest CT plus x-ray versus x-ray follow-up  chest radiation for childhood cancer  chest-irradiated cancer survivors  CHF  CHHiP-studie  chiauranib  child and adolescent survivors of malignancies  child self-report versus caregiver report  Child-Pugh class B  childbearing potential  childbirth  childhood ALL  childhood ALL survivors  childhood AML  childhood and adolescent ALL in The Netherlands 1990-2015  childhood and AYA cancer survivors  childhood and young adult ALL  childhood B-ALL  childhood B-cell ALL  childhood brain tumors  childhood cancer  childhood cancer survival in immigrants  Childhood Cancer Survivor Study  childhood cancer survivors  childhood central nervous system tumors  childhood leukemia  childhood leukemia among offspring  childhood leukemia and lymphoma survivors  childhood leukemia risk  childhood leukemia; maternal hormonal contraception use  childhood medulloblastoma survivors  childhood nasopharyngeal carcinoma  childhood neuroblastoma epidemiology  childhood ovarian non-seminomatous germ cell tumors  children  children and adolescents with cancer  children and AYAs with cancer  children with cancer  children with cancer at home  children with FA or AT  Children’s Oncology Group  Children’s Oncology Group AALL0434 study  Children’s Oncology Group study  Children’s Oncology Group Study AALL03N1  chimeric antigen receptor  China Kadoorie Biobank cohort  China Kadoorie Biobank study  Chinese Alliance for Research in Thymomas database  CHIP  CHIPOR trial  chirurgie  cHL  cHL after PD-1 blockade monotherapy  cHL in older adults  cHL in young patients  cHL survivors  CHM  choice between first-line endocrine versus chemotherapy  CHOICE-01 trial  cholangiocarcinoma  cholangiocarcinoom  cholecystitis  cholesterol lowering drug use and breast cancer survival  chondrosarcoma  chondrosarcoom  CHOP  CHOP with or without alemtuzumab  chordoma  chordoom  chromische lymfocytische leukemie  chromocolonoscopy versus white-light colonoscopy  chromosoom 21  chromosoominstabiliteit  chromothripisis  chronic comorbidities  chronic fatigue in long-term survivors  chronic health conditions  chronic hepatitis B  chronic irAEs  chronic liver disease mortality  chronic lymphocytic leukemia  chronic musculosketal pain in cancer survivors  chronic myeloid leukemia  chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase  chronic myelomonocytic leukemia  chronic neutrophilic leukemia  chronic pain  chronic phase CML  chronic radiation-induced xerostomia  chronical medical conditions and late effects in survivors  chronisch graft-versus-host disease  chronische fase CML  Chronische fase-CML  chronische lymfatische leukemie  chronische lymfocytische leukemie  chronische lymfoide leukemie  chronische myelomonocytische leukemie  CHRONOS trial  Chronos-1  CHRONOS-1 study two-year follow-up  CHRONOS-3 study  CHRYALIS-2 cohort A  CHRYSALIS cohort E  CHRYSALIS study  chubb  chyleuze ascites  chylothorax and chylous ascites  CI versus CE  CIA  cigarette type  CIK therapy  cilengitide  cilta-cel  cilta-cel for RRMM in Chinese patients  ciltacabtagene autoleucel  CIMBA  cimetropium bromide  CIMP  CIN  CIN 3  CIN2 3  CIN2 3 spontaneous regression  CIN2+ detection  CINP  cinrebafusp alfa  CINV  CIO  CIOD  CIP  CIPN  CIPN in breast cancer survivors  cirAEs  circadiaan ritme  CIRCULATE-Japan GALAXY  circulating AR-status and resistance to Lu-177-PSMA-617  circulating biomarkers  circulating breast cancer risk factors in normal weight postmenopausal women  circulating cytokines  circulating DNA  circulating estradiol level  circulating HPV DNA  circulating immune cells  circulating immune markers  circulating levels of specific lipid groups  circulating lipids and breast cancer prognosis  circulating protein biomarkers for CRC risk  circulating proteins  circulating sex hormone levels  circulating tumor cell-count driven therapy  circulating tumor cells  circulating tumor DNA  circulating tumor DNA analysis  circulating tumor DNA kinetics predict outcomes  circulerend DNA  circulerend tumor-DNA  circulerende tumorcellen  circulerende tumorcellen; detectie nieuwe mutaties  circulerende vetzuren  CIRT  CIRT for unresectable pelvic bone sarcoma  CIRT versus en bloc resection  CISIG  cisplatin  cisplatin and fluorouracil versus carboplatin and paclitaxel  cisplatin for cancer in children  cisplatin-induced hearing loss in children and AYAs  cisplatin-ineligible operable high-risk UC  cisplatin-related hearing loss and tinnitus  cisplatin-unfit NSCLC patients  cisplatine  cisplatine plus gemcitabine and IMRT  CITADEL-203  CITN-10 study  CITN-14 trial  citrusfruit  CITYSCAPE trial  cixutumumab  CL versus cBCS  cladribine  cladribine and low-dose cytarabine-based regimens  CLAP study  ClarIDHy study  ClarIDHy trial  CLARITY study  CLASS-01 trial  CLASS02 trial  classic and variant hairy cell leukemia  classic Hodgkin lymphoma  classic or endemic KS  classical Kaposi sarcoma  CLASSICAL-Lung clinical trial  claudine 18.2  CLDN18.2-positive gastric or gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma  CLDN18.2-redirected CAR T cells for gastrointestinal cancers  CLEAR  clear cell renal cell carcinoma  CLEAR study  CLEAR trial  clearance of driver mutations after transplantation for myelofibrosis  CLEOPATRA study final results  Clevers  clinical actionability of cancers  clinical and genetic risk factors  clinical and genomic risk  clinical and lifestyle characteristics  clinical and molecular features  clinical and molecular predictors of very late recurrence  clinical benefit and regulatory outcomes  clinical benefit of genomicprofiling  clinical calculator for prediction of recurrence  clinical characteristics  clinical characteristics and outcomes  clinical features  clinical features and outcomes  clinical features for prediction of survival  clinical impact of tumor burden  clinical management  clinical meaningful outcomes  clinical models to predict response and survival  clinical outcomes  clinical outcomes and prognostic factors  clinical prognostic stage group system  clinical significance of adult T-cell leukemia lymphoma  clinical stage I gastric cancer  clinical stage I nonseminoma  clinical stage I NSCLC  clinical stage I seminoma  Clinical Treatment Score at 5 years  clinical trial effect  clinical trial enrollment  clinical trial evidence  clinical trial participation  clinical trials  clinical utility of qPCR plasma EGFR mutation detection in advanced lung cancer  clinical value  clinically N2 non-small cell lung cancer  clinically node-positive breast cancer  clinically node-positive breast cancer with downstaging to ypN0 after NACT  clinician-level knowledge  clinicogenomic classifier  clinicopathologic characteristics  clinicopathologic features  clinicopathologic phenotype  clinicopathological characteristics  clinicopathological features and prognosis after RO resection  clinicopathological predictors of outcomes  CLL  CLL 2007 SA-studie  CLL in patients intolerant to BTK inhibitor or PI3K inhibitor  CLL in younger patients  CLL resistant to venetoclax  CLL SLL  CLL therapies after venetoclax discontinuation  CLL therapy guided by MRD  CLL with coexisting conditions  CLL with comorbidities  CLL with TP53 aberration  CLL with TP53 aberrations  CLL-IPI  CLL10  CLL12 trial  CLL14 study  CLL14 trial  CLL2-BAG study  CLLM1-studie  CLM  CLND  clofarabine  clofarabine plus total body irradiation conditioning  CLOG1302-studie  CLOLE  clomid  clomifeen  clomifeencitraat  clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential  Clozel  CLUE II cohort  CME  CML  CML after ABL kinase inhibitor failure  CML in chronic phase  CML in chronic phase in older patients  CML with T351I mutation  CML without MMR after 2 years of TKI  CML-BP  CML-CP  CML-CP after 2 or more TKIs  CML-studie IV  CMM  CMML  CMML and sAML  CMS risk  CMSs  CMV  CMV viremia after hematopoietic stem cell transplant  CMV-viremie  CN-AML  cN+ M0 BCa  CNAs  CNBSS  CNF  CNS disease  CNS disease control with cranial radiotherapy and ICIs versus chemotherapy  CNS efficacy  CNS efficacy analysis  CNS lymphoma  CNS metastases  CNS metastases of breast ancer  CNS metastasis  CNS NGGCTs  CNS outcomes  CNS relapsed or refractory B-ALL  CNS response  CNS tumors  CNS tumors in children  CNS tumors in young adult patients  CNS-DLBCL  CNS-lymfoom  CNS-metastasen  CNS-recidief HER2-tumoren  CNS-tumoren  CNS-tumoren; impact van behandelcentrum  CNSL  CNV signature  co-occuring MET amplification  co-occuring NOTCH and HR mutations  CO.26 study  CO.26 trial post hoc analysis  coadministration of CD19- and CD22-directed CAR T-cell therapy  COBALT-LYM trial  cobas  cobimetinib  cobimetinib plus vemurafenib  COBRA KAI Study  COBRA study  COBRA-score  coBRIM-studie  cochlear radiation dose  CodeBreaK 101 substudy  CodeBreaK 200  CodeBreaK 200 trial  CodeBreaK100 trial  codon 12 13 versus codon 61 mutation  coffee and tea consumption  coffee intake  COG AALL0232 study  COG AALL0434  COG AALL0622-studie  COG AALL0932 study  COG AALL1231 trial  COG AALL1331 study  COG AALL1621  COG AAML0631-studie  COG AAML1331 trial  COG AEWS0031 trial  COG ARAR0331 study  COG AREN0533-studie  COG trial ACNS0333  COG-studie AAML0531  COG-studie AREN0532  cognitief functioneren  cognitieve disfunctie  cognitieve klachten  cognitieve veranderingen na chemotherapie  cognition  cognition after endocrine versus chemoendocrine therapy  cognitive and behavioral development of 9-year-old children  cognitive and functional toxicities  cognitive and neurobehavioral impairment  cognitive decline  cognitive functioning  cognitive performance  cohabitation and breast cancer risk  COIN colorectal trial  colectomie  colitis-associated CRC risk prediction  collider stratification bias  COLLISION trial  COLOFOL-studie  Cologuard  colon and rectal cancer  colon cancer  colon cancer drug metabolism  Colon Cancer Family Registry  colon cancer peritoneal recurrence  colon cancer risk  colon cancer surgery  colon surgery  colon-NET  coloncarcinogenese  coloncarcinoom  colonkanker  colonoscopic diagnosis of early-onset versus average-onset CRC  colonoscopie  colonoscopy after positive FIT  colonoscopy bowel preparation  colonoscopy in individuals older than 75 years  colonoscopy screening  colonoscopy screening intervals  colonoscopy-based CRC screening  COLOPEC trial  colorectaakanker  colorectaaladenomen  colorectaaladenoom  colorectaalcarcinoom  colorectaalkanker  colorectaalkankerscreening  colorectaalneoplasie  colorectaalpoliepen  colorectal  colorectal adenomas  colorectal cancer  colorectal cancer incidence in Americans approaching screening age  colorectal cancer lever metastasis  colorectal cancer molecular subtypes  colorectal cancer mortality  colorectal cancer precursors  colorectal cancer risk  colorectal cancer screening  colorectal cancer survival models  colorectal carcinogenesis  colorectal liver metastases  colorectal neoplastic polyps  colorectal peritoneal metastasis  colorectale chirurgie  colorectale levermetastasen  colorectale neoplasie  coloscopie  COLUMBA study  COLUMBUS trial  COLUMBUS trial 5-year update  COMBI-AD  COMBI-AD studie  COMBI-AD study  COMBI-d studie  COMBI-MB studie  COMBI-v  CombiDT  combination antiemetics  combination of genetic and environmental risk scores  combination of HAI and systemic chemotherapy  combination of HDAC and mTOR inhibition  combination of ICI and TKI  combination of ICIs  combination of osimertinib and bevacizumab  combination strategy  combined analysis of N9831 and NSABP B-31  combined BRAF- and MEK-inhibition plus PD-1 blockade  combined CTLA-4 and PD-1 inhibition  combined effect of breast density and BMI  combined inhibition of PD-1 and BRAF and MEK  combined lifestyle factors  combined modality treatment  combined nivolumab and bevacizumab  combined PD-1 blockade and VEGF inhibition  combined risk factors score  combined surgical approach  combined-modality therapy  COMET randomized clinical trial  COMET trial  COMFORT-studies  COMMAND study TP53-mutated AML  COMMANDS trial  commercial gene expression tests  commercial tisagenlecleucel  common cancers  common medications  CoMMpass study  community jury  comorbid depression  comorbiditeiten  comorbidities  comorbidity prevalence in cancer  comparative safety of ICIs  comparison between men and women  comparison Hong Kong and USA  comparison of 5-aza and HSCT  comparison of antifungal prophylaxis drugs in patients with hematological disease or undergoing HSCT  comparison of black and white patients  comparison of CBT and MRDT  comparison of clinical studies and real-world outcomes  comparison of early-onset and average-onset colorectal cancers  comparison of first-line treatments  comparison of five guidlelines  comparison of outcomes across neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatments  comparison of PD-L1 protein expression between primary and metastic lesions  comparison of survival by treatment type  comparison of systemic treatments  comparison of three MIBG regimens  comparison of two induction therapies  comparison of two RT fractionation schedules  COMPASS study  COMPASS trial  COMPASSION-03 trial  COMPASSION-04 trial  COMPASSION-16 trial  CompLEEment-1 trial subgroup analysis  complementaire en alternatieve behandelingen  complementary and alternative medications  complementary medicine  complete mesocolic excision  complete remission with vismodegib  complete response to neoadjuvant CRT  COMPLETE study  completion of chemotherapy for breast cancer  complex cancer surgery  complex gastrointestinal cancer surgery  complex karyotype  complication rate and outcomes  complication risk  complications after surgery for colorectal cancer  complications of axillary surgery  COMPOSE-studies  composite GRFS and CRFS outcomes  compromised immune microenvironment  computationele pathologie  computed tomography screening  computer-assisted colorectal adenoma detection  Computer-geassisteerde chirurgie  CONCERTO trial  CONCERVE Study  conclusions of publcations  concomitant discontinuation of adjuvant hormone therapy and cardiovascular therapy  concomitant mutations  concomitant PPIs  concomitant PPIs and CDK4 6 inhibitors  concomitant use  CONCORD-2  CONCORD-3  CONCORD-3 study  concurrent capecitabine and stereotactic radiation  concurrent cetuximab and nivolumab  concurrent chemoradiotherapy  concurrent chemoradiotherapy with IMRT versus IMPT  concurrent CRT followed by adjuvant cisplatin-gemcitabine versus cisplatin-fluorouracil  concurrent intrathecal and intravenous nivolumab  concurrent olaparib and radiotherapy  concurrent tissue and ctDNA profiling in a multicancer cohort  concurrent use of anticoagulants and ibrutinib  conditional cancer-specific survival  conditional immune toxicity rate  conditional local recurrence risk  conditional recurrence-free survival  conditional relative survival  conditional risks of BF and PCSD  conditional survival  conditional survival after five recurrence-free years  conditional survival after resection  conditionele ziektevrije overleving  conditioning after autoHCT  conditioning with G-CSF and decitabine  CONDOR trial  CONFIRM trial  congenital heart disease  congenital tooth agenesis  congestive heart failure  conjunctival melanoma  CONKO-004  connexine 30  consecutive mammography screening examinations  consensus definitions  consensus molecular subtypes  consequences of negative confirmatory trials  conservative management  CONSIGN  consistent physical activity  CONSOLE study  consolidation radiotherapy  consolidation with WBRT or stem-cell transplantation  consoliderende radiotherapie  Consomic Xenograft Model  constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome  consumption of red meat or poultry or fish  CONTACT-01 trial  CONTACT-03 trial  contemporary hormonal contraception  contemporary immuno-oncology combination therapy  contemporary lenalidomide-based regimens  contemporary radiation therapy for ESFHL  CONTESSA 2 study  continuation of lorlatinib beyond progressive disease  continuation of screening after age 70 years  continuous growth model  continuous lenalidomide maintenance for MM  continuous tumor-size-based end points  continuous versus 1-year nivolumab  continuous versus intermittent dosing of dabrafenb-trametinib  CONTINUUM trial  CONTINUUM-studie  contralateraal mammacarcinoom  contralateral breast cancer  contralaterale borstkanker  contralaterale mastectomie  contralaterale profylactische mastectomie  convalescent plasma therapy  conventional versus hypofractionation  conventional versus moderate hypofractionated RT  conversion surgery  CONVERT-studie  CONVINCE-studie  coopERA Breast Cancer trial  copanlisib  copanlisib for tumors with PIK3CA mutations  copanlisib plus gemcitabine  COPD  COPD and lung cancer  copy number alteration screening  copy number loss  CORE-001 trial  coronary artery calcifications  corpus uteri cancer  correlation between RFS and OS after resection of CLM  correlation between surrogate end points and overall survival  correlation of CTCs or DTCs with Oncotype DX recurrence score  correlation with overall survival  corticosteroid refractory ICI-induced enterocolitis  corticosteroïden  corticosteroids  corticosteroids for immune-related adverse events  cosibelimab  COSMIC-021 cohort 6  COSMIC-021 study  COSMIC-311 study  COSMIC-312 trial  COSMIC-313  COSMIC-313 trial  COSMOS trial  cost-effective global care for cancer in children  cost-effectiveness  cost-effectiveness of CAR T-cell therapy  cost-effectiveness of intraoperative MRI  cost-effectiveness of lung cancer screening  cost-effectiveness of nivolumab-ipilimumab combination therapy  cost-effectiveness of prostate RT  cost-effectiveness of surveillance  Costa RIca  Costa Rica HPV Vaccine Trial  cotinine  COVID-19  COVID-19 after CAR T-cell therapy for B-cell malignancies  COVID-19 among US cancer survivors  COVID-19 and rates of cancer diagnosis in the US  COVID-19 first wave  COVID-19 hospitalized patients  Covid-19 hospitalized patients with lymphoma  COVID-19 in patients with hematological malignancies  COVID-19 in patients with thoracic malignancies  COVID-19 incidence and mortality  COVID-19 lockdown  COVID-19 mortality in patients with various cancers  COVID-19 mortality risk  COVID-19 mRNA vaccine  COVID-19 outcomes  COVID-19 pandemic  COVID-19 sequelae  COVID-19 severity and outcomes in patients with cancer  COVID-19 vaccination  COVID-19 vaccine  COVID-19-infected cancer patients  COVIDSurg Collaborative  COX-2 inhibition  coxibs  CP-B uHCC  CP-CML  CP-genen  CPA use  CPG PVs  CpG-B  CPI-613  CPIs  CPM  CPPT  CPRC5D-targeted CAR T cells  CPX-351  CR after LRT plus IO  CR24  CRA  craniopharyngioma  craniopharyngioma in adults  craniotomie  CRB-401 phase 1 trial  CRBSI  crc  CRC and precursor lesions in adults younger than 50 years  CRC detection  CRC diagnosis  CRC in Taiwan  CRC incidence  CRC incidence and mortality  CRC incidence and mortality after polypectomy  CRC incidence and mortality after snigle negative screening colonoscopy  CRC incidence and mortality in Asia  CRC incidence in Canada  CRC intrinsic subtypes  CRC liver metastases  CRC lung metastasis patients  CRC prevention  CRC prognosis  CRC risk  CRC risk among survivors  CRC risk associated wiht lifetime excess weight  CRC risk following polypectomy  CRC risk in Lynch syndrome  CRC screening in European countries  CRC screening program  CRC stage at diagnosis before versus during the COVID-19 pandemic  CRC stage distribution  CRC surgery in older patients  CRC survival  CRC survivors  CRC with asymptomatic synchronous metastases  CRC with BRAF V600E mutation  CRC with ERBB2 amplification overexpression  CRC with G12C-mutation  CRC with high tumor mutaional burden  CRC-biomarkers  CRC-diagnose  CRC-PM  CRC-PREVENT trial  CRC-risico  CRC-screening  CRCD  CRCPM  CREATE-studie  crenigacestat  cretostimogene grenadenorepvec plus nivolumab  CRF  cribriform groeipatroon  CRICKET trial  crizotinb  crizotinib  crizotinib plus chemotherapy  crizotinib-resistant ALK-positive NSCLC  CRLM  CRLX101  CRN  crofelemer for CID  Crohn’s disease  CRONOS study  CROSS  CROSS trial ten-year outcomes  CROSS versus FLOT  CROSSFIRE trial  crossover or pembrolizumab rechallenge after recurrence  CROWN study  CROWN Trial  CRP  CRP flare-response  CRP-niveau  CRPC  CRPC with bone metastases  CRS  CRS + HIPEC  CRS for advanced-stage OC  CRS HIPEC  CRS plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone  CRS plus HIPEC  CRS with or without HIPEC  CRS-207  CRS-HIPEC  CRS-HIPEC cost effectiveness  CRS-HIPEC for CRC PMs  CRS-HIPEC for CRPM  CRT  CRT and local excision versus TME for T2-T3ab N0 M0 rectal cancer  CRT as alternative for NSCLC surgery with predicted high risk of irradical resection  CRT for cervical cancer  CRT for esophageal cancer  CRT for HNC  CRT for LA HNC  CRT versus CT  CRT with cisplatin versus cetuximab  CRT with liposomal paclitaxel plus cisplatin  CRT with or without metformin  CRTCOESC trial  cryoablation  cryoablation for lung metastases  cryoablation with excision  cryotherapy  CS tumors  CS1002 with or without CS1003  CSCC  cSCC of head and neck  cSCC risk after diagnosis actinic keratosis  CSCC-HN  CSCCs  CSF penetration of anti-PD-1 antibodies  CSM  CT  CT examinations  ct HPV DNA for surveillance  CT lung cancer screening  CT radiation  CT radiation exposure before age 22 years  CT-based biomarkers  CT-guided high-dose-rate interstitial brachytherapy  CT-longkankerscreening  CT-P10  CT-P6 versus trastuzumab  CT-screening longkanker  CT041  cT1-2N0 breast cancer  cT1T2No OTSCC  cTACE  CTCAE  CTCL  CTCs  CTCs and early relapse  ctDNA  ctDNA after NACT  ctDNA after neoadjuvant chemotherapy  ctDNA alterations  ctDNA analysis  ctDNA analysis to direct therapy  ctDNA analysis to guide adjuvant therapy  ctDNA and risk of progression after long-term response  ctDNA as a risk stratifying biomarker  ctDNA as biomarker of response to palbociclib-fulvestrant  ctDNA as marker of MRD  ctDNA as response indicator  ctDNA dynamics  ctDNA for early detection of MRD and risk stratification  ctDNA for monitoring disease status  ctDNA in CSF and plasma  ctDNA markers for early progression  ctDNA methylation  ctDNA methylation haplotypes  ctDNA mutations  ctDNA predicts response and prognosis  ctDNA profiling  ctDNA reflects response and survival  ctDNA response  ctDNA sequencing  ctDNA TMB and response to first-line pembrolizumab  ctDNA-guided de-escalation of targeted therapy  ctDNA-guided therapy  ctHPV DNA  ctHPV DNA in saliva  ctHPVDNA after surgery for HPV-associated OPSCC  ctHPVDNA monitoring in recurrence surveillance  CTL019 for pediatric B-ALL  CTLA-4  CTLA-4 blokkade  CTLC  CTONG1104 study  CTP  CTRCD  CTS5 risk score  CTX130  CUDC-907  CUETO  cumulative burden of major surgical interventions  cumulative burden of psychiatric disorders and self-harm across 26 adult cancers  cumulative GRAS score  cumulative incidence of CIHL  cumulative incidence of CVD  cumulative risk of false-positive result  CUP  CUPISCO study  curatie  curative intent treatment for bladder cancer  curative-intent resection  CURB oligoprogression trial  current or former smoking  cutaan squameus celcarcinoom  cutaan squameus celcarcinoom van hoofd en hals  cutaan T-cel lymfoom  CUTALLO trial  cutane bijwerkingen  cutaneous adverse events  cutaneous basal cell carcinoma  cutaneous BCC  cutaneous HNSCC with regional lymph node metastasis  cutaneous malignant melanoma  cutaneous melanoma  cutaneous melanoma survivors  cutaneous SCC  cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma  cutaneous toxicities  cutaneous toxicity  CUX1-ALK rearrangement  CV risk  CVD  CVD and stroke following cancer in older adults  CVD risk  CVD risk after GnRH agonists versus GnRH antagonists  CVD risk factors  CVD risk factors and colorectal cancer  CVEs  CVSS-studie  CX.5 SHAPE trial  CXB  CXCL8-CXCR1 2 axis  CXCR4 expression in lung cancer  CXM  cycline D1  cyclofosfamide  cyclophosphamide  cyclophosphamide for prevention of aGVHD  cyclophosphamide-bortezomib-dexamethasone  cyclophosphamide-free chemotherapy for ovarian protection  CYP2D6 genotype  CYP3A  CYPIDES trial  cyproteronacetaat  cyramza  cystatin-C  cystectomie  cystectomy versus trimodality therapy  cytarabine  CYTO-CHIP study  CyTOF of peripheral blood  cytogenetically defined high-risk multiple myeloma  cytogenetisch normaal AML  cytokine levels  cytokine-induced killer cell therapy  cytokines  cytology testing  cytoreductive surgery  Cytosponge-trefoil factor 3  D plus TM  D-2-hydroxyglutaraat  D-index-guided early antifugal therapy  D-Rd  D-Rd versus Rd  D-TORCH trial  D-VCd  D-Vd versus Vd  D-VMP  D-VTd versus VTd  D-VTd versus VTd for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma  DA-EPOCH plus InO  DA-EPOCH-R versus R-CHOP  DAAs  DaBlaCa-13 study  dabrafenib  dabrafenib plus trametinib  dabrefenib plus trametinib  dacarbazine for metastatic melanoma  dacomitinib  DADI  DAFI  daily aspirin  daily insulin dose  daily sitting time  daily step counts  dairy intake during adolescence and risk of colorectal adenoma  DAISY trial  DALLT cohort  dalpiciclib  Danish Breast Cancer Group Internal Mammary Node study  Danish Breast Cancer Group Partial Breast Irradiation Trial  Danish cancer patients  DAOH  DAPHNe trial  daratumumab  daratumumab for AL amyloidosis  daratumumab plus lenalidomide maintenance after transplantation  daratumumab-based regimens  daratumumab-based treatment  daratumumab-bortezomib-dexamethasone  darm-microbioom  darm-stamcellen  darmflora  darmkanker  darolutamide  darolutamide maintenance  darolutamide plus ADT  DARPin drug candidate MP0250  DART S1609 neuroendocrine cohort  DART SWOG 1609  DART SWOG 1609 Cohort 47  DART SWOG S1609  DART-studie  dasatinib  dasatinib plus blinatumomab  dasatinib plus dendritic cell vaccines targeting TBVAs  dasatinib versus imatinib  DASCERN randomized study  DASFREE 5-year analysis  DAstop2 trial  DATA-studie  Dato-DXd  Dato-DXd versus docetaxel  David A. Karnofsky Memorial Award and Lecture  DAVLEC trial  davoli  DAWN-studie  DAWNA-2 trial  DAWT  DB  DBCG 07-READ studie  DBCG HYPO trial  DBMS  DBT versus DM  DC-CIK  DCCSS-LATER 2 psycho-oncology study  DCCSS-LATER 3  DCd with or without P  DCE-MRI  DCF chemotherapy  DCIS  DCIS adjacent to IBC  DCIS and early stage HR-positive breast cancer  DCIS and node-negative breast cancer  DCIS before age 50 years  DCIS grading  DCIS in the male breast  DCIS of the breast  DCIS risk  DCIS size and margin status  DCOG-LATER cohort  DCOG-LATER cohort study  DCOG-LATER studie  dd BV plus ICE chemotherapy  dd-chemotherapie  DD-cxdl  DDCT  DDGP versus SMILE  DDLT  DDR gene aberrations  DDR gene mutations  DDR-HRR altered mCRPC  de novo HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer  de novo metastatic breast cancer  de novo metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma  de novo metastatic prostate cancer  de novo mHSPC  de novo stage IV breast cancer  de novo stage IV HER2-positive MBC  de novo stage IV versus distant metastatic recurrent NSCLC  De-ESCALaTE HPV study  de-escalation of axillary surgery  de-escalation of TKIs  DEAR study  death and dementia risk  death from unintentional injury among cancer patients  Debio 1143 plus high-dose cisplatin CRT  Debio0932  Decipher  decision support system  decision-making  decitabine  decitabine plus camrelizumab  dedifferentiated chordoma  deep learning  deep learning model  deep molecular response  deepening of response after completing therapy  defactinib  DeFi trial  deficient mismatch repair stage III colon cancer  definition of positive CRM  definitive local therapy  definitive radiotherapy  definitive RT  definitive stereotactic body radiotherapy  degarelix  DEL  delay of cancer surgery  delayed CINV in pediatric patients  delayed hearing loss  delayed immune-related adverse events  delayed surgical treatment  delirium  DeLLphi 300  DeLLphi-301 trial  dementia  demographic characteristics  dendritic cell-based immunotherapy  Denemarken  denosumab  denosumab or zoledronic acid in cancer patients  dense breast tissue  dentaal trauma  dental extractions and ORN risk  dental health and lung cancer risk  DEP KP80 study  depatux-M  depressie  depression  depression and suicidal ideation  depression risk  depth of response  dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans  DESKTOP III trial  desmoïd  desmoid tumors  DESMOPAZ study  DESTINY study  DESTINY-Breast01  DESTINY-Breast01 study  DESTINY-Breast02  DESTINY-Breast02 trial  DESTINY-Breast03  DESTINY-Breast03 subgroup analyses  DESTINY-Breast03 trial  DESTINY-Breast04  Destiny-Breast06 trial  DESTINY-CRC01 trial  DESTINY-CRC02  DESTINY-Gastric01 study  DESTINY-Lung01  DESTINY-Lung01 trial  DESTINY-Lung02 trial  DESTINY-PanTumor01  DESTINY-studie  detectie  Detectie borstkanker  detectie colorectaalkanker  detecting genomic biomarkers in plasma versus tissue  detection advanced neoplasia  detection bias  detection early-stage OPSCC  detection of circulating tumor DNA after surgery for nmCRC  detection of colon cancer recurrences  detection of CTCs during follow-up  detection of germline variants  detection of invasion of detrusor muscle  detection of microsatellite instability  detection of mutations in ctDNA  detection of non-index lesions  detection of prostate cancer  detection of relapse  determinants of breast cancer risk  determinants of optimal adjuvant therapy  determinants of outcomes  determinants of survival  determinants of tumor cell PD-L1 expression  determinants of uptake of active surveillance  determinants of xerostomia  development of new drugs  devimistat in combination with gemcitabine and cisplatin  dexamethason  dexamethasone  dexanethasone  dexrazoxane  DFCI 11-001 study  DFP-10917  DFS  DHA  DHAP  DHL  DHL and THL  diabetes  diabetes and cancer risk  diabetes in long-term cancer survivors  diabetes mellitus  diagnose longcarcinoom  diagnosis and treatment  diagnostic low-dose ionizing radiation in youth  diagnostic scrutiny  diagnostic value of FDG PET CT  diagnsotic performance of feacal immunochemical test  DICER1 pathogenic variants  diet and survival  diet qualiity  diet quality  diet quality and risk of prostate cancer grade reclassification during active surveillance  dietary carbohydrate quality and human health  dietary carbohydrates  dietary fat  dietary fiber  dietary fiber and yogurt  dietary intake  dietary intake of antioxidants  dietary modification and breast cancer mortality  dietary polyunsaturated fat  dietary sodium restriction  dietary supplement use  dietary supplement use and documentation  dietary supplement use during chemotherapy  differences in treatment outcomes  different cancer types  different types of plant-based dietary patterns and CRC risk  differential activity of PARP inhibitors  differential response to neoadjuvant endocrine therapy  differential ribosome measurements of codon reading  differentiated thyroid cancer  difficult patients  diffuse large B cell lymphoma  diffuse large B-cell lymphoma  diffuse large B-cell lymphoma-specific mortality  Diffuse midline H3K27-altered gliomas in the spinal cord  Diffuse optical spectroscopic imaging  diffuse type TGCT  diffuse-type giant cell tumor  diffusion-weighted MRI  diffuus grootcellig B-cel lymfoom  diffuus intrinsiek ponsglioom  difluoromethylornithine maintenance  digestive tract cancer  digital breast tomosynthesis  digital breast tomosythesis  digital remote monitoring  digital screening mammografie  DigniCap  digoxine  DII  DIP  DIPG  DIPG patients ≥ 10 years of age  DIPG-BATS studie  direct-acting antivirals  direct-to-patient outreach  discontinuation imatinib for CML in children  discontinuation of anti-PD-1 antibody therapy  discontinuation of first-line dasatinib for CML  discontinuation of immune suppression  discontinuation of TKIs for de novo CP-CML  discontinuous SBRT  discordance between CA-125 progression and RECIST progression  discordance between primary and matched metastatic breast cancer  disease burden  disease control after radiotherapy  disease progression in cancer patients  disease trajectories and mortality after breast cancer  disease-free survival  diseases and deaths in middle-aged adults  disontinuation of trastuzumab  disparaties in cancer incidence by sexual orientation  disparities  disparities by race ethnicity and age  disparities in access to high-volume pancreatectomy centers  disparity between children and AYAs  dispositional optimism  disruption of FIT-screening programmes  distal cholangiocarcinoma  distal rectal cancer  distale pancreatectomie  distant disease-specific survival  distant metastasis of salivary gland cancer  distant metastatic breast cancer  distant recurrence of breast cancer  distant versus supraclavicular lymph node metastases  DisTinGuish trial  distress  Distress Thermometer  divarasib  divarasib plus cetuximab  DLBCL  DLBCL in elderly frail patients  DLBCL in patients aged 18-65 years  DLBCL survivors  DLBCL-RT  DLGG  DM  DMFS  dMMR CC  dMMR colon cancer  dMMR MSI mCRC  dMMR MSI metastatic gastrointestinal cancer  dMMR MSI-H PaC  dMMR MSI-H solid tumors  dMMR PDAC  dMMR subgroup analysis  DMPM  DN  DNA damage immune response  DNA Damage Immune Response signatrue  DNA damage repair mutations  DNA damage response targeting treatments  DNA next-generation sequencing  DNA promoter-hypermethylering  DNA repair gene aberrations. platinum-base chemotherapy  DNA-methylering  DNA-test  DNA-thioguanine concentration  DNMT3A-mutatie  DOACs versus LMWH for prevention of recurrent VTE in cancer patients  DOACs versus LMWHs  docetaxel  docetaxel and trametinib  docetaxel-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy and en bloc resection  docetaxel-cyclophosphamide for breast cancer  docetaxel-PM plus trastuzumab-pkrb  documentaire  doelgerichte behandeling  DOLPHIN phase 2 nonrandomized trial  dominant TCR clone  donor clonal hematopoiesis  donor-derived anti-CD19 CAR T cells  donor-derived CD7 CAR T-cells  donor-derived expanded NK-cells to prevent relapse  DoR  dordaviprone (ONC201)  DOREMY study  dormancy-genen  dose dense doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide and-paclitaxel  dose optimization  dose reduction of preoperative RT  dose-adjusted EPOCH-R  dose-dense adjuvant chemotherapy plus trastuzumab  dose-dense versus standard chemotherapy  dose-individualized FP therapy  dosisescalatie  DOSISPHERE-01 study  dostarlimab  dostarlimab for endometrial cancer  dostarlimab in doublet triplet combinations  DOT1L  double expressor DLBCL  doublet therapy for de novo mCSPC  DOVIGIST-studie  Down syndrome and ALL in children and AYAs  downstaging before liver transplant  doxorubicin delivery from ultrasound-triggered liposomes  doxorubicin for adolescent and adult HL  doxorubicin for sarcoma  doxorubicin plus pembrolizumab  doxorubicin with or without ICI  doxorubicine  dPFSors after PD-1 blockade for melanoma or NSCLC  DPP-4 inhibition for aGVHD proylaxis  DPYD genotyping  DPYD*2A variant carrying cancer patients  DRAGON IV CAP 05 trial  DRD-positive mUC  DREAM study  DREAMM-2 study  DREAMM-2 trial final analysis  DREAMM-7  DREAMM-8 trial  DREAMseq trial  driver-negative advanced non-small cell lung cancer  drivers of patients rating of cancer care in Switzerland  droge mond  droplet digital PCR  DRRD  DRUG Access Protocol  Drug Rediscovery Protocol  drug response predictor  drug-drug interactions  drug-funding reimbursement  DRUP trial  drye eye syndrome  DSMM XI-studie  DSRCT  DSTP30865  dt-GCT  DTC  DTCs  DTX3 copy number in breast cancer  dual PD-1 and HER2 blockade for aGC  DUBLIN-3 trial  ductaal carcinoom in situ  ductal carcinoma in situ  DUD  dunne-darmadenocarcinoom  dunne-darmneoplasie  DUO Crossover Extension Study  DUO study  durability of response to SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 vaccine  duration of adjuvant trastuzumab  duration of ADT with postoperative radiotherapy  duration of androgen deprivation therapy added to RT for PCa  duration of immunotherapy  duration of response  DURIGAST trial  durvalumab  durvalumab after CRT  durvalumab and tremelimumab with definitive CCRT  durvalumab for NSCLC  durvalumab for solid tumors in HIV-1 infected patients  durvalumab or placebo after CRT for stage III NSCLC  durvalumab plus chemotherapy  durvalumab plus CRT  durvalumab plus gemcitabine and cisplatin  durvalumab plus olaparib  durvalumab plus olaparib plus cediranib  durvalumab plus radiotherapy  durvalumab plus targeted therapy  durvalumab plus tremelimumab  durvalumab with or without stereotactic body radiotherapy  durvalumab with or without tremelimumab  durvalumab-cisplatin-pemetrexed  DURVAST study  dutasteride  Dutch Bone Metastasis Study  Dutch MINDACT cohort analyis  Dutch trends in incidence and prognosis  duvelisib  duvelisib plus romidepsin  DV  DYNAMIC study  DYNAMIC trial  dynamics of ctDNA  DYNAMO study  DYPD genotyping  dysfagie  dyslipidemia  dyspnea in cancer patients  dyspnoe  E GEJ cancer  e-sigaretten  E1609 study  E1912 study  E1912 updated results  E2F8  E3805-studie  E3A06 study  E3N  E3N cohort  E4  E5103 study  E7389-EF plus nivolumab  E75  EA  EA2108 study  EAA  EAC  EAC and GEJ adenocarcinoma  EADC  EAGLE study  EAGLES study  early and locally advanced breast cancer  early AYAs  early breast cancer  early breast cancer or ductal carcinoma in situ  early breast cancer treatment  early cancer surveillance  early cervical cancer  early changes in ctDNA  early CRC  early CRP kinetics as predictive biomarker  early death  early detection and monitoring progression of gastric cancer  early detection and prognosis prediction  early diagnosis  early discontinuation of endocrine therapy  early donor identification  early experience  early HER2-positive breast cancer  early HR-positive breast cancer  early interdisicplinary supportive care  early intervention  early invasive breast cancer mortality  early liquid biopsy  early local therapy  early markers for cardiovascular disease  early melanoma recurrence despite adjuvant anti-PD-1 therapy  early metabolic response  early mortality  early multinodular HCC  early noninvasive detection of response  early onset CRC  early onset female cancer survivors  early palliative care use  early phase ICI-trials  early prediction of chemoradiotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity  early prediction of response  early prediction of response or progression  early predictors of pathologic complete response to neoadjuvant therapy  early rectal cancer  early recurrence  early recurrence after resection  early relapse detection  early stage breast cancer  early stage breast cancer in older women  early stage breast cancer outcome  early stage EGFR-mutated NSCLC  early stage ER-positive breast cancer  early stage ER-positive breast cancer in older women  early stage prostate cancer  early stage TNBC  early stage triple-negative breast cancer  early thymic precursor acuut lymfoblastische leukemie  early thymic precursor-like phenotype ALL  early TNBC  early trastuzumab interruption  early triple-negative breast cancer  early-life alcohol intake  early-onset cancers  early-onset colorectal cancer  early-onset colorectal cancer among women  early-onset CRC  early-onset familial breast cancer  early-onset pancreas cancer  early-onset pancreatic cancer  early-onset severe infections  early-onset versus late-onset CRC  early-stage breast cancer  early-stage breast cancer in elderly patients  early-stage breast cancer in the elderly  early-stage breast cancer in young women  early-stage breast cancer recurrence  early-stage cancers  early-stage cervical cancer  early-stage CLL  early-stage cutaneous T-cell lymphoma  early-stage endometrial cancer  early-stage gastric cancer  early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma  early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer  early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma  early-stage HR-positive breast cancer  early-stage lung cancer  early-stage MCC  early-stage melanoma micrometastases  early-stage non-small cell lung cancer  early-stage non-small lung cancer  early-stage NSCLC  early-stage or isolated lung parenchymal recurrent node-negative NSCLC  early-stage oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma  early-stage PaC  early-stage pediatric HL  early-stage primary cutaneous melanoma  early-stage TNBC  early-stage unfavorable cHL  early-stage unfavorable classic Hodgkin lymphoma  early-stage unfavorable HL  EAST ENERGY trial  EBC  EBCC-12 postponed  EBMT ALWP study  EBRT for localized prostate cancer  EBRT for prostate cancer  EBV  EC  EC with ERBB2 3 alterations  EC with lymph node metastasis  EC-CRT-001  ECD  Echelon-1 studie  ECHELON-1 study  ECHELON-1 trial  ECHELON-2 study  ECHELON-3  ECHO-202 KEYNOTE-037  ECLIPSE trial  ECOG PS  ECOG PS 2  ECOG-ACRIN 2511 study  ECOG-ACRIN 5508 study  ECOG-ACRIN E1412 study  ECOG-ACRIN E1609 study analysis  ECOG-ACRIN E1912 study  ECOG-ACRIN E2211  ECOG-ACRIN E2810  ECOG-ACRIN E3311 trial  ECOG-PS  economic evaluation  ECX)  ED  ED-SCLC  ED-SCLC in elderly patients  Edinburgh Pain Assessment and management Tool  education level related inequalities in cancer mortality in Europe  educational level  educational outcomes  EE2012 trial  één-maands mortaliteit  eenarmige versus gerandomiseerde fase 2-studies  eerdere kanker  EET  EF-14  efbemalenograstim alfa  effect modification  effect modifiers of low-dose tamoxifen  effect of immunotherapy time-of-day infusion  effect of racial concordance on patient trust  effect on early cancer detection  effectivity and safety of BNT162b2 vaccine in patients undergoing treatment for cancer  effects of GVHD on long-term outcomes  effects of HER2 alterations  efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy  efficacy of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine in patients with CLL  efficacy of ICIs  efficacy of immunotherapy  efficacy of medications for reduction of risk of primary breast cancer in women  EFVPTC  EGA  EGCG for prevention of postoperative RT-induced dermatitis in breast cancer patients  EGD for detection of gastric neoplasms  EGFR  EGFR amplification  EGFR amplified glioblastoma  EGFR copy number gain  EGFR ex20ins-mutant NSCLC  EGFR exon 20 insertion-mutated NSCLC  EGFR inhibition  EGFR inhibition resistance  EGFR mutant NSCLC  EGFR mutated advanced non-small cell lung cancer  EGFR mutated metastatic non-small cell lung cancer  EGFR mutated NSCLC  EGFR mutation status  EGFR mutation-positive advanced NSCLC  EGFR mutation-positive MET-amplified NSCLC after EGFR TKIs  EGFR mutation-positive NSCLC with leptomeningeal metastases  EGFR T790 mutated aNSCLC detected in plasma  EGFR T790M  EGFR T790M mutant NSCLC  EGFR T790M-positive advanced NSCLC with leptomeningeal metastases  EGFR T790M-positive NSCLC  EGFR T790M-positive NSCLC in elderly patients  EGFR therapy resistant NSCLC  EGFR wild-type aNSCLC  EGFR-amplified GEA  EGFR-amplified recurrent glioblastoma  EGFR-blokkade  EGFR-mutant and MET-amplified NSCLC  EGFR-mutant aNSCLC  EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma  EGFR-mutant lung cancer  EGFR-mutant mNSCLC  EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer  EGFR-mutant NSCLC  EGFR-mutant NSCLC in chemotherapy-ineligible patients  EGFR-mutant NSCLC with liver metastases  EGFR-mutant RET fusion-positive non-small cell lung cancer  EGFR-mutated advanced non-small cell lung cancer  EGFR-mutated advanced non-small-cell lung cancer  EGFR-mutated advanced NSCLC  EGFR-mutated aNSCLC  EGFR-mutated LA M NSCLC  EGFR-mutated lung adenocarcinoma  EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer  EGFR-mutated nonsquamous NSCLC after EGFR-TKI therapy  EGFR-mutated NSCLC  EGFR-mutated NSCLC in elderly or frail patients  EGFR-mutated NSCLC with brain metastases  EGFR-mutated NSCLC with LMs  EGFR-mutatie  EGFR-mutaties  EGFR-TKI  EGFR-TKI with or without thoracic radiotherapy  EGFR-TKIs  EGFR-TKIs for stage IIIB IV EGFR-mutant NSCLC  EGFR-variant NSCLC  EGFR+ and ALK+ NSCLC  EGFRex20ins mutation-positive NSCLC  EGFRex20ins-positive mNSCLC  EGJ adenocarcinoma  EHCC  eHealth support  eierstokkanker  eiwitbiomarkers  elacestrant  elacestrant (RAD1901)  ELCC 2017  elderly cancer patients  elderly HR-positive breast cancer patients  elderly patients  elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer  electric power morcellation  electroacupuncture  electroacupuncture for postoperative ileus  electronic nose  electroporated plasmid IL-12  ELEVATE TN study  ELEVATE-TN 4-year follow-up  elevated CRP  elevated platelet count  elevated vitamin B12 levels  ELIANA study QOL analysis  ELIANA trial  Eliasof  eliminating surgery  ELM-1 study  ELM-2 trial  ELOQUENT-3 study  ELOQUENT-3 trial  elotuzumab  elranatamab  ELRP  ELSA  eltrombopag  ELTS-score  emactuzumab  EMBARK trial  EMBER-3 study  EMBRACA study  EMBRACA-studie  EMBRACE-I study  EMBRACE-studie  embryonale hersentumoren  EMD  EMERALD trial  EMERALD-1 trial  emergency department use and unplanned hospitalization  EMERGING-CTONG 1103 study  emesis  emetogenic chemotherapy in pediatric patients  EMILIA  EMN09 study  emotionele uitputting  EMP of the head and neck  EMPIRE-1 study  EMPOWER-Cervical 1 trial  EMPOWER-Lung 1  EMPOWER-Lung 1 trial  EMPOWER-Lung 3  EMPOWER-Lung 3 part 2  EMPOWER-Lung 3 trial  EMT  EMVI  EMZL  ENACT trial  enasidenib plus azacitidine  encorafenib  encorafenib plus binimetinib  encorafenib-binimetinib-cetuximab  ENCORE-601 study  end of life use of systemic therapy  END versus observation  end-of-life care  end-of-life quality indicators  end-of-life zorg  ENDEAVOR-studie  ENDOANGEL system  endocriene behandeling  endocriene effecten  endocriene therapie  endocrine deficiency  endocrine diseases  endocrine pathways dysregulation  endocrine resistance  endocrine therapies  endocrine therapy  endocrine therapy adherence  endocrine therapy for breast cancer  endocrine therapy resistance  endocrine therapy response  endocrine treatment  endocrine treatment versus chemotherapy  endocrine-resistant ABC  endocrine-resistant mBC  endocrine-responsive lobular carcinoma of the breast  endometrial ancer  endometrial cancer  endometrial cancer prevention  endometrial cancer risk  endometrial cancer surgery  endometrial cancer survival  endometrioïd endometriumcarcinoom  endometrioïd epitheliaal ovariumcarcinoom  endometriosis  endometriosis typology and ovarian cancer risk  endometrium-adenocarcinoom  endometriumcarcinoom  endometriumkanker  EndoPredict  endoprosthetic reconstruction for lower extremity bone tumors  endoscopic or open resection  endoscopic surgery versus intensity-modulated radiotherapy  endoscopist ADR  endotheliaal ovariumcarcinoom  ENDS  ENDURANCE trial  ENEC  energetic capacity  ENESTfreedom  ENESTfreedom trial  enfortumab vedotin  ENGOT-EN5 GOG-3055 SIENDO  ENGOT-EN6 GOG-3031 RUBY  ENGOT-OV16 NOVA study  ENGOT-OV16 NOVA trial  ENHANCE 1 study  enhanced recovery after surgery  enhancer of zeste homolog 2  ENITEC consortium  ENKTL  ENLIVEN study  enobosarm  ENOC  enocrafnib  ensartinib  ensartinib versus crizotinib  entecavir  entecavir with or without interferon-α  enteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors  enterovirus  enthusiasm hypothesis  entinostat with nivolumab and ipilimumab  entospletinib  ENTRATA trial  entrectinib  Environmental Quality Index  ENZ or ABI for mCRPC  ENZ vs AA  ENZA-p trial  enzalutamide  enzalutamide for castration-resistant prostate cancer  enzalutamide plus trastuzumab  enzalutamide versus bicalutamide  ENZAMET study  ENZAMET trial  enzastaurine  EOC  EOC in Black women  EOC in high income countries  EOC stage IC2 IC3  EOCRC  EOCRC versus LOCRC  EOPC  EOPM  EORTC  EORTC 10995  EORTC 1325 Keynote-054 studie  EORTC 1325 KEYNOTE-054 study  EORTC 1325 KEYNOTE-054 trial  EORTC 1325-MG KEYNOTE-054  EORTC 1325-MG KEYNOTE-054 3-year follow-up  EORTC 18071  EORTC 22922 10925 study  EORTC 22922 10925-studie  EORTC 22952-26001 trial exploratory analysis  EORTC 26101 analysis  EORTC 26951  EORTC LYSA FIL H10 and NCRI RAPID joint analysis  EORTC study 22033-26033  EORTC-62092  EPA  epacadostat  EpCAM-positieve tumoren  EPCORE NHL-1  EPCORE NHL-1 trial  EPCORE NHL-2 trial  epcoritamab  epcoritamab plus GemOx  EPd versus Pd  ependymoom  epertinib  EPHOS-B  EPHOS-B trial long-term results  ephrinB2 inhibition plus pembrolizumab  EPI-CT cohort study  epi-drugs  EPIC  EPIC and UK Biobank prospective cohort studies  EPIC cohort  EPIC-analyse  EPIC-NL  EPICAL trial  EPICAP-studie  epichaperome-targeted positron emission tomography for tumor imaging  epidemiologic trends  epidemiological characteristics  epidemiology and outcomes  epidemiology of primary and metastatic brain tumors in children  epidemiology of VTE  epidural use  epidurale metastasen  epigenetic age acceleration  epigenetic editing  epigenetische stabiliteit  epigenetische veranderingen  epilepsy risk factors  epirubicin  epitheliaal ovariumcarcinoom  epithelial ovarian cancer  epithelial ovarian cancer risk  epithelial ovarian cancer survivors  epithelial ovarian carcinoma  epitinib  Epitopes-HPV02 ancillary study  Epitopes-HPV02 study  EPOC  EPOC1706 study. advanced gastric cancer  EPOCH study  eprenetapopt (APR-246) plus azacitidine  eprenetapopt plus azacitidine  eprenetapopt-azacitidine maintenance  eprenetapopt-venetoclax-azacitidine  EPSILoN  Epstein Barr virus-specific autologous cytotoxic T lymphocytes  Epstein-Barr virus serology-based screening  Epstein-Barr virus-geïnduceerde lymfoproliferatieve ziekte  EQoL-MDS  EQOL-MDS trial  eque-cel  ER low-positive breast cancer  ER positive breast cancer  ER status  ER status and breast cancer survival  ER- en PR-testen  ER-low positive breast cancer  ER-low-positive breast cancer  ER-negatief mammacarcinoom  ER-negatieve borstkanker  ER-negatieve tumoren  ER-positief HER2-negatief gevorderd mammacarcinoom  ER-positief mammacarcinoom  ER-positieve borstkanker  ER-positive advanced breast cancer  ER-positive advanced breast cancer after aromatase inhibitor failure  ER-positive BC  ER-positive breast cancer  ER-positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women  ER-positive early-stage breast cancer  ER-positive EBC  ER-positive HER2 negative ABC  ER-positive HER2 negative breast cancer  ER-positive HER2-negative aBC  ER-positive HER2-negative advanced breast cancer  ER-positive HER2-negative breast cancer  ER-positive HER2-negative breast cancer in elderly patients  ER-positive HER2-negative early breast cancer  ER-positive HER2-negative MBC  ER-positive HER2-negative primary breast cancer  ER-positive node-positive breast cancer in elderly patients with comorbidities  ER-specific CBC  ER-targeted PET  ER+ HER2-  ER+ HER2- BC  ER+ HER2- breast cancer  ER+ HER2- MBC after failure of AI  ERA 223 study  era-by-era analysis of survival  eRAPID intervention  ERAS  ERBB2 HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer  ERBB2 mRNA expression  ERBB2 mutations in solid tumors  ERBB2 plasma copy number  erdafitinib  erdafitinib versus chemotherapy  Erdheim-Chester disease  erfelijke borst- en eierstokkanker  erfelijke syndromen  erfelijkheid  ERG- and PTEN-defined prostate cancer  eribulin  eribulin plus cyclophosphamide  eribulin plus everolimus  eribulin plus gemcitabine  eribulin plus pembrolizumab  eribulin versus S-1  eribulin with or without pembrolizumab  eribuline  ErkentNIS  erlotinib  erlotinib for advanced EGFR-mutated NSCLC  erlotinib plus vemurafenib  ersatzdroge  Erβ1  Erβ2  ES  ES SCLC  ES-NSCLC  ES-SCLC  ES-SCLC after platinum-based chemotherapy  ES-SCLC in chemo-naïve patients  ESAS-scores  ESCC  ESCC detection by microRNA profiling  ESCC in older patients  ESCORT study  ESCORT-1st study  ESD  ESGC  ESHAP  eSMART study  ESME trial  ESMO  ESMO-MCBS H  ESO-Shanghai 13  esomeprazole  ESOPEC  esophageal adenocarcinoma  esophageal and esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma  esophageal and gastric cancer  esophageal and GEJ adenocarcinoma  esophageal cancer  esophageal cancer in older patients  esophageal cancer risk  esophageal cancer surgery  esophageal Candida infection  esophageal gastroesophageal junction cancer  esophageal squamous cell carcinom  esophageal squamous cell carcinoma  esophagectomy  esophagectomy for cancer  esophagogastric adenocarcinoma  esophagogastric cancer surgery  ESPAC-4 secondary analysis  ESPAC4 trial  ESPAC5 trial  ESR1 mutations  ESR1 mutations in CTCs and ctDNA  ESR1-amplificatie  essential thrombocythenia and polycythemia vera  estetrol  ESTHER cohort study  esthesioneuroblastoom  esthetische uitkomst  ESTIMABL2 trial  estimated gained lifetime  estimated projection of US cancer incidence and deaths to 2040  estimates of overtreatment with adjuvant systemic therapy  estimating risk of pancreatic cancer in the general population  estimating survival  estimation of risk by HCPs  estradiol levels  estrogen monotherapy  estrogen receptor-positive recurrent endometrial cancer  estrogen therapy after breast cancer diagnosis  ET  ET outcomes  ET with or without ribociclib  ET with versus without CDK4 6 inhibitors  ETD EOD  ETER701 trial  ethnic disparities in ERBB2 amplification in gastric cancer  etirinotecan pegol  etnische diversiteit  ETP-ALL LBL  ETS  EU cancer mortality prediction for 2023  EU cancer mortality predictions for 2024  EU-regelgeving  EURECCA  Euro-E.W.I.N.G.99  Euro-Ski  EURO-SKI studie  EUROCARE-5  EUROCARE-6  EuroNet-PHL-C1  European cancer mortality  European Code against Cancer  European Mantle Cell Lymphoma Elderly Trial  European trends in NST use for node-positive breast cancer  Europese kankermortaliteit  EURTAC  EUTOS  EV-101 study  EV-201 study  EV-201 trial  EV-202 trial  EV-301 study  EV-302 trial  EV-assay  EV-pembrolizumab  evaluation of adjuvant chemotherapy after neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX  evaluation of hematuria  evaluation of systemic treatments  EVAN study  event order  EVEREST trial  everolimus  everolimus plus ET  everolimus plus exemestane for postmenopausal HR+ HER2- advanced breast cancer  everolimus plus letrozole and metformin  everolimus plus octreotide  everolimus plus pazopanib  everyday clinical practice  EVICT  EVIDENCE study  evofosfamide  EWALL-INO trial  Ewing and Ewing-like sarcoma in adults  Ewing sarcoma  Ewing sarcoom  Ewing-2008  ex vivo IFNγ production  eXalt3 study  exceptional responder  exceptional response to RAI  excess body weight  excess long-term morbidity with modern treatment  excision margin size  EXCITE-studie  exclusive breastfeeding duration  exemestaan  exemestaan plus everolimus  exemestane dose regimens  exemestane with or without enzalutaimde  exemstaan  exercise  exercise and nutrition intervention  exercise intervention in cancer patients  exercise versus usual care  exhaled breath tests  exogenous estrogen  exogenous hormone use  exome sequencing-based screening  exosomal lncRNA-GC1  exosomen  expansie van fase 1-studie PCD4989g  expansion of cancer risk profile  explaining risk factors  Exploratieve analyse MARQUEE-studie  exposoom  exposure to occupational carcinogens in 195 countries  expressie stromagenen in CRC  EXPRESSION III-studie  expression of biomarkers  expression of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor on CTCs  EXTEND phase 2 randomized trial  EXTEND trial  extended adjuvant letrozole therapy  extended endocrine benefit  extended follow-up of PALOMA-2 study  extended postgastrectomy follow-up  EXteNET  ExteNET-studie  extension of aromatase inhibitor therapy  extensive stage  extensive stage small cell lung cancer  extensive-stage small cell lung cancer  extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer  extent of resection  EXTENTORCH trial  external beam radiation therapy  external validation of risk calculators  extracapsular extension in sentinel node  extracorporeal photopheresis  extracranial chondrosarcoma  extracranial disease control  extracranial oligometastasis  extracranial oligometastatic breast cancer  extrahepatic CCA  extrahepatic malignancies  extrahepatisch cholangiocarcinoom  extrameningeal primary SFT  extranodal natural killer T-cell lymphoma  extranodale extensie  extraocular retinoblastoma  extrapleural pneumonectomy  extrauterine disease  extremity cooling  EZH2  EZH2 inhibitor SHR2554  FACE  facial nerve function  facial-aging app  facility patient volume and survival  facility volume  facilty volume and mortality  FACT-HN-RAD  factors affecting recurrence and survival  factors affecting sentinel node metastasis  factors associated with duration of diagnostic interval  factors associated with response to ICIs  factors associated with risk of body image-related distress  factors associated with risk of progression  factors associated with vomiting control  factors explaining sex differences  factors influencing multidisciplinary tumor board recommendations  factors leading to alpelisib discontinuation  factors predicting invasive breast cancer recurrence  failure to rescue rates  FAK inhibition for meningiomas with somatic NF2 mutations  FAKTION study  FALCON  fall and fracture risk  false positive FIT  familair mammacarcinoom  familiaal colorectaalcarcinoom  familiaal risico  familiaire adenomateuze polyposis  familiaire adenomateuze popyposis  familial adenomatous polyposis  familial and hereditary cancer syndromes  familial platelet disorder  familiale adenomateuze polyposis  familiegeschiedenis  familiegeschiedenis prostaatkanker  family history  family history of breast cancer  family history of cancer  family history of OC and BC  family history of plasma cell disorders  family history-based screening  famitinib plus camrelizumab and nab-paclitaxel  FaMRIsc study  FAP-IL2v plus atezolizumab  fase 2-studie BOLERO-4  fase 2-studie BOLERO-6  fase 2-studie KEYNOTE-224  Fase 2-studie SWOG S0801  fase 3- studie DREAM  fase 3-studie AURA3  fase 3-studie BrighTNess  fase 3-studie COLUMBUS  Fase 3-studie CRITICS  fase 3-studie ETNA  fase 3-studie FATA-GIM3  fase 3-studie GEC-ESTRO  Fase 3-studie KEYNOTE-045  fase 3-studie METEOR  Fase 3-studie MONALEESA-3  fase 3-studie MONALEESA-7  fase 3-studie NETTER-1  Fase 3-studie PERSEPHONE  fase 3-studie PRODRIGE 9  Fase 3-studie SAKK 75 08  Fase 3-studie SWOG S9921  fase 3-studie TROG 05.01  fase 3-studies  FAST study  FAST-Foward noninferiority phase 3 study  fasting-mimicking diet  FASTRACK II trial  fatal ICI-associated toxic effects  fatalisme  fatigue  fatigue in cancer patients  favorable histology Wilms tumor  favorable-risk AML in patients younger than 60 years  FCR  FCT  FDA approval of novel cancer therapies between 2000 and 2016  FDA oncology drug approvals in 2018  FDA-approved novel oncology drugs  FDG PET CT after 1 week predicts response  FDG-PET  FDG-PET CT  FDG-PET scanning  feasibility  febriele neutropenie  fecal and plasma short-chain fatty acdis  fecale immunochemische test  fedratinib  FELIX study  female and male breast cancer. global trends 1990-2017  female breast cancer risk  female invasive breast cancer patients  female reproductive and hormonal factors  female survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer  FENIX  fentanyl  fentanyl sublinguale spray  fenylketonurie hyperfenylalaninemie  fermented dairy foods  fertiliteitspreservatie  fertility drugs  fertility preservation  fertility treatment  fertility-sparing surgery  FFCD-ANABASE  FGFR pathway alterations  FGFR2-rearranged ICC  FGFR2b-selected gastric or gastro-esophageal junction adenocarcinoma  FGFR3 mutation  FGFR4 alterations predict efficacy  FGFRs  FH02 study  FHBC  FHWT  FIA  ficlatuzumab with or without cetuximab  ficonalkib  fifteen-year results  FIGHT trial  FIGHT-207 trial  FIGHTDIGO-studie  FIGO score 5 or 6 gestational trophoblastic neoplasia  fijne motoriek  fijnstof  FIL MIRO trial  FIL_ReRi trial  FIL-HD0801 study  final OS analysis  Final OS results from SOLO2 study  final overall survival analysis of IMpassion130  final results of CheckMate 204  final survival outcomes  Finale analyse FIRST-studie  finale analyse van GOG 240-studie  finale overlevingsresultaten van KEYNOTE-006  financial links  financiële toxiciteit  finasteride  fine-needle biopsy  Finland Capecitabine Trial 15-year follow-up  finotonlimab  FinRSPC study  FinXX-studie  FIR prostate cancer  FIR-studie  FIRE-3  FIRE-4.5 trial  FIRE-SCLC Cohort Study  firefighters  FIREFLY-1 trial  FIRES  first cycle toxicity and survival  first line anlotinib  first line therapy  first relapse B-ALL in children and AYAs  first responders exposed to WTC disaster  first- versus second-line CDK4 6 inhibitor  first-degree relatives of pancreas cancer patients  First-iGAP study  first-in-human study of ivuxolimab-utomilumab combination  first-line abiraterone or enzalutamide  first-line abiraterone-prednisone for mCRPC with bone metastases  first-line afatinib  first-line afatinib combined with anti-EGF vaccination  first-line anlotinib plus platinum-etoposide  first-line anlotinib plus toripalimab  first-line anlotinib-oxaliplatin-capecitabine  first-line anti-PD-1 or targeted therapy  first-line apatinib plus gefitinib  first-line atezolizumab  first-line atezolizumab plus bevacizumab  first-line atezolizumab plus chemotherapy  first-line atezolizumab-bevacizumab versus sunitinib  first-line aUC treatment  first-line avelumab  first-line avelumab for mMCC  first-line axi-cel  first-line azacitidine plus venetoclax  first-line bavacizumab plus trebananib without chemotherapy  first-line befotertinib versus icotinib  first-line belzutifan plus cabozantinib  first-line BEMPEG plus NIVO  first-line bevacizumab-erlotinib  first-line blinatumomab  first-line BV plus AVD  first-line BV plus nivolumab  first-line cabozantib and nivolumab with or without CBM588  first-line cabozantinib  first-line cadonilimab plus anlotinib  first-line camrelizumab plus famitinib  first-line camrelizumab plus RT  first-line carboplatin versus cisplatin  first-line carboplatin-paclitaxel with or without bevacizumab  first-line CCRT  first-line cemiplimab  first-line chemo-immunotherapy for stage IV NSCLC  first-line chemotherapy plus PD-(L)1 blockade  first-line chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab  first-line chemotherapy with or without immunotherapy  first-line chemotherapy with or without pembrolizumab  first-line chemotherapy with sugemalimab versus placebo for mNSCLC  first-line CHOP or R-CHOP  first-line cisplatin-pemetrexed-nivolumab  first-line cladribine with concurrent or delayed rituximab  first-line CLL treatment  first-line combinations of immune checkpoint inhibitors and chemotherapy  first-line dacomitinib versus afatinib  first-line DADI trial  first-line donafenib versus sorafenib  first-line dose-dense early postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy  first-line everolimus plus bevacizumab  first-line FOLFIRINOX  first-line FOLFIRINOX versus gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel  first-line gemcitabine-trastuzumab-erlotinib combination  first-line ibrutinib  first-line ibrutinib plus rituximab  first-line ibrutinib plus venetoclax  first-line ibrutinib-venetoclax versus chlorambucil-obinutuzumab  first-line ICI  first-line ICI plus chemotherapy versus bevacizumab plus chemotherapy  first-line ICIs  first-line ICIs for mM  first-line ICIs with or without chemotherapy  first-line imatinib plus binimetinib  first-line immunotherapy for SCLC  first-line ipatasertib plus paclitaxel for advanced TNBC  first-line lenvatinib  first-line lenvatinib plus transarterial chemoembolization  first-line lenvatinib versus atezolizumab plus bevacizumab  first-line lorlatinib versus crizotinib  first-line mCRC  first-line mFOLFOX6 plus bevacizumab versus cetuximab  first-line N-AVD  first-line nab-paclitaxel plus carboplatin for aNSCLC in clinical practice  first-line niraparib plus pembrolizumab  first-line nivolumab  first-line nivolumab plus cabozantinib for advanced RCC  first-line nivolumab plus ipilimumab  first-line nivolumab plus ipilimumab and chemotherapy  first-line NSCLC treatment  first-line obinutuzumab plus lenalidomide  first-line options  first-line osimertinib  first-line osimertinib versus afatinib or erlotinib  first-line pazopanib  first-line pembrolizumab  first-line pembrolizumab for advanced NSCLC with low PD-L1 expression  first-line pembrolizumab for NSCLC  first-line pembrolizumab monotherapy  first-line pembrolizumab plus lenvatinib  first-line pembrolizumab plus R-CHOP  first-line PLD-IFO  first-line PVAB  first-line quavonlimab (anti-CTLA-4) plus pembrolizumab  first-line R-CHOP plus roflumilast  first-line R-CODOX-M R-IVAC chemotherapy  first-line R2 versus rituximab-chemotherapy  first-line radioembolization plus chemotherapy  first-line regorafenib with nivolumab and chemotherapy  first-line S-1 versus anthracyclines  first-line selinexor plus R-CHOP  first-line selpercatinib  first-line serplulimab plus chemotherapy  first-line sintilimab plus decitabine  first-line sintilimab with pegaspargase-gemcitabine-oxaliplatin  first-line SRS versus WBRT  first-line sunitinib  first-line systemic treatment options  first-line systemic treatment strategies  first-line tebentafusp versus investigator’s choice  first-line tebentafusp versus nivolumab plus ipilimumab  first-line therapies  first-line therapy  first-line tislelizumab plus chemotherapy  first-line tislelizumab versus sorafenib  first-line TKIs  first-line toripalimab plus bevacizumab  first-line toripalimab plus chemotherapy  first-line TPEx versus EXTREME  first-line trastuzumab  first-line treatment  first-line treatment options  first-line Tumor Treating Fields plus chemotherapy  first-line vemurafenib plus obinutuzumab  first-line venetoclax combinations  first-line venetoclax plus 3 + 7 daunorubicin-cytarabine  first-line venetoclax plus azacitidine for AML  first-line venetoclax-obinutuzumab versus chlorambucil-obinutuzumab  first-line versus second line daratumumab  first-line zuberitamab plus CHOP  first-recurrence GBM  first-relapse rhabdomyosarcoma  FIRSTANA-studie  FIRSTMAPPP study  FIRSTMAPPP trial  fistula  FIT  FIT cohort  FIT implementation in guaiac-based screening program  FIT screening  FIT screening and risk of CRC death  FIT-detection of advanced colorectal neoplasia  FIT-screening  fitheid  fitness  five miRNA-model  five versus two years adjuvant zoledronate  five-miRNA based classifier  five-year analysis  five-year follow-up of CPX-351 versus 7+3 cytabine and daunorubicin  five-year outcome  five-year outcomes  five-year outcomes with cobimetinib plus vemurafenib  five-year PROs  five-year survival outcomes  five-year survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer  five-year survivors of chldhood cancer  fixed duration of venetoclax-rituximab  fixed-duration ibrutinib-venetoclax  fixed-duration MRD-guided approach  FKBPL  FL  FLAIR trial  FLAME trial  FLAMES trial  FLASH trial  FLAURA study  FLAURA-studie  FLAURA2 trial  flavonoïden  flexibele sigmoïdoscopie  flexibele-sigmoïdoscopie  FLIPPER trial  Florence Trial long-term results  FLOT4 study  FLOT4-studie  flow cytometry status  FLT3-internal tandem duplication mutated AML  FLT3-ITD AML  FLT3-ITD positive AML  FLT3-ITD-positive acute myeloid leukemia  FLT3-mutated R R AML  fluciclovine versus PSMA PET-CT  fludarabine  FLUOGLIO-studie  fluoropyrimidine  fluoropyrimidine therapy  fluoropyrimidines  fluoroscopie  fluorouracil-leucovorin  fluzoparib  FLYER study  FMD  FMT plus tislelizumab and fruquintinib  FN  FN after chemotherapy for breast cancer  FNMTC  focal adhesion kinase  focal boost  focal versus extended IRE  FOCUS-cohort  FOCUS4-C trial  FOCUS4-N trial  FOENIX-CCA2 Study  FOHAIC-1 trial  Fol-BRITe study  FOLFIRI  FOLFIRI plus bevacizumab or aflibercept  FOLFIRI plus cetuximab or bevacizumab  FOLFIRI plus durvalumab with or without tremelimumab  FOLFIRINOX  FOLFIRINOX and chemoradiotherapy  FOLFIRINOX induction for LAPC  FOLFIRINOX salvage treatment  FOLFOX  FOLFOX hepatic arterial infusion  FOLFOX4  FOLFOXIRI  FOLFOXIRI plus bevacizumab  FOLFOXIRI plus panitumumab  FOLFOXIRI-bevacizumab  FOLFOXIRI-bevacizumab versus doublets-bevacizumab  FOLH1 expression  foliumzuur  FOLL05-studie  folliculair lymfoom  follicular and other CD20+ non-Hodgkin lymphoma  follicular lymphoma  follow-up after discontinuation  follow-up after resection  follow-up after treatment cessation  Follow-up analyse van CheckMate 067-studie  follow-up analyse van JFMC34-0601  follow-up of overdue abnormal cancer screening test results  follow-up van overlevers  food insecurity in cancer survivors  forego medical care  foritinib  formaldehyde  FOrMAT-studie  FoRT trial  FORT-1 trial  FORT-2 multinational phase 1b trial  FORUM study  fosaprepitant  fosaprepitant meglumine  FosNTP versus FosAPR  fotofarmacologie  four-factor prognostic model  FOXA1-expressie  FOXA2  FOXC1  FOxTROT trial  FP in BC patients  FP with or without oxaliplatin  FPD AML  FR  FRACTION-RCC trial  fractionated gamma knife radiosurgery  fractionated pre-operative SRS  fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery  fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy  fractionation schedule of CCTRT  fracture risk  fracture risk prediction in cancer patients  fracturen  fractures  fractuurrisico  fragiele ouderen  fragiliteit  fragmentation of surgery and chemotherapy  frailty and neurocognitive decline  frailty and survival  FRAX  FREEDOM2 trial  frequency and outcomes  frequency and outcomes of brain metastases  frequency and quantity of alcohol consumption  frequent aspirin use  frequent cystoscopy  FRESCO study  FRESCO-2  fresolimumab  front-line fludarabine-cyclophosphamide-rituximab  front-line ibrutinib for CLL patient populations not included in RESONATE-2  frontline acalabrutinib plus venetoclax and obinutuzumab  frontline dasatinib  frontline FCR  frontline hyper-CVAD plus ofatumumab  frontline hyper-CVAD plus ofatumumab versus hyper-CVAD plus rituximab  frontline ibrutinib-rituximab followed by R-HCVAD  frontline low-dose versus standard dose dasatinib  frontline ponatinib versus imatinib  frontline targeted therapy plus low-intensity chemotherapy  frontline therapies  frontline therapy for AML in elderly patients  frontline treatment for pediatric AML  frontline treatments  fruit  fruit and vegetable consumption  fruquintinib  fruquintinib in Chinese patients in clinical practice  FRUTIGA trial  FS118  FSRT  FSS versus RS  FTD versus HD-MA  FTD-TPI  FTD-TPI with or without bevacizumab  FTL3-mutatie  Fudan CUP-001  FUJI cohort  fulvestrant  fulvestrant plus capivasertib  fulvestrant plus palbociclib  fulvestrant versus AIs  FUMANBA-1 trial  functional outcomes  FURLONG study  FURLONG trial  furmonertinib  furmonertinib versus gefitinib  FUS-ERG and RUNX1-CBFA2T3  fusion gene  Fusobacterium nucleatum  futibatinib  future cancer risk  FUTURE-C-PLUS study  FUTURE-SUPER trial  fuzuloparib maintenance  fuzuloparib plus apatinib  fysieke activiteit  FZOCUS-2 trial  G GEJ adenocarcinoma  G GEJ cancer  G-CSF support  G-CSFs  g-NETs  G84E  GAIA CLL13 4-year follow-up  gain-of-function mutatie  gait speed  galactography  galblaascarcinoom  GALEN study  galeterone  gallbladder cancer  GALLIUM study  gallium-68 labelled PSMA-11 PET  gallium-68 PET-MRI  GALLIUM-studie  galunisertib  galunisertinib plus neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy  galwegcarcinoom  gamma knife radiosurgery  GammaTile brachytherapy  ganglioside vaccine for high-risk neuroblastoma  ganglioside-monosialic acid  ganitumab  GAP BRAIN phase 3 study  GARD  garlic  GARNET study  GARNET trial  garsorasib  GASTO 1028 study  GASTO1003 trial  gastric adenocarcinoma  gastric and duodenal cancer  gastric cancer  gastric cancer detection one year after negative endoscopy  gastric cancer family history  gastric cancer in Helicobacter pylori-infected patients  gastric cancer prevention  gastric cancer risk  gastric cancer surgery  gastric cancer with synchronous peritoneal metastases  gastric gastroesophageal junction AC  gastric gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma  gastric or esophagastric junction adenocarcinoma  gastric or gastric-esophageal junction adenocarcinoma  gastric or gastro-esophageal junction cancer  gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma  gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer  gastric or GEJ adenocarcinoma  GASTRIPEC-I trial  gastritis  gastro-intestinale mucositis  gastro-intestinale stromale tumoren  gastro-oesofagaal adenomcarcinoom  gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors  gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma  gastroesophageal cancer  gastroesophageal reflux disease  gastrointestinal bleeding  gastrointestinal cancer  gastrointestinal neuroendocrine carcinoma  gastrointestinal stromal tumor  gastrointestinal stromal tumors  gastroïntestinale kanker  gastroïntestinale stromale tumoren  Gattelli  GAUDI  GBC  GBCA  GBD 2019  GBM  GBM in elderly patients  gBRCAm HER2-negative mBC  GBS  GBSM  GBV-C  GC  GC GEJC  GC with synchronous PMs  GC012F  GC1008  GC4419  GCA  GCC  GCC19 CART  GCIG INTERLACE trial  GCPM  GCT  GCTB  GCTs  GD  GD2-CART01  GDP  GEA  GEC  GECCOR-GB study  gedatolisib  gedatolisib plus paclitaxel and carboplatin  gedatolisib plus palbociclb and ET  GeDDiS-studie  gedifferentieerd schildkliercarcinoom  gedissemineerde tumorcellen  gefitinib  gefitinib alone or with chemotherapy  gefitinib and erlotinib  gefitinib continuation after progression  gefitinib plus chemotherapy  GEICAM 2003-11_CIBOMA 2004-01 study  GEICAM 2010-04 study  GELAD chemotherapy with sandwiched radiotherapy  GELATO trial  GELLC-7 trial  gelokaliseerd prostaatcarcinoom  GEM  GEM-1402 study  GEM20110714 study  gemcitabine  gemcitabine plus adavosertib  gemcitabine plus cisplatin induction chemotherapy  gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel and ficlatuzumab  gemcitabine with or without berzosertib  gemcitabine with or without ramucirumab  gemcitabine-eribulin combination  gemcitabine-trastuzumab-pertuzumab after pertuzumab-based therapy  gemcitabineresistentie  gemetastaseerd mammacarcinoom  gemetastaseerd melanoom  gemetastaseerde borstkanker  gemetastaseerde borstkanker; trastuzumab  gemetastaseerde colorectaalkanker  GEMPAX study  GemPred  GEMSTONE-201  GEMSTONE-301 trial  GEMSTONE-302  GEMSTONE-302 trial  gemtuzumab ozogamicin  gemtuzumab ozogamicine  GEN501 and SIRIUS final results  gender differences  gene expression markers in peripheral blood  gene expression profiles  gene expression profiling assay  gene expression signature to predict response  gene signature for predicting lymph node status  gene variants and subsequent neoplasms  gene variants associated with increased cancer risk  gene-specific prevention strategies for OC and BC  geneesmiddelinteracties  generalizibilty among different ethnicities  Generations Study  genetic alterations  genetic and clinical predictors  genetic factors  genetic prognostic and predictive factors  genetic risk  genetic risk for overall cancer  genetic susceptibility  genetic testing  genetically defined renal tumors  genetically determined cutaneous nevi  genetically predicted low-density lipoprotein level  genetically proxied inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase  genexpressie  genito-urinaire maligniteiten  genmethylering  genome sequencing  genome-edited donor-derived anti-CD19 CAR T cells for pediatric and adult B- ALL  genome-wide association study  genome-wide diet-gene interaction  genome-wide variants  genomic alterations  genomic analysis in NRG Oncology RTOG 9802  genomic biomarkers predicting anti-PD-(L)1 response  genomic characterization  genomic classification and clinical outcome  genomic correlates  genomic correlates of progression or response  genomic determinants of clinical outcomes  genomic determinants of early recurrence  genomic determinants of outcomes  genomic identification of HRD  genomic profiling  genomic profiling of prostate cancers from met with African and European ancestry  genomics and outcomes  genotoxic pks E. coli  genotyping before first-line therapy  genotyping lung adenocarcinoma  GENUINE trial  genvarianten  GEOMETRY mono-1 study  GEP-NETs  GeparNuevo analysis  GeparNuevo study  GeparOcto secondary analysis  GeparQuattro-studie  GeparSepto  GeparSepto long-term outcomes  GeparSixto trial  GeparX trial  gepegyleerd liposomaal doxorubicine  geptanolimab  geptanolimab (GB226)  gerandomiseerde fase 2-studie PrE0102  GERD treatment  Gerecke  geriatirc patients  geriatric assessment impairments  geriatric comanagement  Geriatric Prognostic Indicator  germ cell tumors  germline BARD1 gene variants  germline BRCA PALB2 mutation  germline BRCA pathogenic variant  germline BRCA PVs and ovarian reserve  germline BRCA-mutated metastatic pancreatic cancer  germline BRCA-mutated mPaC  germline BRCA1 2 mutation  germline BRCA1 2 pathogenic variants  germline BRCA2 mutations  germline CDH1 variants and lifetime cancer risk  germline CDH1 variants in HLBC  germline genetic testing  germline genetic testing after cancer diagnosis  germline mutaties  germline mutations  germline mutations in DNA repair genes  germline PALB2 pathogenic variants  germline pathogenic variants in 28 genes  germline predisposition gene mutations  germline PTEN variants in children and adults  germline PVs in cancer predisposition genes  germline sequencing analysis  germline variant status  germline variants in DNA repair genes  germline variants in natural killer cells  germline variations in drug transporters  geserreerde poliepen  geslachtshormonen  gestation and birthweight of offspring  gestational trophoblastic neoplasia  gestationele trofoblasttumor  GETNE-TRASGU study  GETUG-AFU 16 study 112-months follow-up  gevorderd cervixcarcinoom  gevorderd maag-adenocarcinoom  gevorderd melanoom  gevorderd niercelcarcinoom  gevorderde borstkanker  gevorderde maagkanker  geweichtsverlies  gezondheidsutiliteitsindex  gFOBT  GFPC 08-2015 ENERGY trial  GFR  GFR; niercelcarcinoom; urotheelcarcinoom  GGO lung adenocarcinoma  GHSG HD13-15 trials  GHSG HD17 study  GI adverse events  GI cancer  GI malignancies  GI malignant neoplasms  giant-cell tumor of bone  gilteritinib  gilteritinib as post-transplant maintenance  GIMEMA-MMY-3006 trail  GIST  GISTs  GK  GK-SRS with or without EGFR-TKIs  GKRS  GKRS for BMs of non-pulmonary primary tumors  GLARIUS-studie  glasdegib  GLASS study  Gleason score 9-10 prostate cancer  glecirasib  glembatumumab vedotin  glioblastoma  glioblastoma in elderly patients  glioblastoma in patients aged 80 years and older  glioblastoma in poor perfomance status patients  glioblastoma multiforme  glioblastoma recurrence  glioblastoma with methylated MGMT promoter  glioblastoom  glioma  glioma risk  glioma with BRAF-V600E mutation  gliomas  gliomen  glioom  glitazonen  global burden in 2019  global burden of 30 cancers among men in 2022 and projections for 2050  global burden of breast cancer  Global Burden of Cancer  global burden of cancer attributable ro risk factors  global burden of cancer attributable to infections in 2018  global burden of cancer in 2020 attributable to alcohol consumption  Global Burden of Disease Study  Global Burden of Disease Study 2019  global burden of male breast cancer  global cancer incidence and mortality from 2010 to 2019  global expanded access program  global incidence and mortality for 29 cancer groups in 2019  global incidence and mortality trends  global longitudinal strain  global pediatric cancer care  global retinoblastoma presentation analysis by national income level  global trends  global variations in incidence by histological subtype  glofitamab  glofitamab plus GemOx versus rituximab plus GemOx  GLORY trial  glottic squamous cell carcinoma  GLOW study  GLOW trial  GLP-1RAs  glucocorticoid treatment  glucocorticoid-refractory cGVHD  glucose lowering drugs  GLUT-  GLUT-14  glutamine  glutathion-S-transferase P1  glycaan-gerelateerde genen  glypicaan-1  GM-CSF  GM1 for OIPN  GMMG-CONCEPT trial  GMMG-HD7 trial  GMMG-MM5 trial  GNAS variants in solid tumors  GNCC  GnHRa  GNOS-PV02 plus pembrolizumab  GnP or mFFX  GnRH-agonist  GnRHa  GO  GO30103 trial  GO30140 study  GO42144 trial  goals of care in last years of life  GOG 0212 study  GOG 281 LOGS  GOG Study 279  GOG-0213 studie  GOG-0213 study  GOG-0218 final OS-analysis  GOG-0218 studie  GOG-0277  Golestan Cohort Study  golidocitinib  gonadotropine  Google Translate  GORILLA-3004 study  GORTEC 2007-01 studie  GORTEC 2014-01 TPExtreme study  GOSAFE Study  gosereline  GÖTEBORG-2 ISRCTN study  GOYA-studie  GP-led versus surgeon-led colon cancer survivorship care  GPRC5D-targeted CAR T cells  grade 1-2 AEs  grade 2 oligodendroglioma  grade migration during the last decade  graded cardiac response criteria  graft failure  graft versus host disease  graft-versus-host disease  graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis  grain consumption and dietary fiber intake  GRASPA  GRAVITAS-301 trial  GRCCC cohort study  GRECCAR 2-studie  GREEN study subgroup analysis  GRIFFIN study  grijpkrachtverlies  grip strength  groeicurves naevi  groeisnelheid  groenten  groentenconsumptie  GROINSS-V-II  grootcellig granulair lymfocytaire leukemie  grootcellig neuro-endocrien longcarcinoom  grootte van lymfekliermetastasen  gross total versus subtotal resection  gross-total resection  grote-korrel lymfocyten leukemie  growth hormone deficiency  growth rate of untreated hemangioblastomas  growth rates  GSK2857916  GT-30  GT90001 plus nivolumab  GTN  GTT  GU-toxiciteit  guadecitabine  guanylaatcyclase  GUIDANCE-03 trial  gumarontinib  gut microbiota and metabolites  GVAX pancreas  GVHD  GVHD prevention after haploidentical HCT  GVHD prophylaxis  GWAS  GX-188E  Gxplore-002 study  Gxplore-005 study  gynecologic cancers  gynecologic oligometastatic and oligoprogressive tumors  gynecologic oncology  gynecological brain metastases  gynecological cancer  gynecologische maligniteiten  H-RT versus C-RT  H. pylori  H. pylori infection status  H. pylori screening  H3K27M+ diffuse midline glioma  HA-WBRT + SIB for brain metastases  HA-WBRT + SIB versus conventional WBRT  haarverlies  hafnium oxide nanoparticle  HAI  HAI chemotherapy  HAI pump chemotherapy plus systemic therapy  HAIC  HAIC with FOLFOX  HAIP floxuridine chemotherapy versus resection  hair dye use and prostate cancer risk  hair products  hairy cell leukemia  hairy-cell leukemie  hallmarks of cancer  HALO 202-studie  HALT-D trial  Ham-Wasserman lecture  Hamilton Fairley Award  hand-voet huidreacties  hand-voet syndroom  hand-voetsyndroom  HannaH study final analysis  haplo versus UD transplantation  haplo-HSCT  haplo-HSCT versus chemotherapy  haplo-identieke HSCT  haplo-SCT  haploidentical HSCT  haploidentical versus unrelated cord blood transplantation  haploidentical versus unrelated SCT  haploidentical; sibling; matched unrelated donor  HARMONi-A study  harms of exercise training  HART  hartfalen  hartfalen na auto-HCT  HAS  HBOC  HBOT for late local toxic effects  HBOT in breast cancer patients  HBV-related HCC  HBV-related HCC risk  HBV-vaccinatie  HC  hcc  HCC diagnosis  HCC expressing CD147  HCC in children compared to young adults  HCC in HBV- or HCV-infected patients  HCC mortality  HCC overall survival  HCC risk  HCC risk algorithm  HCC risk in patients with HBV and or HCV infection  HCC screening in a cohort of at-risk patients  HCC surveillance in cirrhosis patients  HCC with extrahepatic metastasis  HCC with MVI  HCC with portal vein tumor thrombus  HCL  HCMV reactivation during radiochemotherapy  HCRN GU16-257 trial  HCT  HCV  HCV-associated indolent NHL  HD 0607 trial  HD IL-2  HD-MTX for prevention of CNS progression  HD12 study  HD16 trial  HD18-studie  HD201  HD21 trial  HD9 study  HDAC inhibition  HDCT plus autoHSCT  HDCT plus PBSCT  HDL-cholesterol level and risk of hematologic malignancy  HDR-brachytherapie  head and neck cancer  head and neck cancer risk after hematologic cancer  head and neck cancer surgery during COVID-19 pandemic  head and neck procedures  head and neck squamous cell carcinoma  head en neck cancer  Head Start III  health care contact days  health care use  health consequences  health literacy  health maintenance practices  Health Professionals Follow-up Study  health promotion among cancer survivors  health-related quality of life  healthy eating patterns  healthy immigrant effect  healthy lifestyle  healthy lifestyle and liver cancer risk  healthy older adults  healthy postpolypectomy lifestyle  hearing impairment  hearing loss  heart failure  heart failure risk  heavily pretreated HR-positive HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer  heavily pretreated MBC  heavily pretreated PROC  heavy smokers  HECTOR model  hedgehog inhibitors  hedgehog-signaalroute  HEI-2010  heldercellig niercelcarcinoom  heldercellig ovariumcarcinoom  HELEN-006 trial  Helicobacter pylori  Helicobacter pylori treatment  HELIOS study  HeLiX randomized clinical trial  hematologic cancer patients  hematologic cancers and COVID-19  hematologic malignancies  hematologic malignancies in older patients  hematologic malignant neoplasms  hematological cancer  hematological disorders  hematologische maligniteiten  hematopoietic cell transplantation  hematopoietic score predicts outcomes  hematopoietic stem cell transplantation  hematopoietic stem cell transplation  hematopoïetische celtransplantatie  hemicolectomy versus appendectomy  hemispheric-specific clinical presentation  hemochromatosis HFE p.C282Y homozygosity  hemorrhagic cystitis following allotransplantation  hENT1 expression  HEPAR PluS study  hepatectomy in academic versus community cancer center  hepatectomy with or without adjuvant mFOLFOX6  hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy  hepatic artery infusion pump chemotherapy  hepatitis B virus infection  hepatitis B-virus  hepatitis C  hepatobiliary cancers  hepatocallular carcinoma  hepatocellulair carcinoom  hepatocellular carcinoma  hepatocellular carcinoma and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma  hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein invasion  hepatocellular carcinoma with preoperative portal vein tumor thrombus  hepatospleen T-cel lymfoom  hepatotoxiciteit  hepatotoxicity  HER2  HER2 amplification  HER2 exon 20 insertions  HER2 exon 20 mutant NSCLC  HER2 expressing UCS  HER2 expression discordance between primary and metastatic breast cancer  HER2 expression testing  HER2 gene expression levels  HER2 mutated aNSCLC  HER2 negative advanced gastric gastroesophageal junction cancer  HER2 peptide vaccines for prevention of breast cancer recurrence  HER2 pro-oncogene signalering  HER2-0 and HER2-low mBC  HER2-altered advanced solid tumors  HER2-amplified LA M BTC  HER2-amplified mCRC  HER2-amplified non-breast gastroesophageal tumors  HER2-directed therapies  HER2-expressie  HER2-expressing cancers  HER2-expressing mCRC  HER2-expressing or mutated advanced solid tumors  HER2-expressing prostate cancer  HER2-gedreven NSCLC  HER2-HER3 dimerization  HER2-low  HER2-low advanced breast cancer  HER2-low breast cancer  HER2-low expression  HER2-low versus HER2-negative breast cancer  HER2-low versus HER2-negative mBC  HER2-low versus HER2-null  HER2-low versus HER2-zero MBC  HER2-low-positive breast cancer  HER2-mutant advanced lung adenocarcinoma after platinum-based chemotherapy  HER2-mutant lung cancer  HER2-mutant metastatic cervical cancer  HER2-mutant mNSCLC  HER2-mutant NSCLC  HER2-negatief mammacarcinoom  HER2-negatieve borstkanker  HER2-negatieve MBC  HER2-negative  HER2-negative advanced G GEJ cancer  HER2-negative BC  HER2-negative BRCA mutated resectable breast cancer  HER2-negative breast cancer  HER2-negative early breast cancer  HER2-negative MBC  HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer  HER2-negative node-positive breast cancer  HER2-negative tumors  HER2-overexpressing breast cancer  HER2-overexpressing mGEA  HER2-overexpressing mNSCLC  HER2-positief mammacarcinoom  HER2-positief metastatisch mammacarcinoom  HER2-positieve borstkanker  HER2-positieve vroege borstkanker  HER2-positive ABC  HER2-positive ABC MBC  HER2-positive aCRC  HER2-positive advanced breast cancer  HER2-positive advanced G GEJ cancer  HER2-positive advanced gastric and gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma  HER2-positive advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer  HER2-positive advanced solid malignancies  HER2-positive and AR-positive advanced breast cancer  HER2-positive and biopsy-proven node-positive breast cancer  HER2-positive BC with BMs  HER2-positive BCBM  HER2-positive BCBMs  HER2-positive biliary tract cancer  HER2-positive breast cancer  HER2-positive breast cancer and brain metastases  HER2-positive breast cancer brain metastases  HER2-positive breast cancer neoadjuvant lapatinib plus trastuzumab  HER2-positive breast cancer survivors  HER2-positive breast cancer with brain metastases  HER2-positive BTC  HER2-positive de novo metastatic breast cancer  HER2-positive EAC  HER2-positive early breast cancer  HER2-positive early breast cancer in elderly  HER2-positive early-stage breast cancer  HER2-positive EBC  HER2-positive esophagogastric adenocarcinoma  HER2-positive esophagogastric cancer  HER2-positive gastric cancer  HER2-positive gastro-esophageal adenocarcinoma  HER2-positive LA M UC  HER2-positive localized breast cancer  HER2-positive MBC  HER2-positive mBC in Europe  HER2-positive mBTC  HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer  HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer after ≥ 2 HER2-directed regimens  HER2-positive non-metastatic breast cancer  HER2-positive R MBC  HER2-positive salivary duct carcinoma  HER2-positive stage II or III breast cancer  HER2-scoringsysteem  HER2-screening  HER2-targeted ADCs  HER2-targeted CAR T cell therapy  HER2-targeted therapies  HER2-targeted therapy  HER2+ aBC  HER2+ BC  HER2+ breast cancer  HER2+ breast cancer brain metastases  HER2+ mCRC  HER2CLIMB  HER2CLIMB brain metastases subgroup analysis  HER2CLIMB randomized phase 2 study  HER2CLIMB study  HER2CLIMB study exploratory analyses  HER2DX  HER2DX model  HER2DX pCR-score  HER3 overexpression  HER3-DXd  HER3-mutant mammacarcinoom  HERA  HERA trial  HERALD EPOC 1806  herb and supplement use  HERBY-studie  herceptin  herceptin-biosimilar  herceptine  hereditary diffuse gastric cancer  Heritage  HERIZON-BTC-01  HERO study  heropname  herpes zoster after autologous stem cell tranplantation  hersenmetastasen  hersenmetastasen mammacarcinoom  hersenmetastasering  hersenmicrobloedingen  hersentumoren  HERTHENA-Lung01  Heterocephalus glaber  heterogeneity between SEER counties  heterogeneity of IHC  HF-WBI  HFSRT  HGG  HGGs  HGS OC  HGSC after risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy  HGSC at RRSO  HGSOC  HIDAC versus IDAC consolidation  hidden-genome classifier  hidradenitis suppurativa  HIFU  high burden of clonal hematopoiesis  high hereditary breast cancer risk  high PD-L1 expressing NSCLC  high risk early breast cancer  high risk locally advanced rectal cancer  high risk melanoma  high risk of colorectal peritoneal metastasis  high RS  high sensitivity C reactive protein  high TIL and pCR  high TMB tumors  high versus low dose lenalidomide maintenance after transplantation  high- or very high-risk localized prostate cancer in patients ≤ 65 years  high-dose carboplatin  high-dose chemotherapy  high-dose chemotherapy and 3D conformal radiation  high-dose cyproterone acetate  high-dose folic acid use during pregnancy in epilepsy patients  high-dose intensity-modulated chemoradiotherapy  high-dose once-daily RT  high-dose versus standard-dose twice daily thoracic RT  high-dose vitamin D  high-dose-rate brachytherapy  high-grade and low-grade glioma  high-grade brainstem gliomas  high-grade breast DCIS  high-grade glioma  high-grade gliomas in children  high-grade gliomas in pediatric patients  high-grade mature B-cell NHL in children and adolescents  high-grade osteosarcoma of the extremities  high-grade ovarian cancer  high-grade prostate cancer  high-grade UTUC  high-intensity focused ultrasound  high-intermediate and high risk early stage EC  high-mobility group box 1  High-molecular-mass hyaluronan  high-PD-L1 expressing NSCLC with brain metastases  high-risk ALL in children  high-risk AML  high-risk AML in remission  high-risk asymptomatic bone metastases  high-risk B-ALL  high-risk biochemically recurrent prostate cancer  high-risk breast cancer  high-risk cancer surgery  high-risk CSPC  high-risk DCIS  high-risk DLBLC  high-risk early breast cancer  high-risk EBC  high-risk endometrial cancer  high-risk extremity trunk STS  high-risk factors and real-world outcomes  high-risk features  high-risk first-relapse B-ALL in children  high-risk HCC  high-risk HNC patients  high-risk LBCL  high-risk localized gastrointestinal stromal tumor  high-risk locally advanced rectal cancer  high-risk locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck  high-risk low-grade glioma  high-risk luminal breast cancer  high-risk lymphoma  high-risk mature B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in children  high-risk medulloblastoma  high-risk medulloblastoma in children  high-risk melanoma  high-risk MIUC  high-risk mNSCLC  high-risk myelodysplastic syndromes or chronic myelomonocytic leukemia  high-risk neuroblastoma  high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer  high-risk nonmetastatic breast cancer  high-risk oral squamous cell carcinoma  high-risk pediatric HL  high-risk prostate cancer  high-risk resected melanoma  high-risk retinoblastoma  high-risk rhabdomyosarcoma  high-risk SM  high-risk smoldering multiple myeloma  high-risk smoldering myeloma  high-risk soft tissue sarcoma  high-risk stage 2 colon cancer  high-risk stage II melanoma  high-risk uveal melanoma  high-volume metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer  higher-risk MDS  higher-risk MDS or CMML  HIIT  HiLo trial  hilotherapy versus frozen gloves  HIMALAYA study  HIMALAYA trial  HIPEC  HIPEC + CS  HIPEC after CRS  histologic regression  histological biomarkers  histologically rare triple-negative breast cancers  histologische regressie  histology-tailored versus standard neoadjuvant chemotherapy  histopathologic features  historical 90-day mortality  history of atopy  history of use of statins and COX-2 inhibitors  HIV  HIV AIDS  HIV infection  HIV infection in elderly patients  HIV RNA  HIV status and survival  HIV-associated Kaposi sarcoma  HIV-infection  HL  HL diagnosis during pregnancy  HL in elderly patients  HL survivors  HL with high risk of failure after autoHSCT  HL-behandeling  HLA antigen mismatch  HLA-A*03 and response to immune checkpoint blockade in cancer  HLA-matched or alternative donors  HLA-matched sibling donor transplantation  HLA-mismatched unrelated donor HCT  HMA plus venetoclax  HMAs for high-risk MDS or AML  HMAs plus venetoclax for HR-MDS  HMIE versus open esophagectomy  hMPV  HMR 2.0  HMT for BC  HNC  HNC risk  HNC survivors  HNC versus onther cancers  HNCs  HNMCC  HNSCC  HNSCC in older patients  HNSCC patients  HNSCC surgery  HNSS  Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma  Hodgkin lymfoom  Hodgkin lymphoma  Hodgkin lymphoma in children and adolescents  Hodgkin lymphoma survivors  Hodgkin's lymfoom  Hodgkin’s lymphoma  hofd-hals Merkel celcarcinoom  hoge dosering chemotherapie  Hokusai VTE-Cancer studie  holmium-166 after lutetium-177-dotatate  home administration of trastuzumab  homeobox B13  homocysteïne  homologous recombination deficiency  hoofd hals squameus celcarcinoom  hoofd halscarcinoom  hoofd halskanker  hoofd-hals melanoom  hoofd-hals squameus celcarcinoom  hoofd-halscarcinoom  hoofd-halskanker  hoofdhuidkoeling  hoog-risico B-ALL  hoog-risico cervixcarcinoom  hoog-risico CML  hoog-risico melanoom  hooggradig sereus ovariumcarcinoom  HOPE trial  horizontale transfer  hormonal therapy  hormonal therapy resistance  hormone receptor low positive breast cancer  hormone-modulating breast cancer therapy  hormone-naïve metastatic prostate cancer  hormoonreceptor positieve borstkanker  hormoontherapie  hospital connectedness  hospital frailty risk score  hospital variation in treatment and survival in The Netherlands  hospital volume  hospitalisatie  hospitalization  hospitalization after adolescent and young adult cancer  hospitalizations and ED visits after CAR T-cell therapy  hospitalized patients with active cancer  hot flashes  HOVON 105 ALLG NHL 24  HOVON 105 study  Hovon 143 study  HOVON-143 trial  HOVON124 ECMW-R2  HOVON141 VISION trial  How Long studie  HP SCC  HPC-SFT  HPD  HPTC  HPV  HPV circulating cell-free DNA kinetics  HPV ctDNA  HPV ctDNA after CRT  HPV DNA in penile cancer and intraepithelial neoplasia  HPV DNA persistence  HPV genotypes  HPV infection  HPV load and genotype analysis  HPV status  HPV status and HPV16 viral load  HPV types  HPV types 16 18 in cervical precancers  HPV vaccination  HPV vaccination and anal HSIL+ and cancer  HPV vaccine  HPV-16 18 vaccin  HPV-associated epithelial cancers  HPV-associated malignancies  HPV-associated OPSCC  HPV-associated oropharyngeal carcinoma  HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma  HPV-associated SNSCC  HPV-FOCAL trial  HPV-independent and HPV-associated vulvar SCC  HPV-infectie  HPV-negative head and neck squamous cell carcinoma  HPV-negative HNSCC  HPV-orofarynxcarcinoom  HPV-positive OPC  HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer  HPV-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer  HPV-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma  HPV-related malignancies  HPV-related OPSCC  HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer and cancer of unknown primary  HPV-typen  HPV-unrelated locally advanced HNSCC  HPV-vaccinatie  HPV+ OPC  HPV+OPSCC  HPV16 18-positive advanced cervical cancer  HPV16- and or HPV18-positive recurrent of advanced cervical cancer  HPV16-E6 serology test  HPV16-related cancerISA101  HR-deficiëntie  HR-MDS  HR-NB  HR-NBL1 SIOPEN study  HR-NL81 SIOPEN  HR-NMPC  HR-positief mammacarcinoom  HR-positief metastatisch mammacarcinoom  HR-positive advanced breast cancer  HR-positive advanced postmenopausal breast cancer  HR-positive and HER2-negative T1a bN0M0 breast cancer  HR-positive BC  HR-positive breast cancer  HR-positive breast cancer brain metastases  HR-positive breast cancer in young women  HR-positive early breast cancer  HR-positive early-stage breast cancer  HR-positive EBC  HR-positive HER2 negative metastatic breast cancer  HR-positive HER2-negative aBC  HR-positive HER2-negative advanced breast cancer  HR-positive HER2-negative advanced or metastatic breast cancer  HR-positive HER2-negative breast cancer in older patients  HR-positive HER2-negative early breast cancer  HR-positive HER2-negative mBC  HR-positive HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer  HR-positive HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer in older women  HR-positive HER2-positive advanced breast cancer  HR-positive HER2-positive early-stage breast cancer  HR-positive metastatic breast cancer  HR-status  HR+ HER- ABC  HR+ HER- BC  HR+ HER2- ABC  HR+ HER2- aBC progressing beyond CDK4 6 inhibitor  HR+ HER2- breast cancer  HR+ HER2- breast cancer in real-world patients  HR+ HER2- breast cancer survival  HR+ HER2- EBC  HR+ HER2- MBC  HR+ HER2- vroeg-stadium mammacarcinoom  HR+ HER2-ABC  HR+ HER2+ breast cancer  HR+ MBC  HR20013  HRBOC  hrCT  HRD  HRGI cancers  HRP ovarian cancer  HRQoL  HRQOL impact  HRQOL in long-term survivors  HRQOL in prostate cancer  HRR-deficient metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer  HRT  HRT and breast cancer risk  HRT versus CRT  hs-cTnT  HSC  HSCT  HSCT-bijwerkingen  HSCT-TMA in adults  Hsp70  HT  hTERT-DCs  hu14.18K322A  hu3F8  huCART19  HUDSON trial  huidkanker  huidkankerscreening  huidmaligniteit  huidneoplasmen  huisartsenzorg  humaan papillomavirus  human equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1  human readers versus machine-learning algorithms  hyaluronic acid  hybrid minimally invasive esophagectomy  hyper-CVAD followed by blinatumomab  hyperbaric oxygen therapy  hypercalcaemia of malignancy  hypercalcemie  hyperemesis gravidarum  hyperfractionated versus standard fractionated IMRT  hyperleukocytosis  hyperprogression  hyperprogressive disease  hyperproliferatie van stamcellen  hypertensie  hypertension  hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy  hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy plus cytoreductive surgery  hyperthermische intraperitoneale chemoperfusie  hypervascular intracranial tumors  HYPO-RT-PC study  hypodiploid ALL in children  hypofarynxcarcinoom  hypofractionated adjuvant radiotherapy  hypofractionated breast RT for 1 week versus 3 weeks  hypofractionated IMRT  hypofractionated postmastectomy radiation therapy  hypofractionated postmastectomy radiotherapy  hypofractionated preoperative radiotherapy  hypofractionated RT  hypofractionated SRS  hypofractionated SRT to the resection cavity  hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy  hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy after surgery for brain metastases  hypofractionated versus conventional RT  hypofractionated versus conventionally fractionated RT  hypofractionated versus conventionally fractionated whole-breast irradiation  hypolipidemic drugs  hypomethylating agents  hyponatremie  HYPOR  HYPORT-STS  HYPRO  hysterectomy  I CARE study secondary outcome  I CARE trial  I T DIN GM-CSF  I-131 labelled metuximab  i-ALCL  I-SPY 2 trial  I-SPY2 three-year follow-up analysis  I-SPY2 trial  I+V versus FCR  I2D  iadademstat plus azacitidine  iAMP21  IARC  IBC  IBC versus SBC  IBC with exceptional response to NST  IBCSG 23-01 trial  IBD  iberdomide plus dexamethasone  IBI318  IBI351  IBIS II  IBIS-I  IBIS-II trial 10 year follow-up  IBM Watson  IBR  ibrutinib  ibrutinib –bortezomib  ibrutinib discontinuation  ibrutinib followed by ofatumumab consolidation  ibrutinib for CLL  ibrutinib maintenanc  ibrutinib monotherapy  ibrutinib plus fludarabine  ibrutinib plus palbociclib  ibrutinib plus rituximab  ibrutinib plus venetoclax  ibrutinib versus ofatumamab  ibrutinib with or without ublituximab  ibrutinib-obinutuzumab-venetoclax combination  ibrutinib-rituximab versus chemoimmunotherapy  ibrutinib-rituximab versus placebo-rituximab  ibuprofen  ICANS prophylaxis with anakinra  ICARIA-MM study  ICARIA-MM subgroep analysis  ICB  ICB for SCLC  ICBP SURVMARK-2 study  ICC  ICC versus STC  iCCA  ICd versus Id  ICE3 trial  ICI  ICI dosing strategy  ICI effectiveness  ICI efficacy  ICI for aNSCLC  ICI for GBM  ICI monotherapy  ICI plus VEGFR inhibitor therapy for aRCC  ICI rechallenge  ICI therapy  ICI therapy in IBD patients  ICI treated mUC  ICI treatment  ICI use during pregnancy  ICI use in real-life practice  ICI versus chemotherapy  ICI with or without chemotherapy followed by resection of primary tumor  ICI with or without SBRT  ICI with or without SRS  ICI-AKIs  ICI-associated irAEs terminology  ICI-associated neurotoxicities  ICI-induced autoimmunity  ICI-naïve A R NSCLC  ICI-pretreated stage IV NSCLC  ICI-refractory advanced melanoma  ICI-related multisystem immune-related adverse events  ICI-related myocarditis  ICIs  ICIs after EGFR TKIs  ICIs and chemotherapy  ICIs for advanced cSCCs  ICIs for advanced gastrointestinal cancers  ICIs for advanced non-small cell lung cancer  ICIs for advanced NSCLC  ICIs for advanced NSCLC in clinical practice  ICIs for advanced PLC  ICIs for advanced solid tumors  ICIs for aGEC  ICIs for aNSCLC  ICIs for cancer  ICIs for cancer in clinical practice  ICIs for cancer in patients with autoimmune disease  ICIs for HNSCC  ICIs for lung cancer or malignant melanoma  ICIs for mCRC  ICIs for melanoma  ICIs for melanoma in patients with preexisting autoimmune disease  ICIs for metastatic cancer  ICIs for metastatic cancers in solid organ transplant recipients  ICIs for metastatic melanoma. early prediction of pseudoprogression  ICIs for metastatic renal and urothelial cancer  ICIs for mNSCLC  ICIs for mRCC  ICIs for MSI-H metastatic colorectal cancer  ICIs for mUC  ICIs for non-small cell lung cancer  ICIs for NSCLC  ICIs for NSCLC in patients with pre-existing autoimmune disorders  ICIs for rare cancers  ICIs for solid malignancies  ICIs for solid tumors  ICIs plus anlotinib  ICIs plus anti-VEGF therapy with or without TACE  ICIs plus bevacizumab  ICIs plus chemotherapy  ICIs plus statins  ICIs with or without denosumab  ICLL-07 FILO trial  ICLL07 FILO study  ICON6-studie  ICON8 study  ICON8-studie  ICPi  ICs  ICU-opname  idarubicine plus cytarabine plus nivolumab  IDC versus ILC  iddEPC-studie  ide-cel  IDEA collaboration  IDEA database  IDEA-collaboration  IDEAL secondary analysis  idecabtagene vicleucel  idelalisib  identification of patients with high recurrence risk  identification of patients with underrecognized symptoms  IDH mutant and wildtype LGG  IDH mutation  IDH mutation status  IDH wildtype glioblastoma  IDH-mutant CNS WHO grades 2 or 3 astrocytoma  IDH-mutant diffuse glioma  IDH-mutant lower-grade glioma and glioblastoma  IDH-mutated acute myeloid leukemia myelodysplastic syndrome  IDH-wildtype GBM  IDH-wildtype supratentorial GBM  IDH1 2-mutant low-grade glioma  IDH1 IDH2-mutant solid tumors  IDH1 mutation  IDH1-expressie  IDH1-mutant glioma  IDH1-mutant LGG  IDH1-mutant solid tumors  IDH1-mutated AML  idiopathische membraneuze nefropathie  idiopatische MCD  IDO PD-L1 targeting peptide vaccine plus nivolumab  Idylla  IELSG-19 studie  IELSG32 trial 7-year results  IELSG32-studie  ieramilimab with or without spartalizumab  IES  IFCT-0302 trial  IFCT-2104 CAPMATU  IFD  IFG  IFM 2009  IFN-onderhoudsbehandeling  IFRT  IFTC-1703 R2D2 trial  Ig paraproteïn  IGBT  IGF-1  IGF-1R expressie  IGF2-AS  IgM MGUS  IGT  IHC  IHCA  IHCC  IHGV mutational status  IHP  IHT  iIC versus iC  IIIA-N2 NSCLC  ijzersuppletie  IKEMA trial  IKFZ1-deletie  IKFZ1-deletion  IKZF1-deletie  IL-12 plasmid transfection  IL-6  IL-8  ILC  ILC in premenopausal patients  illness perception and outcomes in cancer  iLLUMINATE study  image-guided intensity modulated radiation therapy  Imaging  imaging surveillance  imaging-based prostate cancer screening  IMAJEM-studie  imatinib  imatinib after other multi-kinase inbitors  imatinib plus binimetinib  iMATRIX study  IMbrave 150 study  IMbrave050  IMbrave150  IMbrave150 study  IMbrave151  IMbrella A trial  IMCL-2015 trial  IMD  IMDC  imetelstat  IMiDs  imiquimod  immediate vs deferred cytoreductive nephrectomy  IMmotion 151 trial  IMmotion 151-studie  IMmotion151 trial  immune cells in mesothelioma microenvironment  immune checkpoint blockade  immune checkpoint inbition for cancer  immune checkpoint inhibition  immune checkpoint inhibition for unresectable HCC  Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor  immune checkpoint inhibitor associated acute kidney injury  immune checkpoint inhibitor for NSCLC  immune checkpoint inhibitor induced pituitary dysfunction  immune checkpoint inhibitor rechallenge after irAE  immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy  immune checkpoint inhibitor trials  immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced colitis  immune checkpoint inhibitor-mediated diarrhea and colitis  immune checkpoint inhibitors  immune checkpoint inhibitors for AML  immune checkpoint inhibitors for metastatic cutaneous melanoma  immune effector cell-associated neurotoxity syndrome  immune effects of rituximab  immune health  immune infiltration  immune markers of nivolumab response  immune microenvironment  immune phenotype  immune response  immune status  immune-mediated diarrhea and colitis  immune-related adverse events  immune-related adverse events and efficacy of avelumab  immune-related enteritis  immune-related gene expression in osteosarcoma  immune-related meningitis  immune-related pneumonitis  IMMUNED study  immunocheckpoint blockade  immunochemottherapy  immunocompromised cancer patients  immunogenicity and safety in patients with solid cancer  immunogenicity of metastatic breast cancer  immunogenomic biomarker analysis  immunoglobuline lichte-keten amyloïdose  immunologically quiescent melanoma  immunomodulatory TNBC  immunophenotyping of TILs and PBLs  IMMUNOSARC  Immunoscore  immunosuppression  immunosuppressive therapy for management of MDS  immunotherapeutic boost  immunotherapy  immunotherapy after chemotherapy and radiation for stage III NSCLC  immunotherapy after surgery of the primary tumor  immunotherapy for advanced cancers  immunotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer  immunotherapy for advanced stage cancer  immunotherapy for EGFR ALK wild-type advanced NSCLC  immunotherapy for malignancies  immunotherapy for melanoma  immunotherapy for metastatic melanoma  immunotherapy for NSCLC  immunotherapy initiation at EOL  immunotherapy or chemoimmunotherapy  immunotherapy plus stereotactic radiotherapy  immunotherapy rechallenge  immunotherapy versus BSC  immunotherapy versus chemotherapy  immunotherapy with or without live bacterial supplementation  immunotherapy-based TNT  immunotherapy-related pruritus  immutherapy  immuuncheckpointremmers  immuunrespons  immuunsuppressie  immuuntherapie  IMPAC  IMPACT  impact of adjuvant regimes  impact of adjuvant therapies on outcomes  impact of advances in treatment  impact of age  impact of age and frailty  impact of age at diagnosis on survival  impact of age on melanoma response to bevacizumab  impact of age on outcomes  impact of age on outcomes of dual anti-HER2 therapy  impact of alcohol and smoking and FRP  impact of ancestry on frequency of actionable alterations  impact of antibiotics  impact of antiviral therapy for chronic hepatitis C  impact of asparaginase discontinuation on outcome  impact of attending surgeon  impact of baseline body mass index  impact of biopsy frequncy on metastasis and mortality  impact of BMI  impact of body composition factors  impact of bone metastases  impact of BRAF V600E K mutation status  impact of breast cancer treatment on employment  impact of breast screening programme on mortality in England  impact of calcium channel blocker use  impact of cancer on COVID-19 outcomes  impact of care fragmentation on outcomes  impact of celebrity’s disclosure of leukemia  impact of center volume on outcomes of adverse events  impact of centralization within hospital systems  impact of cisplatin-based chemotherapy on risk of metachronous contralateral disease  impact of Combined Positive Score  impact of comorbidities on overall survival  impact of concomitant antihypertensive medication  impact of concomitant PPIs on survival  impact of concurrent dexamethasone on clinical benefit  impact of conditioning intensity  impact of COVID-19 on treatment and short-term mortality  impact of COVID-19 pandemic  impact of cumulative exposure to premenopausal obesity  impact of detailed family history  impact of diet  impact of disease stage  impact of ECD  impact of EGFR mutation and ALK rearrangement  impact of epigenetics on association of aspirin use with mortality after breast cancer  impact of ER status on survival  impact of ET adherence  impact of experimental molecular-matched therapies on cancer outcomes  impact of facility caseload  impact of facility surgical caseload volume on survival  impact of FIT-screening on CRC incidence and outcomes in The Netherlands  impact of follow-up time  impact of germline BRCA1 or BRCA2 or PALB2 mutation on platinum response  impact of germline mutations  impact of glycemic status  impact of high TMB on response rates  impact of HIV infection  impact of hormone receptor status  impact of ILD on outcomes of lung cancer surgery  impact of imaging intensity on survival after systemic therapy  impact of intratumoral Escherichia  impact of low-dose aspirin  impact of lower airway dysbiosis on progression  impact of metabolic syndrome  impact of metastatic pattern  impact of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity  impact of molecular subtype and race  impact of molecular subtypes on incidence and prognosis of CNS metastases  impact of NST on postoperative complications  impact of obesity  impact of oophorectomy on breast cancer survival in patients with CHEK2 mutations  impact of optimizing diagnostic workup and reducing time to treatment  impact of overweight and obesity  impact of overweignt and obesity  impact of patient age  impact of POD24 on survival  impact of polypharmacy on AI adherence  impact of poverty  impact of pre-existing CVD on mortality  impact of pregnancy on genomic landscape  impact of primary tumor surgery  impact of prior CT or RT on efficacy of durvalumab for NSCLC  impact of prior or concurrent antibiotic therapy  impact of prior ruxolitinib  impact of prior therapy  impact of prior treatment  impact of prior treatments  impact of probiotics use  impact of race  impact of race and age on response to NACT and long-term outcomes  impact of race ethnicity  impact of race ethnicity on OS  impact of race on outcomes  impact of race on outcomes of definitive RT  impact of radiation facility volume  impact of screening  impact of screening on OPE diagnosis  impact of solid cancer on in-hospital mortality  impact of stewardship program  impact of subtype on axillary pCR to neoadjuvant therapy  impact of subtype on GKS outcomes  impact of surveillance  impact of T2D  impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on new diagnoses of cancers  impact of TP53 genomic alterations on CD19 CAR T-cell therapy  impact of treatment modality on performance of prognostic factors  impact of tumor size and high-risk features on chemotherapy benefit  impact on antitumor immunity in cancer patients  impact on breast cancer incidence and mortality  impact on breast cancer risk  impact on cancer risk in men  impact on cancer stage at diagnosis  impact on COVID-19 survival  impact on CRC incidence and mortality  impact on CRC screening rate  impact on diagnosis and initial treatment of breast cancer in The Netherlands  impact on Dutch lung cancer care  impact on frequency of biopsy and tumor grade  impact on functional age and mortality  impact on long-term risk of morbidity  impact on memory  impact on metastatic behavior and outcome  impact on OC risk in African American and White women  impact on OS  impact on outcome  impact on outcomes  impact on outcomes of durvalumab for NSCLC  impact on patients’ treatment experience and treatment discontinuation  impact on recurrence and survival  impact on sexual function  impact on short-term mortality  impact on survival  impact on survival and recommended treatment intensity  impact on survival of cancer patients  impact on survival of patients with cancer  impact on treatment and survival of cancer patients  impact on treatments for metastatic solid cancer in the USA  IMPACT program  IMPACT study  Impact van timing van adjuvante chemotherapie voor vroeg-stadium mammacarcinoom  IMPACT-studie  IMPACT2  IMPARTER  IMpassion031 trial  IMpassion130 study  IMpassion130 study updated results  IMpassion130 trial  IMPATTO study  implementation of best practices in pancreatic care  implications of minimal residual disease detection  IMPORT LOW study  IMpower010  IMpower010 study  IMpower010 trial  IMpower110 study  IMpower130 trial  IMpower132 trial  IMpower133 Study  IMpower133 updated analyses  IMpower150 final overall survival analyses  IMpower150 regimen  IMpower150 study  IMpower150 trial safety and PROs  IMpower150-studie  IMPRESS-studie  IMPROVE study  IMPROVE trial  improvements in survival between 2009 and 2022  improvent over time in posttransplant outcomes